
Blackening! I , Naruto , The collection king

**NOTICE : 1 ) ENGLISH is not my native language so there might be some problems with grammar and writing style . I am learning lessons to write with more proficiency , atleast it will take a while . Reborn in the Ninja world as the the child of prophecy , Naruto Uzumaki. Looking at the cheap daddy , make himself the container for the Nine-tails. He almost didn't greeted seven generation of ancestors. After all , being an otaku in his last life he clearly knows how tragic the life of Naruto is . he had a feeling of being pitted by god . Fortunately his gold finger arrived, make him breath a sigh of relief [ ding ! collection system is online , whether to bind it host?? ] Naruto : yes Years later , during the 4th Great ninja war . Madara loot at the hord of tailed beasts and a man with unusual eyes . " in front of this man i really can't, dance" kaguya : " fuck, this is scarier than ostusuki " Naruto : from today i am the god of ninja world , who agrees and who opposes? ................................... TAGS : Harem | Invincible Protagonist | System | World hopping | Revenge | Dark

Saltedfish_me · Cómic
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25 Chs

021 Nine-tailed Beast : Kurama

**Tap **Tap

The sound of water dripping woke Naruto up, and when he opened his eyes , what came in his sight was a basement-like place .

" Did I transmigrate again??" Naruto's eyes widened instantly as he asked in a puzzled tone

" Huh ?? The sealed space of Nine-tails, that's is inside Me !!!!!!"

Naruto got up from the ground, as if he suddenly thought of something, looked at the ground and touched his body, obviously lying on the wet floor, but there was no trace of being wet on his body.

" Fake?? No more like an illusory space "

The surrounding light was very dim, and Naruto could only vaguely recognize the surrounding environment. Although the place is empty, there is only one way to go.

Soon, Naruto came to a huge iron gate.

In the center of the iron gate, there was a seal marked with incomprehensible symbols.

"It really is right here!"

Naruto suppressed the excitement in his heart, he had already thought about what to do next. The chakra consciousness of his parents is sealed right in front of his eyes . Maybe this meeting will speed up their resurrection by a lot .

Seeing the approaching figure inside the iron gate through the dim light , Naruto didn't give him a single ounce of attention but kept looking at the seal .

Nine-tails couldn't help but feel annoyed in the face of this silent toddler . After all, he has been looking for a meeting with this little devil for the past few years, but because his spiritual consciousness was hurt during the last split . He can only wait before it recovers back to a certain extent and after the patience wait of more than 3 years , he finally managed to pull him in his sealed space . But why is it this guy not surprised at all, also , why are you even ignoring me ?? Do you know who i am ?? The strongest of all tailed beasts , Kurama the legendary Fox demon ....

" LIttle brat , Don't you hate the Village who bully you . obviously , you haven't done anything wrong but you are treated like a plague "

" Want to trample on those people's head ?? Want to destroy the village?? Want to be the most feared existence ?? "

" Or do you want the power to transcend everyone else?? "

" Just tear this talisman and will get everything you can wish for . You can gain access to all of my powers whether to destroy this world or becoming the ruler of it. Everything is possible "

Nine-tails's claims were like a devil's whisper, trying to bewitch Naruto. But thinking of his current state , this is the best solution he can come at the earliest. After all , he has been inside Naruto's body ever since his birth and he knows how unusual Naruto really is .. The whole life he has either beaten gangs of older children bare handed or rest of time the top konoha officials will be fooled by his cuteness falling right in the palms of his hands . In Nine-tail's opinion , Naruto is already too mature for his age , even 6-7 year old Minato in his memories is not so intelligent while Naruto is already fooling around with people just at the mere age of 3 . Thinking of the possible future , where everyday he is beaten by a new 'kushina' , Nine-tails can't help but shudder. So , he increased the intensity of his chakra in 8 Trigram seal . Doesn't Minato wants to use this lock to make him , Great Kurama a power bank , i will just say in your dreams . This seal mechanism is going to be Naruto's first step in the world of darkness. But the devil knows if his luck is too bad after centuries of beating , the chakra leaked from his cage will disappear on its own , making Nine-tails depressed for whole day and night . Even if he has unlimited Chakra , it takes time to accumulate it , at least when he is locked in a swer gutter where you can't even dare to breathe fresh air , let alone extract chakra from it .

Doesn't the whole village want Naruto dead ?? He will fulfill their wish for real. In the end , he came up with the plan to make Naruto fall in pure madness , Devouring Naruto's consciousness when he is not in the right state of mind , leaving only an empty shell behind for him to control .

As for the possibility of Minato's chakra Consciousness interupting his good deeds . Are you kidding?? , An alive Minato can't fight him back let alone a mere part of him . But if it is Kushina , things might be troublesome. Then why not take her to my side. After their sacrifice , isn't Naruto alienated in the village , then why should she hold me back destroying the place troubling her son. Maybe I am a genius for coming up with such an excellent plan.

" Huh, why is this little devil not replying??" Nine-tails suddenly frowned at the unusual behaviour of Naruto , even if as a smart prodigy Naruto should at least show a will to succumb to his strength but why is it he never feels a bunch of excitement in his heart. Before, he could further think about it a loud laughter rang out in the spiritual space.....

*puff *puff

"Nine-tails is strong ?? Why don't I know that??"

" Just a mere part of tentails can be called the strongest beast alive .... Really funny "

" Boy , what do you know ?? " Nine-tails was stunned at first but recovering the calmness on his face he asked .

" What I knew ?? I know whatever you may know and whatever you don't "

" Wanna listen..but there is a price for everything "

Naruto said with a smirk on his face , completely replacing his role as the devil in this deal.

Nine-tail's didn't expect that tables will turn in this game but how could he dignified Nine-tail fall for a human brat's trick . So snorting with this nose he coldly replied ..

" Not interested"

" *Tsk *Tsk I don't care whether you are interested or not . Leaving in my body , atleast some intrest should be charge at first "

" Give me your yang Chakra "

" Brat , don't go too far .. Even inferior to ten tails . I am still more than enough to rack your Village to waste . "

" You alone !!! , hahaha.."

" The guy who was put a collar in his neck by Hashirama and Madara . Or The beast whose chakra was sucked dry by Lady Mito and My mom "

" How did you knew you are Kushina's child ??" Nine-tails ignored all of the insults Naruto throw up on him but caught the main clue. To know ever since Naruto was born Kurama is always watching him , but nobody has ever told him the identity of his parents . Least treating hime with the courtesy he actually deserved. Then , how did guys know his origins . also, why he know so much about Ten-tails . For a moment Kurama felt the knowledge and secrets he has collected in the centuries he lived in , might be not more than the guy in front of him. However, before he could think anything else . something caught him by his mouth.

*Ring *Ring

It was a chain,. the unique jutsu of the Uzumaki clan: Adamantine sealing Techniques.

" I said beast must behave like a beast , why talk so much nonsense??"

" Give you 2 choice either submit to me or die"

AS NARUTO speak up a large amount of chakra materialised in his hand taking the form of a sword . The clothes on his body caught fire and his eyes turned completely white while a strange red pattern emerged on his forehead.

[ White eye + Uzumaki Blood awakening (temporary) + Different dimension vision + Sun breathing Tattoo ]

Nine-tails wanted to fight back but the sword in Naruto's hand kept excluding a deadly aura making him unable to breath. To know existence like tailed beast are immortal. Being an accumulation of chakra with consciousness they will return to life after a period of time but the aura in Naruto's body made him feel the death for real . However,. as the dignified Kurama , how can he succumb to a little human . So after gritting his teeth he replied..

" Almost , i can treat you as an equal and it is still when this seal is broken . anything more than is something I will not agree even if you kill me "

" Anyways I am too lazy to argue. Just treat it a favour , treating you as my equal " Naruto exited the spiritual space after warning Kurama