
Black king system

After his first death he was granted a chance of reincarnation after his past nine life cycles this new life shall not be like others will he discover the secret behind it and the reason fo it?

Kataki_desu · Fantasía
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2 Chs

I’m alive...again!

The rising sun was singing a ballad through the lands with spreading it's rays.

That was when he opened his eyes to understand he was alive....again!

After all that happened to him all the sorrow the reliefs why should it start over again he realized death won't let him go ,another world ,another culture ,another family, another society,another kingdom the same failure cycle again. while all this thought seem to pass within a second in his mind ,his blurry vision stated to get more focused on his surroundings he could see shape of objects but not clarify what they are but he had a clear idea of what they were probably his parents he had a lot of these during

his past 9 lifetimes they were just another one a pair of people who were driven by their animal instincts to reproduce their kind this was the way he looked at people it's been long since he has lost his sense of caring or admiring.

The woman was looking at her newborn baby that was neither crying or laughing the kid had no reaction just looking with a gaze that was a mix of grief,pity and exhaustion the baby's eyes looked full of sorrow but some kind of aura was giving of them like gaze of a king or a higher being like the way humans look down on animals this was what the woman felt for that couple of seconds she looked at her baby boy but she loved him she started to laugh and say a name loud "david.david..."suddenly the man who was talking at the other side of the room to an old lady turned his head with a smile and walked toward the voice then he looked at his newborn son his first child with the woman who he loved .he would have never guessed such happiness would have existed before he was looking to the baby who had blue eyes like his mother and black hairs hairs that were black as the deepest night and skin as soft and smooth as the moon, it was like looking at moon up the ocean so he shouted to all the people in the room with a happy voice:"i shall name him MAH(in this world mean 'moon ray') cause he reminds me of moon and it's light he shall be righteous as his ancestors and shine through the lands as a part of /Döhr/ family" then he handed the baby to child's mother her name was Loya ,loya looked at her child again with a smile

Meanwhile kai or at least the last name he got when he was born in a eastern alike civilization was given to him as kai was so he didn't care about a new name he have been through the same process multiple times he knew first all sunshine smiles and rainbows then picking a name that they would think it would suit the child and some times he would see other siblings but this time he couldn't spot anyone which was a good sign there was no stupid power fight or feeling of jealousy then he stated to think what kinda of world is this? What type of family as for wealth and social rankings he was born in should he go through breaking out of poverty like his first and sevenths one or would be wealthy and peaceful like the fifth one ,where he was son of a rich governor and he also became a great advisor and scholar for emperor and died due old age at 41 based on that world's year counting.he was also listening to take a grasp of what kinda language it was so maybe he could understand a word or two but it was useless it was completely different but he spotted a lot of "kh"-"gh"-"zh" sounds was in this language more than others he learnt but he have been through this process like naming several time it would take time but not impossible for him

The Loya stated to feed him and Mah went to sleep afterwards.