
Chapter 1

"I can't believe he finally asked me out," Kayla squealed.

Alessandra smiled as Kayla Huisӕ, better known as Kay and Alessandra's best friend in the world, bounced up and down on her toes. John, the guy Kayla had been crazy about since their entry year in secondary school, had finally asked her out.

"I have been hinting for him to ask me out since Todd and I broke up," Kayla sighed.

"He probably wanted to be respectful of Todd. I mean they are kind of friends," Alessandra smiled.

Kayla had been bursting at the seams for the last hour as they made their way to mall. Despite Aless's continual questions, Kayla didn't want to tell her until they reached the mall. Now as they strolled around the mall, Kayla began to gush. It was beautiful fall day, so the girls enjoyed the warm air as it wafted down into the open spaces of the mall. People bustled around them, picking up clothes, food, and other needed things. Aless loved the mall. It was one place that Aless could go and see so many different people with their Josӕng. No two people ever had the exact same Josӕng. Seeing other people's Josӕng always gave her ideas for her own.

"So? What does Todd have to do with John and me?" Kayla blinked at Aless confused.

Sighing Aless knew better than to try and explain it to Kay. Kay didn't care much about her ex's feelings.

"There is a reason they are an ex," she would always tell Aless.

Pausing to let an older woman and her young daughter dart by, Aless tried not to visibly shake her head at Kay.

"Never mind. Where does John want to take you for your date?"

"Well, that's the thing…"

"What do you mean 'that's the thing.' I don't like when there is a thing, Kay."

"He wants to take me to the movies, but he was hoping it could be a double date…."

"With who?"

"You and…."

Kay's voice trailed off and Aless could not make out the name of the person she said, which meant it was someone bad. Stopping in her tracks, Aless placed her hands on her hips and frowned at Kayla. Sighing this time, Kayla knew that look. Aless was not going to be played with today.

"Tyler," Kay said flatly, already knowing the reaction.

"Tyler? Tyler the guy who had been bugging me for a date all semester. No, I mean since he saw me at the beach in a bikini this summer, Tyler? The one who stared like a frog at my dolae tattoos? Tyler the Octopus?"

Kayla placed a pitiful expression on her face, but Alessandra wasn't having any of it. She vividly remembered the incident at the beach. After a fresh dive into the ocean, she had emerged to find Kayla talking to John and Tyler. Upon seeing her in her bikini, Tyler's eyes had almost popped out his head. Since Aless had not been excepting any male company, she had chosen to wear her tanning bikini, which rode lower on her hips. The lower cut of the swimsuit left her dolae exposed. All girls Alessandra's age had dolaes. They were a sign that the girl had successfully reach her menstruation age. Most girls' dolaes, which ran from the top of the hip bone down to the top of the bikini line, following the angle of the hip bones, were of vines and flowers for fertility and growth. They were beautiful, but there was not usually a lot of variation. Aless's dolae was different.

Her dolae had been designed by her deceased mother. Sydney Yᴔsin, knowing that she was dying, had spent month creating the perfect dolae for her daughter. Aless's father had given it her as her fourteenth birthday gift to show he acknowledged her beginning puberty. As a result, Aless's dolae was very personal to her. She knew most girls showed their dolae when at the beach and even in her regular bikini part of Aless's dolae did show, but to have it full exposed and gawked at made Alessandra upset. Thinking about it, Aless laid her hand on her pelvic area, thinking of its beautiful design.

"Can you blame him? Your tattoos are artwork. I wish I had gotten mine after you did. I would have borrowed your design," Kay said jealously.

It was true. Aless's dolae was art. The design was of delicate, intricate wind interwoven with gentle waves of water and lace-like stars. Kay's dolae was also beautiful, but much bolder and more traditional. Each side of her hips bore wide crescent shaped vines that overlapped and crossed with two large open orchids resting in the middle. The detail was beautiful, but the tattoos were larger than most girls got and very attention grabbing. Unmoved by her flattery, Alessandra stared hard at Kay. Switching tactics, Kayla spoke again quickly.

"Look, he and John are good friends and Tyler and John both really want to go out with us."

"No. I am not going out with Tyler. I have been trying to avoid him since the First Sun month!"

"John says Tyler is a really nice guy, but that he just tries to compensate for his insecurities too much."

"John says that because he doesn't have a vagina that Tyler wants to get into."


Laughing loudly, Kayla smacked her friend on the arm. It was true. Tyler had a bad reputation for grabby hands and having a dog with a bone attitude about getting into a girl's pants. For some girls it worked and others it didn't. Despite that, Tyler was a pretty popular guy. Personally, Alessandra couldn't stand that type of guy and she never dated someone from their school. In fact, she had only had one boyfriend since secondary year. He had been from the private secondary school in their town and the relationship had only last three months. Honestly, Aless preferred to spend her time with Kayla and their other girlfriends.

Actually, Alessandra preferred doing a lot of things other than spending her time with a boyfriend. Since the age of ten, Aless had trained in Pakido, an intense self-defense art, which her father had signed her up for after robbers had broken into their house while he was gone on a business trip. Aless had managed to escape unnoticed and got to the neighbors for help. The event had been very traumatic for Aless and she had cried whenever her father would leave the house. So, to help Alessandra get over her fears, her father signed her up for Pakido, believing it would strengthen her confidence. It had never occurred to him that he could just stay home with his young daughter. Of course, such thoughts never occurred to Aaron Yᴔsin. After her mother died over ten years ago, Aaron threw himself into his work. As a partner in some fortune five hundred company, he was always too busy to be home. In fact, Alessandra hadn't seen her father in about a month. Yet he would call, leave notes, gifts, and money in lieu of his presence.

Although at times lonely, his absence did allow Aless to enjoy her social life. Most weekends she went out dancing, something Alessandra loved more than even Pakido. Luckily, Aless and Kayla knew a few clubs that didn't mind looking the other way for pretty underaged girls, especially since Aless and Kayla would both be eighteen and of legal age in a few months.

"I know this is big favor I'm asking, Aless," Kayla finally said seriously, "but I really want to go out with John. I have since entry year."

"I know," Aless nodded somberly.

"I know Tyler is a creep, but if you could just manage one date with him for me…"



Holding Alessandra's gaze, Kayla knew she had won when Aless looked away and put her hands in her jean pockets. That was her sign of submission.

"Fine. One date. That's it, Kay. I am serious. I do not want to hear you ask for another double date like this again."

"I won't! I promise!"

Kay threw her arm around her best friend and smiled. Rolling her eyes, Alessandra laughed half-heartedly, knowing she was going to regret her decision.

That Hyaloc, the final day of their school week, Kayla came over to Aless's house to dress. Kayla had bought a new mini skirt and cute top for the date. She fussed over her hair and begged Aless to help her with her make-up.

"Do you think I should draw a temporary Josӕng?" Kay asked.

She studied her face in the mirror, carefully examining Aless's handiwork.

"No, Kay. That's silly. Everyone will know it just temporary," Aless shook her head.

"Yes, but lots of girls wear temporary Josӕng now. Its fashionable and it allows us to see what design we like best," Kay countered.

"I don't think it will impress John. He's pretty traditional. And if you were to wear a temporary Josӕng, I think you should get it done professionally. You don't want to accidentally have messy lines or something. That could be embarrassing."

"Wow. I hadn't thought about that. You are right, but maybe tomorrow we can go check out a professional place."


Kay turned her face this way and that, examining herself. Her long, silken brunet hair was styled with a single braid, which started at the top right of her face and wrapped around to the back where is hung on top of the rest of her hair. Thanks to meticulous care, Kay's skin glowed, blemish free. Her naturally rosy lips were full and lay only a finger's width away from her perfectly shaped nose. Kay's face was well balanced with gentle yet distinct cheek bones and soft hazel eyes. In Aless's opinion, Kay could have been a model. She was always perfectly manicured and had a graceful elegant body. The short skirt and cute top only emphasized this. Aless didn't deny she was jealous of her friend's physical perfection.

Squelching a sigh, Aless looked down at herself. She had chosen to dress in jeans and a tank top. She wasn't trying to impress Tyler and wanted to be comfortable. Yet standing next to Kay, whose large chest made Aless feel inadequate, Alessandra wondered if she should change. For the most part, Alessandra liked her body. She was well toned from Pakido without being too muscular. She possessed an impressively flat stomach, which she loved to show off with belly tops, a petite waist, slightly larger hips, and an average sized chest.

"You are going to put on some make up, right?" Kay asked.

Looking up, Aless saw Kay staring at her in the mirror.

"I hadn't planned on it," Alessandra admitted.

"Come on, Aless. I know you don't want to go on this date, but you could at least put a little effort into it."

Judging Kay's jutting jaw, Aless knew she would lose the argument, so she sighed openly and stepped next to Kay in front of the mirror. She applied the bare minimal make up, smoothening out her skin with foundation, accenting her nonexistent cheek bones with blush, and highlighting her excessively long eyelashes with mascara. Normally, Aless's eyelashes were invisible because they were so white blonde, but, when she put mascara on, they went from invisible to bam! People often asked Aless if she wore falsies.

Turning to go check her phone, Kay walked out to the bathroom. Scrunching her nose, Aless examined herself. Her skin was nice but no were near as smooth and perfect as Kay's. Once a month around her menstruation, she always had a small break out around her chin. It drove her crazy. Her eyes and nose, she felt, were too big for her face. Not to say she had a huge nose, but it was more rounded on the end than Kayla's, very much like Aless's father. She also had her father's distinct jaw line which made her face somewhere between a heart and a circle. Kay always teased that Aless would have made a pretty boy because of her jaw line and that her large dark silver eyes with streaks of aqua blue made her look like pin-up cartoon. Kayla called Aless's large eyes "moon eyes."

"Stop worrying about your eyes," Kay called from the bedroom. "Guys love big moon eyes."

Biting her lips, Aless wished she would take some of the size from her nose and eyes and place it in her lips. They were petite and delicate, a soft shade of pink with a gentle lavender-rose tint. Kayla told her she had pouty lips, whatever that meant. Brushing out her long wavy hair, Aless smiled as she ran her fingers through strands honey gold. Out of everything, Aless loved her hair. She had her mother's hair.

Turning, Aless left the bathroom. Examining her, Kay nodded in approval. Her eyes rested on Aless's right shoulder.

"Aren't you going to cover that up?" Kay asked, her tone annoyed.

Shaking her head, Aless didn't even to look down. She knew Kay was talking about her gotong, or mourning tattoo. Spreading from her the end of her shoulder down the top of her arm, Aless had a brilliantly white five-point star made of dancing waves and rows of traditional boxed diamonds. The brilliant white stood out against Aless's skin and made it seem as if the tattoo shone. It was an unorthodox tattoo since most gotong were worn by men. Aless had gotten it only a year ago to mark her mother's ten-year death anniversary. It embarrassed Kayla, because it was "unfeminine."

"Did you have to get it in such a bright white?" she complained for the millionth time.

"Yes," Aless replied flatly.

"Women don't get gotong as a general rule, Aless, and, if they do, they get small, delicate ones on their hands and wrists, not their shoulders like a man's band."

"I like my tattoo," Aless said coldly.

The iciness in her voice signaled to Kayla that she was treading on dangerous grounds. Knowing when to shut up, Kay rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but it's kind of a mood killer, Aless," Kay said. "This is a date."

"So, you have reminded me, but it is hot out and I am comfortable in a tank top. It's not like John and Tyler haven't seen it before. I mean they see it almost every day in school."

"You are hopeless."

Kay groaned and headed downstairs. Following, Aless stuck her tongue out at Kay's back. Downstairs they snacked a little while waiting for the boys. At seven sharp, the boys arrived in John's car. He drove an expensive sports car with his Josӕng design painted along the sides, a stream of flowing Xs that ended a curved crescent. A sickle. While it was now popular for teenagers to show their Josӕng designs, the sickle, the leaf, the moon, the sun, and so on, Aless found it to be flashy and unauthentic. It made her realize that maybe John wasn't as traditional as she had thought. Examining the gaudy display of his Josӕng, Aless realized the car only had two doors. As soon as Aless saw this, she grimaced. Tyler and she would be stuck in the small back.

They all did the usual greetings and small talk. Aless made sure that Kayla did not mention that Aless's father was gone on another business trip. She didn't want Tyler getting any ideas. Once the movie and everything was agreed upon, they climbed into the car. Being a "gentleman" Tyler let Aless climb in first. She gritted her teeth because she knew he was looking at her butt and she was thankful she wore jeans. One inside the backseat, Aless found Tyler pressed against her. Despite the lack of room in the car, he chose to sit in the middle seat, so their legs were pressed together.

John, Kayla, and Tyler began talking. They were laughing and joking about something and Aless would occasionally join in. Yet most of her attention was focused on Tyler's left hand, which kept finding its way to her right thigh. At first it just lay on her leg, but after a while, as he got comfortable, he started to rub the inside of her thigh with his thumb. When it began to travel up her leg, she subtly pushed it back towards her knee. In a few moments, it started traveling again up her leg, so she gritted her teeth again and took it in her hand. Cocking his head to the side to look at her, Tyler smiled coyly as they held hands. He thought she was being sweet and playful, while, in reality, she was trying not to deck him in his smug face.

At the theater, the date did not go much better. The movie, "Lights Out, Ms. Daisy," was a brand-new horror film so the theater was packed with people trying to see it on its premier day. There was so little space that John and Kayla had to sit separately from Tyler and Alessandra. Aless made sure to send her friend a nasty look as Tyler volunteered to take the top most corner seats in the theater. They were isolated and dark since the seats near them were broken and the view of the movie would only be okay, not great.

"I'm not much in horror, John," Tyler smiled, "so we'll be okay with a so-so view. I know you love these movies."

"Are you sure it's okay with you?" John asked Alessandra.

Giving him points for asking her opinion, Aless saw Kayla's pleading face and she nodded.

"I'm not much into horror movies too," she admitted.

Aless knew Kay wanted to use the movie as an excuse to cuddle with John. In all honesty, Aless thought horror movies were overrated and rarely original.

"It's settled then," Tyler beamed.

Wrapping an arm around Aless, he led her up the stairs. Aless quickly mouthed I hate you to Kayla, which John luckily missed. Once in their seats, Tyler and Aless sat quietly. He asked a few questions and she returned them, trying her best to be pleasant. When the movie began, Tyler put his arm around her and she stiffened but permitted it. About five minutes into the movie, Tyler began to nuzzle her neck and stroke her hair. Focusing hard on the movie, Alessandra pretended he wasn't there, hoping he'd get the hint. He didn't. Soon his hands began to wander. When his hands tried touching her legs or chest, she grabbed them and held them. Unfortunately, this didn't seem to deter him, but rather he seemed endeared. Close to twenty minutes in, Tyler began kissing her neck, holding her hair back so he could reach her skin freely. Grinding her teeth, Aless didn't want to make a scene in such a public place so she wiggled and tried to be out of his reach.

"Does it tickle?" he breathed into her ear.

"No, I'm trying to watch the movie."

"I'm enjoying watching you. You make such cute expressions when I tickle you with my lips."

Pretending she did not hear him, Aless focused all her energy on the movie. Quickly his kissing became more passionate and involved as he kissed her shoulder and collar bone. Damn tank top Aless inwardly cursed.

"Tyler, I really want to watch the movie," she finally hissed, causing him to pause.

"Then watch it, baby," he said, his voice thick with desire. "Don't mind me."

"You should watch it too. You may like it," she tried again.

"I like you, Aless. I want to watch you."

He brushed back her long hair and she wanted to slap him but resisted. For Kayla she kept reminding herself. By the middle of the movie, she could barely keep a hold of his hands which were struggling like crazy to caress and feel her. Not able to take anymore, she quickly guzzled down the rest of her drink and stood up.

"Bathroom," she said in hiss so not to bother the other movie goers.

"Oh, okay," he said with a small smile.

As she edged her way out of the row of seats, Aless saw Tyler adjust himself. Gross, she thought. Bolting down the aisle and out of the theater, Alessandra could only think of washing up. Running out of the theater, she bumped into someone, barely managed a sorry, and then slipped into the bathroom. Once inside she took deep calming breaths. Alessandra wasn't normally good at controlling her temper. She had a short fuse as Kayla liked to say. Carefully she washed her neck and shoulder to get rid of Tyler's slobber. She hid in there for a good ten minutes before leaving. Outside, Aless saw a young man leaning against the wall by the bathroom entrance as if waiting for someone.

"Excuse, ma'am," he said to her as she exited.

"Yes?" she smiled politely and looked at him

Her eyes met dark milk-chocolate eyes and bow-curved smiled. A strong nose fit his face and complimented its long heart shape. The shirt he wore exemplified the toned muscles he maintained and there was the faint smell of car oil around him. His hair hung shaggy on his head, but his beautiful crescent Josӕng still stood out. Immediately, Alessandra wished to take a closer look, but knew that would be weird and rude. Aless guessed he could not be much older than she was.

"You dropped your cell phone on your way to the bathroom," he said politely, holding up her cellphone to her.

"Oh my god, thank you!" she gasped in horror at her own carelessness.

"You must have really had to go. You didn't even notice when you bumped into me and you were in there a long time. I almost sent an employee in after you," he grinned at her.

The smile he gave her was mischievous and exhilarating. Her initial thought was this boy is trouble.

"I was just taking a break," she admitted, blushing.

"Movie too scary for you?"

"Rather a scary date."

"Oh, you are on a date."

His smile fell slightly, and Alessandra blushed more.

"Yeah, well it's a double date and not my idea."

"Oh, you are playing the wing man."


"So not into your date?"

"Let's say he's a little forward for my taste."

"Oh, one of those guys. You must be a good friend to be taking the bullet like this."

"Yeah, well being a good friend is a pain in the ass sometimes."

"Tell me about. I went on a double date with my guy DJ a few weeks ago and the girl still won't stop calling me."

"You don't like her?"

"She a little too desperate for affection for me. I mean she wore those low-cut jeans that show the tips of her dolae on the date. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but those tatts should only be seen in bathing suits and underwear,"

"Maybe we should introduce her to my date."

They both laughed, and Aless found herself incredibly attracted to this stranger.

"My name is Alessandra. Most people call me Aless," she said holding out her hand.

"Danny," he replied taking her hand in his.

He had warm hands with mild calluses on his palms. She enjoyed the feel of a man's hands that obviously worked for a living. Maybe that was something that had to do with her father. But she was no shrink.

"You should be getting back to your date," he finally said, though his voice sounded disappointed.

"I really don't want to," she admitted.

"Then don't. Stay here and talk to me."

"Really? Don't you have a movie?"

"I'm here with my sisters. It's some chick-flick. It's very emasculating."

Giggling, Aless nodded as if she understood.

"Okay. Let's just stay here and talk then."

So, they talked for the rest of the movie. Alessandra didn't even think about how much explaining she would have to do when Tyler and Kayla came out. At that moment, she didn't care. Danny intrigued her, and she felt so comfortable talking to him. By the time the movie was over, Aless didn't want to leave with Tyler. She wanted to stay and talk more with Danny.

"Don't worry," he whispered as her theater began to empty. "I put my number in your phone."

"When?" she gasped.

"When we bumped into each other the first time. I know that sounds kind of crazy and weird, but I just had this feeling," he explained, his eyes transfixed on her.

"Then I'll message you later tonight. Once I'm free from my date."

"Sounds great."

He waved goodbye as he slipped into the crowd. Tyler and Kayla found her fast and she quickly lied about the theater not letting her in because of no ticket. Tyler had insisted on holding on to the tickets. Luckily, they bought it. John didn't look convinced, but he said nothing. Instead he only smiled apologetically at her as if he knew what the truth was. From the theater, they went to dinner and talked. In a public place, Tyler acted appropriately, and Aless was even able to have some fun. At the end of the night, the boys dropped the girls off at their own homes. Tyler was eager to walk Aless to her door for her "safety." John and Kay stayed in the car, enjoying the privacy.

"I had a really good time tonight," Tyler told Aless at her front door. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

"I don't think so, Tyler. It was nice night, but I'm just not looking to date," Aless told him, trying to be nice as possible.

"You won't know if we don't try, Aless," Tyler smiled.

He quickly closed the space between them.

"I'm really not interested in dating right now."

Aless didn't back away. She thought doing so would make her seem submissive.

"We don't have to date. We could just hang out at your place or my place. Get to know each other better."

He wrapped an arm around her waist and she immediately felt her spine go rigid. Tyler only smiled at her. Wiggling to get out of his grip, Aless tried to keep a smile on her face too.

"That is sweet, Tyler, but I really am not into that," she replied quickly.

Looking for her keys, Aless thought he may get the hint that she was ready to go inside.

"That's probably because you haven't been with someone who knew what they were doing."

As she found her keys and looked up, he tried to kiss her. Thinking fast, Aless moved her head, so he got her cheek. Groaning, he kissed her neck and jaw line. She politely tried to push him away. Aless wasn't used to being in this situation and was not sure how to handle it.

"Come on, Aless," he moaned, "just one kiss goodnight."

"No, Tyler, I really don't want to," she protested.

Her polite push gained some strength as she continued to push against his chest as both of his arms wrapped around her.

"The lady said she is not interested," a voice cut in.

Instantly, both Aless and Tyler turned their heads to look. A strange man stood on the walkway near them. He wore a delivery uniform, heavy combat boots, and a ballcap. Under his arm was a package and in his hand was a signature board. Tyler curled his lip up at the man and Aless blushed plum with embarrassment.

"What business is it of yours?" Tyler snapped at the man.

"It's not my business. I'm just here to drop off a package, but I will make it my business if you don't back off and listen to the young lady," the man said calmly.

"Isn't it kind of late to dropping off packages?"

"I'm new to the route and it took me a long time. I got lost. Is that any of your business?"

Tyler looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. Turning back to Aless, he tried to kiss her one more time, but got her cheek again. Fuming, he stormed back to the car where Kay and John were waiting. Watching Tyler go back to his car and drive off, Aless felt as if the ground would swallow her up. Finally, the delivery man cleared his throat. His face was stoic and hard, making Aless feel worse.

"I am sorry you had to do that," she whispered.

Focusing on her feet, Aless couldn't meet the man's eyes.

"You shouldn't be so nice to a guy when he is pushing your boundaries. When you are nice, they don't listen," he told her coolly. "Unless you really were okay with him man handling you like that."

"I was not!" she barked.

Her eyes flashed as her embarrassment dissipated. Grinning, the man examined her. Her temper flared at him, herself, and Tyler. She was just mad overall.

"Good, then remember this anger next time and don't let him treat you that way."

"There won't be a next time."

"Even better. Can you sign for this package?"

"Yes, sure."

Taking the clipboard, she signed for the package, which was for her father. Probably an expensive gift from another company. He got a lot of them. Looking up, Aless saw the man's name tag. Balbhach. Not a Mᴔjin name. Maybe he was from Sᴔm or Sӕloun, the countries to the north and east of Mᴔjin.

"Uh, thank you," she said softly.

"No problem. I don't like seeing people being mistreated."

With that the delivery guy left. Still slightly chagrin, Aless went into her home. It was silent and empty. Going into the living room, she turned on the TV to a kid's channel and let the sound of cartoons fill the air. She always played the TV when she was home alone. It made the house feel fuller. Once the TV was playing, she showered to remove the smell of Tyler from her, then dressed in her pajamas. Crashing on her couch, she watched the brainless cartoons and relaxed. Her mind wandered to Danny and she couldn't help but smile. Remembering that she needed to message him, she quickly looked up his number in her phone. He had told the truth. Danny had entered his number into her phone under his name. Smiling, Aless sent him a message saying who she was and waited for his reply. Yet, before he could send a reply, Alessandra was asleep.

When Aless awoke the next day, she saw a message from Danny. It instantly made her smile. They messaged most of the day while she worked on her homework and cleaned the house. By dinner time, he had asked her out for day for following Hyaloc. Without even thinking, she agreed. Buzzing with excitement, Aless couldn't wait to tell Kayla. Calling her up, Alessandra invited Kay to sleep over that night, which Kay was happy to do. Most weekends, Kay would escape to Aless's house to sleep over. It was the only thing she could do to escape the loud fights her parents would have. Despite despising each other, Kay's parents refused to get a divorce. They claimed it was against their traditional beliefs, viewing divorce as an abhorrent sin.

"They are such hypocrites," Kayla complained that night. "They won't get a divorce because of their beliefs but they will yell and scream at each other for hours and then cheat on each other with other people. Isn't adultery against the Message too?"

"Yeah, it is," Aless nodded sadly. "There is just no rationalizing with some people."

"If I ever get married, I don't care if I get divorced twenty times. I am not staying married if I'm not happy," Kayla said bluntly. "Maybe I won't even marry for real. I'll just marry the guys for their money and divorce them like all those famous gold diggers."

"Kay, come on. You don't want that kind of life. It would be really depressing and most of those rich guys are really old," Aless shook her head at the very thought.

"That's true, but maybe I could handle it. You know I find money and power to be an aphrodisiac."

"You'd need a ton of aphrodisiac to sleep with someone who could be your grandpa."

"Okay, so I'll make it the requirement that he could be my father at most and be stinking rich."

Laughing, Alessandra smacked Kayla on the arm. She wished that Kay was joking but part of her knew Kay was serious. Kay had always been shallowly attracted to the richest, smartest, and best-looking guys in their school even if their personalities sucked, which often they did. She tolerated a lot of crap from guys who could make up for it with money and gifts.

"So how did things go with John?" Aless chose to change the subject.

"Really great. He was so sweet and he is actually a good kisser, not that we kissed that much, but I let him have a good night kiss while you and Tyler were saying good night," Kayla grinned sheepishly. "By the way, how did that go? Did it go okay or am I like permanently indebted to you?"

"You are totally indebted to me, but the night itself had some perks."

Using this as a segue, Aless told Kayla all about her part of the date. Kayla interjected her own comments on how gross Tyler was and was thrilled to hear about Danny.

"Girl, that's awesome. You haven't had a boyfriend in like two years. You need to meet someone," Kay beamed.

"Yeah, well it's too early to call him my boyfriend, but I'm not done yet," Aless giggled.

Continuing, Aless finally reached the end and told Kay about what happened at her front door with Tyler and the delivery guy, Kayla got upset.

"What a creep! You should have told me and John right away. John would never tolerate such behavior!" Kayla burst out, her face tinting periwinkle in anger. "I can't believe he would try to force himself on you even a little. And to suggest you two could just be friends with benefits, what a pig!"

"Yeah, luckily that guy was dropping off that package for my dad. He intervened."

"That was nice of him, but he is right. You can't be that nice with guys. If they think you are too nice or weak, they will do things you don't want."

"I know, but I'd never been in that situation before. You know I don't date a lot. I didn't want to cause a fight, but I didn't want to kiss him or anything."

"Now you know. You have to be a bitch sometimes."

Chuckling, Aless agreed. She knew better now than to be too nice. It was just a question of if she could stop acting too nice. Changing the subject, Aless redirected the attention back to John and then Danny. They speculated what Kayla's second date would be like with John and Aless's first date with Danny. It was fun and, half the time, crazy impossible. They ordered pizza for dinner and Kayla had a few glasses of wine. She always drank a little on the weekend, especially on nights that her parents were fighting. Alessandra was satisfied with the pizza and soda. This was not to say that Kayla drank too much. She rarely got drunk, capping herself off at two drinks. It just helped her relax.

"Hey, do you want to go dancing?" Kay asked.

She had finished her wine and they both were stuffed from pizza.

"Huh. Yeah, I would be up for dancing. We haven't been in a few weekends and I'd love to work off this pizza," Aless grinned.

"Great. Let's go change."

Giggling, the girls ran upstairs and threw on some club clothes. Heading out the door, they piled into Aless's car, which her father had bought as an apology gift for missing both her last birthday and her Pakido senior testing. In a flash, they arrived at Michin, one of their favorite clubs. It was large with four rooms and eight bars. Kay had already had her drinks for the night and Aless was driving, so both knew they weren't going to drink. Approaching the security guards, who they all knew by name, the girls smiled and flirted as they gave each one a hug. Spending about fifteen minutes talking to security, Aless and Kay felt amped and ready to party. Once inside, they immediately headed to the dance floor. For hours, they danced, sweat ruining their hair styles and wearing down their makeup, not that they cared. Under the black-lights, Aless's gotong glowed bright, appearing to fly as she twirled and danced. They danced with a few men, who were honestly too old for them, but mostly the girls just danced with each other.

"I need some water," Kay gasped.

"Okay, I'll save our space on the dance floor. Get me one too," Aless panted.

Her body felt electric and alive. Nothing but dancing gave her this feeling. She didn't want it to end by leaving the dance floor. Nodding, Kay weaved her way through the crowd. As she did, someone touched Aless's shoulder.

"Would you like to dance?" the voice asked.

Not bothering to look at the person, Aless shouted sure above the music. Aless didn't care what the person looked like as long as they didn't get too handsy. Moving together in time with the music, Aless found her new partner was a good dancer. Continuing to laugh, Aless lost herself to the music, closing her eyes. With her eyes closed, Aless could feel the pulse of the music and the heartbeat of her partner. Together they danced for about four songs before her partner suddenly spun and dipped Aless. Gasping in surprise and joy, Aless opened her eyes to look into the bluest-green eyes she had ever seen. It was like looking into dark sea glass. The man also appeared startled, for he straightened them both up and just stared at Aless. His shocked expression confused Alessandra until she realized it was the delivery guy from the night before.

"Hey! It's you," she grinned.

"It's you. What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Dancing, duh," she chuckled.

"Aren't you underage?"

"Only by two months and I know the security here. Why are you a cop or something?"

Winking, she laughed so hard she missed his stony expression. Forcing a smile, he shook his head.

"No, of course not. I just didn't expect to see an underage girl here."

"I'm just dancing. Its not like I'm drinking or getting high."

"Yeah, but It's not safe. You know that, right?"

"What are you? My dance partner or my dad?"

The question was silly for he was clearly too young to be her father. Guessing by his features, Aless assumed he had to be around twenty-four, but his eyes were so serious that she thought he could be older with a baby face. In the flashing lights, Aless could see his Josӕng. On either side of his face, on his temples, Aless saw a body made of three woven diamond which had four angled crescents threaded through them. A single crescent marked the designs mouth and Aless realized it was a spider. An animal Josӕng was unheard of in Mᴔjin culture, which could only mean he was from a different country. Mᴔjin Josӕng only permitted nature based Josӕng, never animals. Only Alᵫmdaun and Sӕloun cultures had animal Josӕng. Swiveling his head to look around, Aless saw that his spider Josӕng were tinted red. That would mean the ink used was very expensive. How could a delivery man afford such ink?

"You are very upfront for a girl who couldn't tell a guy to back off," he said.

Stunned, Aless stopped dancing and stared at him. Locking her jaw and narrowing her eyes, Aless opened her mouth to speak when he held up his hands.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for," he said.

"Yeah, it was."

"I have a bit of a temper, sorry."

"I do too, so I can understand, but watch it."

"It's good to see that you aren't really a pushover. I always appreciate strong women."

Blushing, Aless turned her face away from him to hide the heat in her cheeks. Bobbing up and down at the edge of the crowd, Kay's face beamed at Aless. Waving her over, Aless smiled again. The man watched her, his face expressionless.

"Aless, you wouldn't believe the line for water," Kay said breathlessly.

"I can imagine. You were gone for like seven songs," Aless replied. "Oh, Kay, this is that guy from last night. The one who helped me out with Tyler."

Turning, Aless pointed to her dance partner who blinked in surprise. He had not expected Aless to introduce him, let alone tell her friend about what had happened the previous evening. Bouncing up to him, Kay grabbed his hand and shook it eagerly.

"Oh, my goodness, I can't believe we ran into you here. It must be fate," Kay giggled.

Her body leaned forward ever so slightly, so the man got a good view of her chest and small hips. Crinkling her eyes in a smile, Kay tilted her head, highlighting her beautiful face in the club lights. Smothering a laugh, Aless knew this stance. It was Kay's flirty, knock-them-off-their-feet stance. It never failed and, based on the man's stunned expression, Aless knew it had worked again. No man was ever immune to Kay's beauty.

"It was nothing," he managed to stammer.

"It was so something!" Kay gushed. "That guy Tyler is such a creep and Aless is far too nice to tell him so."

"Kay," Aless interjected.

"What? We all know it's true. Aless, you are just too nice."

Turning to Aless's rescuer, Kay continued.

"You would never know that she is two tests away from beginning her top tier training in Pakido."

"You are?"

The man's face creased in surprise and respect.

"She has been studying it since she was ten. Her dad signed her up after these druggies broke into her house and she was home alone."

"Kay!" Aless interjected.

The conversation was getting a little too personal.

"You have always attracted trouble, huh?" the man teased.

"No, it was just that one time."

"She is being modest. She always attracts bad guys. It's those big moon eyes of hers," Kay shook her head.

"I do not have moon eyes!" Aless protested. "And I do not attract bad guys. I just don't date."

"She really doesn't."

Kay fake whispered this to the man, who gave Aless a teasing smile.

"Okay, okay! Enough about me. I just wanted Kay to meet you since I really appreciated you helping me out last night."

"It's not problem. As I said, I don't like seeing people being mistreated. I need to go catch up with my friends. Thank you for the dance."

He bowed and disappeared into the crowd.

"Hot!" Kay said, fanning herself.


"Well, he has kind of a baby face, but did you see his body? Damn. He must work out a lot."

"I didn't notice his body."

"You danced up close with him and you didn't notice all those muscles?"

"He wasn't bulky or anything."

"No, but I could see his six pack through his shirt. Jeez, Aless, I swear you are blind when it comes to men. I bet he liked you."

"He didn't even know it was me until a few minutes ago. He was really shocked. For a moment, I thought he was going to report us for being minors."

"We are only minors by two-three months."

"Still he seemed really upset that we were allowed in here illegally."

"He's a total wet blanket then."

"He seemed okay."

Searching the crowd, Alessandra tried to find the man in the crowd, but couldn't.

"What was his name again?" Kay asked.

Pausing, Aless thought for long moment.

"Huh. I don't know. I read it off his shirt, but it was some foreign name that I couldn't begin to pronounce."

"Oh, so he's from a different country. Even sexier."

Hugging Kayla, Aless laughed at her friend.

"Enough about him. Let's dance," Aless chuckled.