
Plague Energy

Chapter 124- Plague Energy

Hugo noted his mistake instantly as soon as his teammates began cursing his pride and so-called foresight. 

Seeing them falter in movement, some of the Plague creatures took advantage and dashed forward, hands blazing with the strange green energy. They brandished their limbs, dealing swift, repeated punches at their bodies.

The attacks penetrated the subtle coat of Black Matter he expected would protect him from them. It only took another brief moment for him to realize that Vector manufactured the green energy specifically for use against him.

Black Matter wouldn't protect him or others, and so Vector had nearly won!

Hugo was one of the few people Vector could do nothing to previously. He had always had to resort to indirect methods to keep him busy. He didn't know how, but the fiend had developed something to use against him, and from the aching pain in his gut, the green energy worked quite well.