
Black Rose Bloody Love

Mika_Whitaker · Fantasía
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3 Chs


There is a girl about 21, this beautiful long blonde hair all the way down to her elbows, and bright blue eyes. Her name is Mika (Micha) Whitaker. She was adopted 2 years old never knew her real parents she had no memory of them. She had siblings they were both twins one was Sunny and one was Sean, they loved each other very much. Her adoptive father died at 72 and her adopted mother died at 58. Few blocks away from her house there is a boy who looks the same age as her but actually 437 years old. His name is Alexander Phelps, but most people call him Lex for short. No one knows she's a vampire he usually just feeds off of people at night, it's a small town so no one really knows notice when people go missing. He has been looking for someone to love for a long time then he saw her he thought she was perfect and he wasn't going to let her go.