
Black Thread (CPN)

A cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? What kind of fate brings them together or will this fate drive them apart; be it kind and benevolent or dark and malicious, and what does destiny have in story for them?

Vasyl_Park · Fantasía
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96 Chs

Her Commands

"Will you tell me your name," the woman in white said to me.

"You will keep your mouth shut understand!" the Dark One shouted at me, "Glynda he is my property and he will do as I say" the Dark One said in a commanding voice. She had become irate with the situation.

The Dark One turned to me, she glared at me before shouting, "return to your chambers until I call for you once more, understood?"

I replied to her with a word.

Bowing I left the room and returned to my chambers which oddly enough, resembled a cell. I laid there on my small bed built into the wall sitting several feet above the ground.

I began to think about my situation, everything I had gone through, and soon tears began to form in my eyes. Soon after the flood gates opened, and my tears were unrestrained. I hated that woman, I hated my fate, and I hated my father most of all.