
Black Wedding

The Aono Clan and the Shuzen Clan are both Japan's leading noble vampire families that have feuded with each other for hundreds of years. But that all changes when the leaders of both families decide to join the clans together by arranging a marriage between the lone heir of the Aono's, Tsukune Aono to Issa Shuzen's second youngest daughter, Moka Akashiya. The first time they meet they are only children, and while Tsukune tries to impress his future bride, he discovers that they are not going to be the best match for each other. Tsukune dislikes Moka's rude and aggressive personality while Moka views Tsukune as a weakling and does not respect him. After agreeing that they don't like each other, they can't help but want to prove the other wrong by working on their flaws! Ten years later, Tsukune has honed his skills and become quite a powerful vampire in order to gain Moka's respect and hopes to beat her in combat one day, while Moka is now sealed away with the Rosario around her neck, causing her to become the opposite of her normal self, and is a much sweeter version that Tsukune can't help but adore. Will the two ever get to accept each other for who they truly are, or will they fall in love with each other's lies?

LilacDream · Cómic
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2 Chs

A Vampire and a Succubus

Tsukune's brain continued to rattle in his head after Moka's powerful kick, but he soon regained his composure after seeing her menacing figure approach through his blurry vision. His eyes grew wide as he used the rock to prop himself back up and was barely able to dodge her next attack as she sent her fist straight through the thick boulder. He landed on the backside of the boulder and shielded his eyes as splinters of pebble and debris exploded throughout the air. "M-Moka! Calm down! Just hear me out!" He said as he continued to dodge her fierce strikes but was unwilling to deliver any blows back at her himself. Moka glared at him with her glowing red, cat like eyes as she clicked her tongue. "Why should I? You deserve nothing but death Tsukune Aono! You spineless, good for nothing bastard!" After hearing her insult him, Tsukune's bangs covered his eyes as his pride consumed him. Over the last ten years, he had tried his damned hardest to become as strong as he was now. And he wasn't going to just sit back and allow his aggressive, supposed fiancé to continue to insult him further.

She threw another wicked punch at him and with one eye peeking out through his bangs to reveal an equally fierce expression, he caught her fist with little effort. "I told you to knock it off. I see you haven't changed at all, you beast of a woman. I told you this is all just a misunderstanding. Why must you be so hardheaded?" Moka gritted her teeth as she withdrew her fist and delivered another powerful kick at him fueled with demonic aura, but Tsukune was able to keep up with her quick pace and blocked each of her consecutive strikes as she continued to assault him. Moka was almost at her limit, becoming even more aggravated as she started to feel like Tsukune was only playing with her emotions. From the way he refused to hit her, she took it as an insult from him that she wasn't even worth his time. It's true that he was a lot stronger now than when they first met, but that only added more insult to injury. He was stronger, but his weak heart refused him to allow himself to go all out on her! And to Moka, there was nothing more disrespectful than that!

"Fight me like you mean it Aono!" Her aura flared even harder as a pillar of purple light erupted around her, but Tsukune just stood his ground. "I don't want to fight you Moka. If we continue down this road, we will both regret it. And I think you know that." Tsukune sighed as he knelt down on one knee and lowered his head. "I humbly apologize for my actions. Can you please forgive me?" He apologized genuinely to her with his eyes closed, hoping that would be enough to quell her rage. Moka stared at him for a moment before she finally started to calm down, allowing her aura to diminish and go back to being in a dormant state. She huffed as she turned her back towards him and crossed her arms. "This is exactly the reason why I hate you Tsukune. You're still just a softy at heart regardless of how powerful you think you are now. Not to mention you can't even honor our vampiric code and fight me like you mean it when given a challenge. It's like you're purposefully trying to piss me off." She said as she flipped her hair sarcastically with a cocky look on her face. Tsukune could feel a vein pop out on his forehead as he once again bared witness to his fiancé's arrogant attitude.

"I can say the same about you. You haven't changed at all, and I guess I let the sealed version of you trick me into thinking that this might actually work. But she is only a cheap imitation of you after all. I'll take this as a lesson that you are still the same Moka Akashiya no matter how fooled I was by that more adorable version of you." Moka quickly turned around as she glared at him with utter hatred while he did the same exact thing back. "I'm glad we're at an understanding then. Nothing has changed between us. I'll stay away from you as long as you promise to stay away from me and my better half. I don't need you manipulating her naïve mind." Tsukune placed his hands on his hips as he raised a brow to her. "Oh? So you want us to just ignore each other? Well that's fine by me. I think we both agree we want to call off this engagement. But that just begs another question. As much as we hate each other, do you expect me to mind my business if it comes to you getting attacked again? Am I supposed to just sit back and do nothing?" Moka walked over to him and took the Rosario back from him which he had placed in his pocket. "Yes. We are vampires, Tsukune. Whatever fight comes our way is only our problem to deal with. And that's something the outer Moka needs to learn too. Never depend on anyone except yourself."

Tsukune rolled his eyes as he released a deep exaggerated sigh. He didn't know if she was serious about all of this, because it would be absolutely foolish for her to deny the protection he was willingly offering her. Yokai Academy was a dangerous place, and when her powers are sealed away she is basically almost a human. But he wasn't going to argue with her about it any further; not like he even wanted to. It would just be a waste of his energy if he tried to change her mind. "Whatever you say. I'll stay away from you; you have my word. Just don't cause any trouble for me. If you find yourself in another fight, don't expect me to come running to save the pink haired version of you like how I did today." He popped his neck which was starting to feel stiff as he walked past her to grab his bag which he had placed by a tree. "So long Moka. Despite how today ended, I can honestly say that it was at least enjoyable. I thought that maybe we could start over, but I see that's not possible. I will send a message to my father to cancel our engagement. Who cares if our families go back to being at war with each other, right?" Tsukune said as he smirked over his shoulder and eventually walked away and left her alone like how she wanted. Moka glared at him as he got farther away and then reattached the Rosario to her choker to switch places with the outer version of herself, who fainted and fell to the floor.

The pink haired Moka then woke up and looked around while groggily rubbing at her eyes. "What happened to me? Tsukune?... Are you still there?" She asked aloud as she scanned her surroundings, and frowned after she realized that he was already gone. "Oh no… What happened after he took off the seal? I hope I didn't upset him somehow. If only I could remember. Oh well, I guess I'll just ask him about it tomorrow after I see him." Moka then stood up and dusted off the dirt on her clothes before she made her way back towards the female dorms. But as she walked, she couldn't help but think about how Tsukune was able to remove her seal to begin with. Many people have tried and failed to take it off, herself included. So how was he able to pull off such a feat without even trying? It was almost like it happened by accident. Moka felt a blush spread across her cheeks as she imagined it to be some kind of destiny fated between them. "No, it couldn't be. It's not like this is some kind of fairytale, so what am I even thinking? I'm probably just overthinking things. I'm sure it's because he's a vampire just like me." She aggressively shook her head to get the thought out of her mind. She needed to stop letting these intrusive thoughts get to her! She had a fiancé and Tsukune and her were only friends! But if that was the case, why was she already so deeply enamored with him? Was she actually starting to fall for him, even though they just met?

It was the next day and Tsukune was walking to the school from the dorms with his bag flung over his shoulder and one hand in his pocket, when he heard happy footsteps running up from behind him. "Goodmorning Tsukuneeee!" Said Moka as she jumped onto his back happily, and although she expected a happy reaction out of her new friend, he just stood there and didn't say a word even when she hopped off of his back to walk around to face him. As she smiled at him, he did his best to avoid her gaze. But more than that, he had a deep scowl on his face almost as if he was annoyed. Moka felt her heart twinge with pain because now she could confirm that something must have definitely happened between them when her seal was removed. "Are you mad at me or something? I'm sorry if I said or did anything to make you upset with me. I can't remember what I did, but I'm still sorry nonetheless." She said as her beautiful green eyes shined with anguish and her soft pink lips curled down into a tiny frown. Tsukune couldn't help but feel terrible on the inside. It's not like he wanted to be mean to this version of Moka, but he was still planning to keep his word and stay away from her like how he said he would. It was the best thing for both of them.

Tsukune sighed as he kept that harsh expression on his face, trying to hide his true emotions. What he really wanted to do was comfort her and tell her that he wasn't actually mad and that everything was going to be okay, but that wasn't an option. "I don't need your apology Moka. And I'm sorry but… Look, what I'm trying to say is I don't think we can be friends after all." Moka felt tears start to swell in her eyes from hearing those hurtful words, and she looked at the ground while she clutched tightly to the hem of her skirt. "B-but why? Did I do something wrong?" In an attempt to calm down the situation, she extended out her hand to grab onto the sleeve of his shirt, but as soon as she did he immediately yanked it away and glared at her. "I can't be friends with someone so weak like you. Do you expect me to just come and rescue you every time you need saving? You're a vampire Moka, start acting like one."

He knew it sounded harsh, but what else was he able to say to get her to let him go? She was adamant on them being friends, and he couldn't let that happen. Even if it meant breaking her heart to separate them, he was willing to do that. "Go find yourself some other sucker to protect you, because it's not my job. I'm sure any of these fools would be willing to fling themselves into danger for you. Now if you'll excuse me." He said as he walked past her to continue his commute towards the school. Moka stood there with her head hung low and was unable to stop as her tears started to flow out. Tsukune was her first friend ever, and yesterday he seemed so genuine! But now he was being so cruel and she didn't understand why. Maybe he was just messing with her that whole time and faking being her friend so that it would hurt more when he decided to reject her. After all, they were from rival clans. There was absolutely zero chance their friendship was going to work out anyways. From behind a tree stood a mysterious figure who smiled from ear to ear after watching the two vampires fight and break up. It was a girl with blue hair who wore a star head band and a yellow sweater vest overtop her school uniform. As she watched Moka cry, a sinister giggle escaped from her plump lips. "Yahoo! With that dumb bimbo finally out of the way, I can focus my eyes on the real prize! I will have you Tsukune Aono. You will be the main centerpiece to my army of love zombies!"

Later on in the day, lunch time had rolled by and Tsukune sat alone on a park bench overlooking a beautiful pond with red sparkling water. He sighed as he put his head in his hands as he slowly started feeling worse and worse about what he had done to Moka. "I'm such an idiot… Why did I have to listen to that she beast? She doesn't dictate my life, so why did I let her? If I want to hangout with the nice Moka then that's my business, not hers. Maybe I should apologize to her the next time I see her." He was about to stand up and look for his favorite pink haired vampire, when a delicious smell began to waft in the air. His eyes glazed over and a blush spread across his cheeks as he tilted his nose in the air and gave a deep sniff, finding the smell to be utterly intoxicating. "What is that aroma?" He stood up and followed the trace of the smell to a tree near the pond where that same blue haired girl that was stalking them earlier this morning was leaned against the tree seeming to be in distress.

The blue haired girl looked up with an adorable expression as she put on her best charm and directed her gaze towards Tsukune who looked around nervously, not knowing what to do. "Excuse me, can you please help me? I'm not feeling so well. You see, I have a frail body and sometimes I just fall over. It appears I've cut my hand on the bark of this tree. Do you think you could help me?" She said as she revealed the large gash on her palm, causing Tsukune to gulp. The smell that he was detecting earlier was in fact the smell of her delicious blood. A smirk graced his lips as he strode over to her and gently grabbed her by the hand and pulled it up to his face. "You should be careful my beautiful lady. One as angelic looking as yourself shouldn't leave a scar on your skin." He then traced his tongue along the cut of her hand, feeling his body shiver with ecstasy at the mere taste of it. It had been a long time since he had even a drop of blood, and he certainly hadn't met someone with blood as delicious as hers in a long while. The blue haired girl blushed, but her innocent expression quickly turned into that of ill intent.

As Tsukune continued to lap at her blood, he felt his mind start to get foggy as he held his head to help steady himself. What was happening to him, he thought to himself. It was like some kind of invisible force was holding a strong grip on him, and all of his strength was being zapped away causing him to slowly sink to the floor. The blue haired girl crawled over to him while he was sat hunched on the ground, as she pushed him down and laid on top of him with her breasts pressed firmly against his chest. The feeling of her rather large and supple breasts brought him back to reality only slightly as he pinched his nose to contain the blood that was about to come gushing out. "Are you feeling okay Tsukune? You just collapsed all of a sudden. Are you feeling under the weather perhaps?" She said as she continued to smother him with her breasts. Her charm magic appeared to be working on the vampire after all, though she originally doubted that it would work. Normally, super ranked monsters were unaffected by the mind magic produced by lower class monsters. But that's why she infused the charm straight into her blood, knowing that a vampire like him would undoubtedly take the bait. Her plan was going smoothly so far.

Tsukune winced as his mind started to slip further away from him as she continued to make physical contact with his body. "Just… who are you?" He said as he tried to sit up, but she giggled as she placed a finger to his lips and forced him to look her in the eyes, using her charm once more during his weakened state. "I'm Kurumu Kurono. And I'm your new master. Now be a good boy and give mommy a kiss." She said as she leaned her head down and forced her lips onto his, sealing his fate. At first he struggled, but he was no match for her charm as he was quickly consumed by it and felt all of his will power disappear. She eventually let go and was satisfied by the fruits of her labor as she saw all the light from his eyes was now completely gone and he was fully under her control. "Anything you wish for is my command, my lady." Tsukune said as he knelt down and bowed to her like a knight swearing an oath to a princess. Kurumu jumped up and down with joy. "Yahoo! I can't believe I actually did it! The most popular boy in school is mine and only mine! Suck it Moka Akashiya! I'll prove once and for all who is the hottest girl in this school!"

Moka sat by herself in the hallway near the food venders stall as she depressingly poked around in a bag of chips that she had just bought. The fight between her and Tsukune was still bothering her and she couldn't get his harsh words out of her mind. While she was lost in thought, she heard a commotion come from farther down the hallway near the staircase where a group of unruly boys crowded in an uproar, chanting someone's name. "What's going on over there? Some kind of demonstration?" She let her curiosity get the best of her as she stood up to see what everyone was so worked up about and gasped when she saw what it was. Coming from down the stairs was Tsukune with Kuruma attached affectionately to his arm. "Kurumu! Kurumu! Kurumu! We love you mistress!" Moka took a step back when they finally made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Tsukune? Who is that?" She asked the young vampire, who completely ignored her. "Did you hear something my lady?" He said as she coldly looked at her. "It seems this ugly woman is attempting to steal me from you. Shall I handle her accordingly, my princess?"

Moka clutched at her heart when it started to hurt more than it already was. What was he even talking about? Who was this girl to him? And why was he calling her his princess? She could tell that something wasn't right here, because this wasn't the Tsukune she knew at all. Kurumu fanned her hand as she walked in front of him and stood right in front of Moka with her arms crossed underneath her large breasts, which jiggled like bouncy pudding by the slightest touch, causing the boys watching to erupt in an even louder cheer. "Well well well. If it isn't little miss perfect, Moka Akashiya? Do you like my army of zombie boys? They do everything I tell them too and constantly tell me how much they just adore me! Where's your army? It looks like no one could give a rats ass about a plain looking girl like yourself. Hahahaha!" Moka glared at her and didn't even pay attention to the other boys she had under her foot, all she cared about was finding out what she did with Tsukune! "What kind of game are you playing? Release my friend at once!" She said as she stomped her foot demandingly.

Kurumu smirked as she snapped her finger, with Tsukune coming straight to her side and kissing her hand which caused Moka to frown. "Friend? If I saw correctly this morning, he told you off. He told you he didn't want to be friends with a weak nobody like you. Or am I wrong?" Moka sucked her teeth as she took a step closer, but Tsukune got in the middle and blocked her off from approaching Kurumu any further. He glared down at her with his eyes blazing which started to make her become nervous. "That's close enough. You're getting too close to my princess, and if you threaten her any further then I will put you in your place." He said as he cracked his knuckles. Moka balled up her fists and crumpled the bag of chips which she threw straight at his face, with tears streaking down her cheeks. "Tsukune you stupid jerk! Snap out of it! This isn't like you at all! Can't you see she has you under some kind of spell?! You told me you were the strongest, so why are you letting a girl like her take advantage of you like this!" In the midst of her screaming, Tsukune started to come too from the binds that were holding his mind. "Ch… Moka? What's happening? Why are you crying? Please, don't cry anymore." He said as he gently stroked her cheek, smiling at her with that loving gaze she had been longing to see all day.

Moka wiped away her tears as she nuzzled into his hand. "What took you so long to wake up, you big dummy?" Behind them, Kurumu held her mouth hung open from the shock because of how he so easily broke away from her charm. But she wasn't going to just let this slide! She took the bandage that was wrapped around her wound and reopened her cut to allow some more of her magic filled blood to come out. On instinct after smelling that delicate aroma, Tsukune's eyes glazed over again as he tilted his head back and Kurumu took it as her opportunity to force her hand into his mouth, where he automatically started drinking at her blood once more. In a matter of seconds, he was back under her control and picked her up like a princess being held in his arms. "My princess. Shall I escort you back to class now?" Kurumu then wrapped her arms around Tsukune's neck as she stuck her tongue out at Moka who couldn't be even more infuriated than she was in this moment. Just who did this girl think she was?! "Nice try Moka. But I'm not going to let him get away that easily." She pretended to feel feint as she went limp in Tsukune's arms who cradled her even closer with worry filling his eyes.

"Actually Tsukune, do you mind carrying me to the infirmary? I'm not feeling so well, and I would like to lay down to rest. Better yet, I want you to lay down with me. A big strong man like you in bed with me would make me recover that much quicker. So please be a dear and do that for me." She said as she blew lightly on his neck, causing his entire body to tremble. Tsukune smiled at her as he turned his back away from Moka and started making his way to the infirmary. "Your wish is my command, mistress." As Tsukune walked away, Moka reacted her hand out to him and called out his name in an attempt to regain his attention. "Tsukune! Wait!" The Rosario around her neck started to float, almost as if it had become sentient, and the vampire eye looking gem on it started to glow. "Calm down outer Moka. Screaming isn't going to do you any good. That girl is a succubus and her charms are quite strong. You won't be able to reach him like this. If you want to save him, then you're going to have to defeat the girl." Moka looked around wondering where the voice was coming from that was seemingly coming from within her mind. "Inner me? Is that you talking to me? But how is that possible?!" She asked flabbergasted.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure myself. It appears the seal has gotten slightly weaker since Tsukune removed it the first time so we can both now be conscious at the same time. But let me ask you something Outer Moka. Why do you want to save him? Even after everything he said to you?" Moka smiled sadly as she fiddled with a lock of her hair. "Because I don't believe what he said was true. He said all those mean things to me and told me he didn't want to be friends. But the minute he broke away from her charm, the first thing he noticed was that I was crying. If he didn't care about me, then why would he care? I have faith in Tsukune. And I want to save him. So inner me, will you help me out?" Inner Moka sighed deeply, she really didn't want to help. But Outer Moka was apart of herself, almost like a sister. She was starting to realize that maybe she was being slightly selfish in telling Tsukune to stay away. Because now their actions have only caused the Outer Moka to become hurt. They hated each other so much that they neglected to remember that they both had a mutual love for the innocent pink haired girl. That's what they should be focusing on, not their rivalry. "Alright. I'll help. But don't think this is going to become a habit of mind. I have a plan to get him back. We are going to have to snoop down to her level and play fire with fire."

Tsukune was laying in the infirmary bed with Kurumu sitting on top of him nervously as she shuffled around anxiously. She might have been a succubus, but she had never been alone with a boy like this for so long in such a provocative position, especially not with a boy as handsome and imposing as Tsukune was. Tsukune smiled at her as he cupped her cheek. "I don't mean to pry my lady, but I couldn't help ignore how lonely your blood tasted. It was filled with a sad delicate flavor. Are you alright?" Kurumu blushed when he asked such an intimate question. Usually when someone was under her control, they had no sense of themselves anymore and only spoke when spoken too and said what she wanted them to say. Soo for him to ask her something like that caught her off completely by surprise. Was it because the charm wasn't working at 100%? "Uhm… I suppose I do feel lonely at times. When you're a succubus like me, it's hard to really figure out who actually cares about you and who doesn't. People always just want me for my body, not my heart. I must sound silly to you, right?" She said as she forced a giggle out but Tsukune shook his head.

"No. I don't think you sound silly at all, my lady. If anything, I can relate to you very well. I come from a very esteemed family, and even back home since I was the son of a clan leader, all of my friends were fake. They never cared about me, only my status so I never got close to anyone. But if I might be so bold to say this, maybe we can be not alone together." He smiled at her again and the pure look on his face caused Kurumu to blush profusely as her heart started to beat louder in her chest. What was this feeling? She had never felt like this about anyone before! Is this this feeling her mother had told her before? The feeling of butterflies after a succubus discovers her destined one? "Y-yes. I think I would like that very much. Never leave my side Tsukune. Because you're my most favorite toy of them all." She then started leaning down as she brushed some of her hair back behind her ear, their lips only centimeters. The door to the infirmary then swung open as Moka rushed in, interrupting their little moment. "Tsukune! I've come to save you!"

Kurumu sat back up and scooted out of Tsukune's lap as she glared daggers at Moka. "Oh great, not you again! Tsukune, please get rid of her! She's starting to get on my last nerve!" Tsukune nodded in response as he stood up and started approaching Moka with his demonic aura increasing around himself. But Moka showed no fear as she ran up to him, ready to enact Inner Moka's plan. "Tsukune! Come back to me!" She then jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss which caused his eyes to grow wide. As they kissed, the light started coming back to his eyes as Kurumu's spell started to break. He slowly started tracing his hands up to her face, where he palmed her cheeks in his hands as he deepened their kiss. The spell wasn't completely broken yet, but it was enough to stop him from attacking and gave Moka the perfect opportunity to grab his hand and bring it up to her Rosario, where she forced him to remove it.

The room erupted in a bright glowing purple light as bats starts squeaking and swarming inside the infirmary. Kurumu shielded her eyes from the blinding light that only seemed to get more intense the seconds flew by. "No this is impossible! Just what is she doing?!" The light started to settle down and standing in Moka's place was the sliver haired version of her with the same vampiric features as Tsukune, the two of them still intertwined in a kiss. Moka pulled away first with Tsukune still being in a daze, until she flicked him in the forehead, making him come back to his senses. "Huh? M-Moka?! When did you? How are you here?" Tsukune then looked at his hand and saw the Rosario that he was now holding. "Took you long enough. Now step aside Tsukune, I have a pest to take care of. You just sit back, alright? It's my turn to protect you." The silver haired Moka then smiled at him, which caused him to blush as he tried to cover his fac with his hand. What was this feeling inside of him? He normally only felt giddy when it was for the other Moka, not this version of her. But he couldn't remember anything while he was under Kurumu's spell, so why was he all flustered all of a sudden?

Kurumu screamed out in anger as two large bat wings spread out from her back and a devils tail popped out from underneath her skirt, as well as he ears becoming pointier and her nails became sharp like long knives. "So you're a vampire too huh?! I heard rumors, but I didn't believe them! But that's not going to change anything! I'm still going to beat you and keep Tsukune all to myself, you tramp! AHHH!" Moka smirked as she readied herself for Kurumu's oncoming attack. "I'd love to see you try." Kurumu then flew at her with her nails spread out as she sliced at her, which Moka dodged but her claws easily cut through some medical equipment as if they were made up melted butter. "I'm going to kill you!" When Kurumu circled back around, Moka grabbed her by the tail and swung her around in the air in a circular motion before she slung her into the wall breaking it, exposing the outside. Kurumu painfully sat up as she coughed. "That's not going to stop me-huh?" She looked up and saw Moka standing over her with her killer intent surrounding her body which made Kurumu's face turn a stark white color as all the blood left her complexion. "You cannot have him. And if you refuse to give up on him, then I will no choice but to rip off your arms and legs so that you can no longer move. Or perhaps I should start off with those wings of yours?" Moka then leaned down and grabbed Kurumu by the wing, causing her to scream out in fear.

Before she was able to rip it off, Tsukune walked up between them and grabbed Moka by the wrist stopping her. "That's enough. Just let her go. I think she learned her lesson." Moka glared at him but refused to let go of the succubus's wing. "And why do you care? Yesterday, you were ready to kill Saizo. You had zero regards for his life so why do you care about hers?" Tsukune sighed as he knew this would be difficult to explain. "Well, because I get her. I tasted her emotions through her blood, which is all I can really remember about my events of today. I could taste her sadness and loneliness. And I know what that feels like. I think all she wanted was some attention, and maybe even a real friend. Right Kurumu?" Kurumu, who was still underneath Moka, looked up at Tsukune with tears in her eyes. "Y-yes. Please, if you let me go then I promise I won't do something like this ever again! I swear!" Moka sighed as she released Kurumu who reverted back into her human form. "Well then you must take responsibility for her actions if she ever decides to go back on her words, Tsukune. She's your problem now."

Before Moka reattached her seal, Tsukune grabbed her by the hand. "Hold on. Before you go, let me just say thank you. For saving me I mean." He cleared his throat as he looked away while still trying to hide his blush. Moka giggled as she smacked his hand away. "Don't mention it. Now you can say we're even."She reattached the seal and her silver hair started to fade back into pink as Outer Moka took back control but before she hit the ground, Tsukune grabbed her and laid her down gently. He then turned his attention back to Kurumu who was still sniffling. "Kurumu, I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy with you. You took advantage of me and that wasn't very nice. But, I do have a soft spot for beautiful women. Especially beautiful women with delicious blood like yours. So let's make a deal. If you really mean it and won't use your charm on people anymore, then you and I can be friends. Aaaannd maybe every once in a while you let me get a taste of you, do we have a deal?" He said as he gently smiled at her with a flirtatious wink. Kurumu blushed as she cried harder and tackled him into a hug with him falling on his back hard as he held in her in his arms. "Yes! You have a deal, my destined one!" Destined one? He said to himself. Oh brother, what was he going to do with the women in his life?