
Black skull's destruction 1

Mist swirled around endlessly.

This strange mist that emitted an obscene whitelessness surged with a greater intensity and everyone around instantly dropped dead.

The mist quickly dispersed revealing Evie's pale face. Her eyes had dark circles under them as though she hadn't had any sleep in days. She had been using her ability too frequently which is mentally tasking. In fact, she had lost complete count of how many had died within her mist...

Even though she still heard the crane announce her every kills.

Although, having their souls been resculpted by the higher gods, taking away the previous flaws they had, rebuilding their body... Mysteriously increasing their combat and aspect strength to a terrifying degree! But, still, all powers must come with a flaw and the flaw was clearly evident...

Their aspect ability becomes much more tasking at every use...

Likely, a cause of mental exhaustion or even mental stealth depletion.