A significant distance from the gathered crowd was an area cleared of plants, vines, weeds, and trees. Very eye-catching in the otherwise forest-covered area.
Tents were set up with care of a level of luxury.
No one dared carelessly approach given the high security surrounding the tents.
In particular, a sightly purple tent, bigger than the rest, was a flag of gold and purple raised on the convex top.
A shield with twin serpents.
That was the crest of the Airdyne family drawn at the center of the flag in silver and gold. There and pretty much many areas and items surrounding the tent.
In a particular division of the tent was a free area which could only be assumed to be a meeting area. It screamed luxury from a mile away given the over-top decorations of ceramics and silk cloths hanging on the walls. A merchant could easily know that either was precious, priceless, or extremely expensive.