Reincarnated and killed several times, Blake Listerio a child born from a demon Lord and an Angel was casted down from the supreme realm to dwell in earth, grow his powers so that he'd be the protector, savior and the only one capable of stopping what is to come. But the moment disaster came, the Supreme realm went in an all-out battle dragging in the Megaverse with it. In the end, one man was left standing.
"What in the world?"
Blake was dumbfounded to realise that the harrowing flames was destroying this basement in less than nine hours. He had somehow managed to find the gateway, powered by the simmering runes. But, what could he do now? The Lieutenants wasn't going to let him off their sight. He was their slave after all. [Temple Slaves] have nohing to offer than being obedient to the Lieutenants and these immortals looks like they can rip a soul apart with just the bearing of their hands. Probably, the skin of their victim would turn grotesque and so unrecognizable. Infact, they do not take disobedience or batrayer likely that was why Blake decided that a careful plan was needed. He needs to decieve them before the end of nine hours. As it is said, no one knows when the nine hours might complete its cycle, plus the Citadel has nothing but night all through out. The only thing, giving away that fact was the realisation that the [Eternal Flames] still burns ferrociously from somewhere, but right now, that doesn't bothers him.
"Hey, scoundrel... don't forget to lift the heaviest cargo!"
The voice of one Lieutenants interrupted his thoughts.
'What a world'
Blake hissed, his eyes darting over to the Alter and the circular runes powering the gateway. Its light was dimly lit which didn't call any attention at all to anyone. Indeed, the gateway was carefully hidden in such a way that people with the ordinary eyes cannot find it. Even other temple slaves finds it extreemly hard to find the gateway. But due to Blake's ablity, [The eye of The gods] he was able to tell and locate the gateway. Maybe, his ability wasn't as useless as he thought it to be. There maybe other enchantments to it like, something that is able to dictate the hidden location of a fellow lineage. Obviously, Blake was from the lineage of gods so he was able to locate one of his kind but his own ability enhanced it even more.
Blake glared intricately at the heavy cargos and his hand grazed the top and then it ran to the bottom and he exerted the pressure which arched his muscles to lift...
It was damn heavy.
Infact, the cargo felt like a heavy mountain and his veins were popping out. His whole body was groaning due to the stress, his weak hands were shaking and adding ontop of that, one of the lieutenants whipped Blake with a slended cane for doing a lazy job.
'Sigh... what a man! I will kill you first before I leave.'
Blake was covered all over with the agonizing pain which permeated his whole being. If only he knew that their reason for bringing slaves out was to give them torture then, he would have gotten himself mentally prepared besides, this is not the worst he had got to face in life, he had gone ahead to battle humans, creatures and Heirlocks! What more could he ask for?
Blake turned to stare at the immortal who whipped him behind, but instead of making the situation more lethal, he ended up angering the the immortal even more and the result was several strokes landing on him.
A scream tore out of his lips so freely and the immortal grinned as their intentions to suffer him even more skyrocketed.
Blake managed to lift the cargo with an expression of grim contorted on his face and then he climbed the rough stairs slowly to prevent himself from toppling over due to the load.
The walked out of the inner basement and was now marching above the somber cathedral. The scorching heat of the [Eternal Flame] was now getting warmer as they ascended up an assimilated pavement ebbed with a dark ladder rope. The way to climb on was, submerging all of the weight on the other end of your body and then, letting the cargo dangle over the shoulders while using the other hand to climb up morbidly without them falling over. Anyone falling over posed a great danger of death to them so, they rather hold onto their dear life, that including Blake. It seems his cargo was the heaviest and he was the one having the most toughest times among other slaves being assigned to lift the cargos.
Blake didn't mind his condition, he was thinking about the gateway he had just found.
If the harrowing flames destroys the gateway, there might be possibly no other way out of the Vile Castle and that means, he would be a [Temple Slave] for life.
The backward Ichist had come and gone and before then, he had exerted power from all of the runes powering the gateways of every Alter god in the Linards Mountain. But failed to decipher from where the last runes was emanating from only to be finaly erased by time itself. But now, this particular gateway has been found but now on the verge of being destroyed. By what Blake had heard about harrowing flames, they have no mercy. Once they descend, everything withing their reach goes up in immaculate flames. Burning and scorching the whole arena, smolthering and melting everything as if being obscured by molten larva.
The harrowing flames were tiny when it comes to the distance it had between its target and the space itself. Eventually, it would reach and burn down all of the basement and then the alter, lastely eviscerating the gateway.
Blake was momentarily taken aback by the thought of it.
Being a Temple Slave for life isn't what Blake made out for himself. He wanted to seek his freedom not to become a permanent slave.
Finally, they came out of a manhole which was wide in size and then, the flat edge of the roof. They somehow reached the Vile Castle. When everyone dropped their cargos, Blake turned only to see things changing obviously. The wind kissed his skin as it took his hair only to drop. Immediately, the Lieutenant suddenly looked alarmed and Blake wondered why.
Over the horizon, a dark mesphere hovercraft dancing in the air. Tentacles as large as an automatic robot arm shot out and pierced the ground just meters away from where Blake stood. He only had to dodge, rolling off into different directions to prevent the tentacles from turning him into a puddle of blood. Blake turned to face the hovercraft with heavy resentment ebbed on his face.
The two tentacles were pinned chaotically on the flat edged Vile Castle and then a roppied sledge spew out from it embraces of dark iron. And then the next minute, a gargantuan figure emerged from the shadows. It has a gothic horn and two indepted spikes protruding out of its head. Its body was cladded in a scaly dark armour plate and Blake was dumbfounded at the sight of it. It was as if, it was a devious creature of the Underworld Groove but actually it wasn't. It was a dark god, and he was putting on the skin of a creature he had slained. Defeating a creature of this rank must prove that he was really powerful so Blake couldn't help but dread the person in the clothing of a creature.
Blake immediately took few steps back to the tentacle shooting into the Vile Castle. The hole the tentacles made into the castle was large enough for him to fit in so he just stood there just in case, because already he could smell blood from miles away.
"Immortals from the clan Wanvil, do I have my cargos delivered?"
The deep ardous voice of the said god reverberated out softly and the Lieutenants shook in fear due to the chrill shill he was able to invoke in them.
"Y-yes Lord Monk."
Lord Monk tilted his head to the side as it cracked slightly with him putting much effort on it like most people do.
"Ok, are these the human slaves to be sacrificed too?"
Blake suddenly felt his head swell that he stood frozen on one spot.
'S-sacrifice? They sacrifice the cargo lifter to the Lord Monk?'
Blake was almost feeling doomed, but the moment he saw Lord Monk shoot out tentacles and grabbed a kid on his head, lifting him off the flat edge of the roof. And then the next minute, splatter of blood dainted the cold marble floor and it sent fear deep into the spines of the other kids.
Blake stared at the Lieutenants and then into the deep hole before him, this was the only chance he had to escape without having his skull burst open by the blood sucking Monk.
'Fuck!! I've got to get out of here.'
"Make sure no one escapes!" The Monk reminded the Lieutenant and that instance, their eyes landed on Blake.
'What the..'
Even the Monk who was munching on his already maimed human body paused as he stared directly at Blake.
But it was too late for them, Blake immediately jumbed into the hole. And he got swallowed by the thick gust of darkness shrouding inside the Vile Castle. By the time the Lieutenants got to the opened hole, Blake was long gone.
Inside the Vile Castle...
Blake landed on his feet into the arched floor of the castle only to slip and fall deep into the dome.
Blake instantly summoned the [Night Tide] as he stood on alert to prevent more danger from lurking. Blake looked above where he had fallen from, but all he could see was thick darkness.
Blake sighs and he started to go back into the Cathdral. Lucky for him, the isle under it wasn't in anyway moving. Even the rattling of chains was far from being heard. The iron bridge was covering the edge and at all sides of the impassive bridge created as a loophole to make it easy for one to pass.
Once again, he entered into the somber cathedral and then as expected, it was litted by the [Eternal Flames] he was able to see around the corners and he was able to see other Lieutenants and he quickly went into hiding.