

25 years ago

Humanity lived in a world where magic existed. Everyone in the world  had unlimited magic. They used it for transport, to cook food and any other daily chores. It was a very important source.

But of course, with magic there's always an enemy waiting to be uncovered.

One day, people noticed a very peculiar creature. It had black strings surrounding it, and it's bloodlust was very strong. It roamed around the streets aimlessly.

Nobody payed any attention to it though as it was really common to have creatures like this existing In their world.

But soon it started possessing people like zombies. It's number increased. As it slowly took over more and more humans. It was an apocalypse.

It was a dire situation. The government had no choice but to call the leaders of the five most powerful clans at the time ------ Yami, Shiromizu, Kusanagi, Astreanvon and Hanashiro clan to solve this tragedy.

They tried every method they could but it was all useless. More and more people were getting turned into these creatures. They had no choice.

The only way was to seal them in another world by using their magic. The amount of time it can hold them in there was dependent on how much magic they used.

It was an ancient forbidden spell.

To seal them in for as long as possible, they sacrificed everybody's magic. The plan was successful.

But the world was rid of magic.

So there was no way to kill these creatures. The only way was magic. But since it was gone, humanity was living under a time limit. When the seal breaks it will be the end of humanity.

After some time they were known as Resonates.

In the present, people only know of resonates as myths or legends.