

Reincarnated and killed several times, Blake Listerio a child born from a demon Lord and an Angel was casted down from the supreme realm to dwell in earth, grow his powers so that he'd be the protector, savior and the only one capable of stopping what is to come. But the moment disaster came, the Supreme realm went in an all-out battle dragging in the Megaverse with it. In the end, one man was left standing.

Peterson_89 · Fantasía
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436 Chs

Monument Of Fate[Linards Mountain, a Floating Isle And a god of War.]

What the heck???

How the heck did they get into the body of a [Fallen Calamity]?

Plus, what kind of a trial is this that would endanger their life to the extreeme... especially when your class is just [Dormant]

No special powers, plus insane attributes being switched. The reason for that switch was because, there were certain kind of humans who derive pleasure in killing their kind so as to grow much stronger. That was why the switch came to be. Your attributes would be switched with someone elses so as to see if the attribute will be matching. Attributes depicts what a person would turn out to be, if your attribute is being switched and you instantly turn to behave like that attributes then, you would be left with it and also an inanimose conclusion that you will never leave the Underworld Groove. For now, Blake doesn't seem evil like the switched attributes. So his chances of being given back his main attributes were considered.

Just as they were busy, contemplating on what to do, shards of a shattered bone shot into the air and exploded raining down splinters which they all dodged because the concurrent state of the splintered bone was able to pierce them good. Inflicting a high amound of injury that goes deep into the skin.

'What a piece of crap...'

The damned creature seemed to be half awake. What was the Orthodox saying about him having mere hours to leave the land?

"We cannot inflict a single harm on the [Hawk Of Doom] so don't even think about it. Its a [Fallen Calamity]."

Tera said and Blake knew that she was right.

Probably, they had seen the way he was looking at the island and then at the possible place which looked like the creature's body part. They must have guessed that he was trying to study it so as to ^Stand and Fight^ that was why Tera spoke.

"Blake, did you bring us here to die?"

Evie asked nimbly and Blake's eyes shot up towards her with a snap.

"What happened to teleportation? You are both witches."

Blake scoffed. Right, both witches and humans was restricted from teleportation once in the strange world. Suddenly, the land quivered ince again with a ferrrous growl to indicate that something was really awakening from below or above. Anyone of these is quite dangerous. Immediately, half the eastern part of the mysterious land was coming off and the earth dividing into parts. The next minute, tremors shook the land and a large chunk of sand sank deep within as if being swallowed by the earth itself. Or probably, the inner sand walls is being constantly ripped which makes the upper land to go down.

Looking above, the sky was now getting rid of the darkness as a velvety blue light skimmered, telling the approach of a new day.

They knew that if the day becomes brighter than this, then the creature might rise instantly taking this isle down in one go and if they waste any time, they might end up being dragged down alongside the destroyed isle.

The trio moved in a quickened pace along the path where the earth hasn't been destroyed by the awakening creature.

The [Hawk Of Doom] is a resilience creature of death who hibernates for almost 2 decades which is 20 years. It only awakens at the approach of a new day and goes back to sleep instantly. The land whereby Blake was being transported to was known as Ashen Barrow. Ashen Barrow has a night which takes up to 24 hours and continues like that. The day comes once every two decades which breaks the spell of the creatures hibernate.

Right now, they needed to venture deeper so as to locate Linards Mountain. They have transversed deeper wondering when they would leave the isle. Ashen Barrow waas a really vasty land. Infact it was full of earth that their journey became endless. Besides, Linards Mountain was a lot farther. It was so many island away from Ashen Barrow. But now, they were completely taken aback by a sudden shockwave which permeated the ground rippling the earth. Plus they did not know which route to take.

"Where do we go next? I mean, which way exactly? Half the land is almost torn apart, which would lead to other parts of the island being destroyed. East is gone, Northern land will end up putting our lives at risk due to the abomination that flocks about."

Evie said.

"There is no other option here for us. Let's use the Northern pathway. It might lead us there although, there might be danger but we still would be able to get Linards Mountain before the corrupted creature awakens."


Finally, they seemed to reached the end of the Ashen Barrow. The land had already quaked its limit and more shards of the land were pouring and descending non-stop.

But, wait a moment...

The isle seems to be floating. It was like a floating island which was held in the air by a suspended magic not willing to let it go. And below was a vast deep expanse. Like an endless abyss that no one would like to fall into. More or so, it looked dark and stark. Molliuds of eerie reeking below capable of rendering even the fearless immortal into nothing.

Just a distance away, the next isle hovered in the air with no other means to get to it.

Once again, the isle rumbled chaotically and they almost stumbled into the dark expanse..

"Careful guys,"

Evie said and Blake cursed inwardly.

Before Blake could think of something, Tera stepped forward and her hands started glimmering with silvery sparkle. A short dagger appeared right into her hand and she sliced her wrist, letting blood drop to the base of the isle.

The silvery glow consumed the drops of blood as if combusting it the way wood is combusted for heat. A weak glow rippled constantly and suddenly gleamed powerfully and sparky lines connected the Ashen Barrow to the next isle and immediately, Evie ran past the silvery lines been drawn out by Tera's magic as she stepped foot on the next island. Blake stepped on it and it was like, a marble floor was invisibly built, strong and formiddable able to take his weight. Plus it was cold on his barefoot.

It was as if the silvery lines were covered in invisible, impregnable and deep moat that one was able to go across over and Tera too crossed the bridge-line.

Instantly, her lights grew dimmer as the power of the blood she sacrificed have been used up to run the spell and now that the blood was being exhausted, the silvery glow weakened. The lines creates suddenly turned weak and disintegrated only the silver radiance was left elated which Tera herself decided to turn off completely. At least, they reached the next isle.

Immediately, they crossed, Ashen Barrow made one last shudder only for it to split apart in halves. Then, the isle they stood on right now shuddered indicating that it was the next to be ripped apart due to the creature's awakening.

The trio darted off instantly without wasting much time.

They travelled across islands that were barren and stark, and across islands that were lush with beautiful verdue. Across islands that teemed with Vile abominations, and islands that were full of nothing but bones and ash. The shudder and destruction still followed them back to back.

It wasn't long before a day arrived when a dark line became visible far away, and it was over the northern horizon. When Blake saw it first, he stood motionlessly for a while, looking north with a dark expression.

The northern island was not too large, maybe two kilometers in diameter. Its surface was one vast level plain, and covered entirely by a beautiful field of violet flowers, as if wrapped in a silken mantle. Despite the fact that the morning was now, the buds was still closed. Right now, the Orthodox Crane was no where to be seen and Blake could still hear the rumbling of the previous isles coming off with full force. The main law regarding this world is that, when the [Hawk of Doom] awakens, it destroys everything, humans, creatures... islands, until it goes back to a very long nap after the long day. Eventually, habitualities would begin to reform and isles would begin to regenerate, like a Monument of Fate that goes through a certain cycle of evil only to come back to its previous state. Right now, only a war god can stop this creature.

The isles were tearing apart with full force. The creature was coming awake slowly. The velvety bluish color of the sky was gone and replaced with a bright blue and white with the sun yet to rise from the east...

'Spoke to soon...'

The sun was rising from the west.

A sudden shudder penetrated the isle they stood on to take a rest and they assumed that the destruction was only an island away from them so they resumed travelling real quick.

Next Chapter: Chapter 9

[Linards Mountain: Indigean of the dark...]