
Chapter 6: Who Am I?

Jane was laying on a bed when she gained her consciousness.

"Are you sure about this idea?" She heard a familiar voice. She tried to look around and saw familiar silhouettes talking to each other in front of her. Their faces are blurred.

"Yes, I'm sure. If we don't do this, what would happen to our lineage? We can't afford to lose her", the other man replies. Tears began to roll down her face. She felt her heart is being squeezed. She felt betrayed.

"Let us begin", she heard the other man. A bright light suddenly appeared blinding her completely as she felt an excruciating pain in her body.

Jane woke up with tears and cold sweat rolling down her face. She can still feel the pain as if her heart in being squeezed. Looking around, she found out she was alone in the room. She familiarized

herself to the place. The room is fully furnished with sky blue paint which give her a relaxing sight. Paintings of natures are hanged by its walls that added the relaxing ambience of the room. Her eyes then fell at the small glass table near the glass door.

"Brrrrr". Her stomach grumble. She stood and slowly approached the food placed at the table. After arriving at the desired destination, she slowly sat down at the single sofa near the it and began to eat. Little by little, she slowly chewed and swallowed the food. She knew her throat would hurt if she will force to swallow large amount of food.

She stood up after filling her stomach and to look outside the glass door to find out where would it lead. It leads to a balcony. She returned in the bed and tug the blanket to cover her body after

opening the door of the balcony. She sat at the sofa present there and watched the sky. It is full with stars as if they are having a party.

"Do you know that every time I watch the stars I always remember her?" 'Who was he?' she just remembered someone telling her that but she can't remember who. She felt lonely and alone.

"What are you doing here outside". She looked at the man who just talked. His face was full of worry. Even he, doesn't look familiar at all.

"Javier, right? Do you know who I am?", she asked. He doesn't know what to say.

"I have that feeling that I haven't met you before." 'Damn she's smart'.

"Your full name is Jane Marsi. Does it sound familiar?", he replied after sitting next to her.

"Not really. If that is my real name, then maybe I don't like it at all". He laughed. She felt a weird feeling after she heard his laugh. It makes her feel at ease.

"Javier, where's my family?". Her next questions are becoming more complicated.

"Are there any? Why aren't they here?" He didn't know what to answer. He pulled her closer to him tried to hug her. He thought she will push him away but she didn't. She just stared at him waiting

for answers.

"You are from City A, princess. Your family live there. You're here to recuperate. Don't worry, we will visit them soon". Of course he didn't mean what he said. 'Visit, my ass! No way you're going to have a chance to see him again.'

"Okay, how are we related?'' He froze. He didn't see that one coming.

'Think, Javier, think'.