
Black Flare

Akuma Kabutsu i one day transported to another world along with several of his classmates. However his perfect "isekai" life doesn't last long as he is soon labeled as the Black Flare, a demon which once destroyed a large part of the continent. He is ostracized, hated and betrayed by the very people he thought of as friends. How will Akuma survive in this dangerous world? Will he make it through the gruesome trials that await him at every other step?

IGI · Fantasía
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17 Chs

[3.3] Kriya

Brann continued to talk about the Black Flare. The demon that once destroyed an enormous area spanning several kingdoms.

A few minutes Akuma asks a simple question. "By the way, why is it called a Flare?"

Brann looks at Akuma with a hint of confusion, after all, it is common knowledge.

"You see, Flares are the fifth Kriya release types that never should have existed in the first place, they're unnatural. Unlike the four other they aren't something a person is born with."

After Brann is done explaining, Akuma raises nervously raises his hand hand before asking something that is common knowledge Once more. "Also, what's Kriya?"

Brann stares at Akuma as if an idiot was sitting in front of him. "Have you...been living under a rock?"

Brann sighs upon seeing Akuma's expression that clearly read "Please be patient, i'm an idiot."

"All right, i'll explain." Brann starts. "Firstly, Kriya is basically everything around us. It's the energy within every living being, be it a human, elf, animal, monster or even a demon."

Brann stops for a few moments and orders one of the waiters the passes by to being him one large beer. As soon as it arrives, Brann drinks nearly half of it before continuing.

"Second, there are four natural Kriya release types. Spark, Spiral, Neuro and Sense. A person is normally born with a single type, though i've heard of some rare cases where a person is born with two. Anyway, back on topic. Let's say a person is born with the Spark type, they can learn to release their Kriya only in that specific way. Attempting to learn, let's say Neuro type abilities if you're a Spark would be futile."

Brann takes another sip from his beer. "Third, about each of the types. For starters, Spark type allows its user to release their Kriya in short yet powerful bursts. Sort of like hitting someone with a sledgehammer. Next is the Spiral type. Spiral allows a constant release of Kriya with the drawback being the need for complete focus in order to release something that would actually hurt your opponent. That's why Spirals are normally used for long range attacks or they chanell their Kriya through an object which is a bunch easier. Third in Neuro. They are, in my opinion the most annoying ones. If you ever come across one, keep your guard up to the maxmimum. These fellas don't attack you physically, no, they release their Kriya in a way that will mess with your head, be it reading the mind, seeing the memories and shit like that. Though their biggest drawback is the fact that their Kriya needs to release your brain or part of the body they want to influence. And lastly, Sense. Sense can only release its Kriya to something that is in direct contact with their body."

Brann finishes his beer and as Akuma tries to speak up, he cuts him off. "And lastly, there's the only unnatural type of Kriya release, the Flare. Now, do you remember what each od the types i mentioned earlier have in common?"

Akuma thinks for a few moments before answering. "Well... All of them have some sort of drawback, right?"

Brann nods upon hearing Akuma's answer. "Correct. Each of the natural types has a drawback. The thing is, Flares don't have any drawbacks we know of. That is partially because there have been a total of five Flares in the whole history. The last one was the Black Flare but god knows how that ended up. Before that was the White Flare, but that was over a hundred years ago. And to put it simply, a Flare is basically a being that became a demon, but regained or kept its intelligence. Which makes them one of the most powerful beings to ever walk this earth."

Akuma processes all of the information he gained from Brann before asking more. "Are the Flares really that strong?"

"You bet!" Brann responds energically. "Flares can release their Kriya without a limit, which gained them the nickname "Eternal Flames" and the such. Also, you can identify a Flare quite simply. Due to the fact that they were a Demon for some time, their Kriya takes on the form of flames upon release."

"Then why is the latest Flare called black?" Akuma asks.

"That's simple. The Kriya of every user has a color and each color represents something different. Everyone starts out colorless and over time they gain a color which mirrors their personality and emotional state. The color also changes but very rarely."

Brann orders another beer and gulps it down in one go. "So each color has a meaning.

I'll summarise it for you.

-Red means that a person is fearless and passionate, they tend to have short tempers so watch out for that.

-Orange is simmilar to red. They are warm, friendly and very confident. However they are often immature, impatient and ignorant.

-Yellow is a bit different from orange. They are intelligent and creative. They are the ones who make plans and stuff, they are also quite anxious and cautious.

-Green, for a change of pace are often the positive ones. Never losing hope even in the direst of situations. Normally, they are the definition of a happy idiot. Though once you piss them off, oh boy, lord have mercy on you then. They are also really observant.

-Blue, unlike the others, blue are seen as unapproachable, unfiendly and generally cold. Though if you manage to get through that, you'll see that they are very loyal, trustworthy and dependable. So Akuma, if you wanna make friends, make sure their Kriya is blue.

-Purple, oh boy. I don't have much nice to say about these except fot the fact that they tend to be pretty smart. Other than that get on everyone's nervous because of their superiority complexes.

-Black, as for black, well black aren't exactly common. Actually it's extremly rare to see one. They are often stoic but under everything bad that can be said about them, they are mostly like blue, but taken to another level . That is often due to the fact that in order for one's Kriya to turn black, the individual must go through extreme physical and mental suffering. There also isn't much know about this color due to its rarity. Makes me wonder what the Black Flare went through.

-White, at last. In order for one's Kriya to gain the white color, the individual will have to go through the same suffering as with black. Only with the fact that the result is different. White colors are even rarer than black and due to that fact they are often feared along with black. White fellas are, to put it bluntly, heartless. They are pretty much emotionless and tend to isolate themselves from others.

"Did you catch all that?" Brann asks. Akuma nods and only now notices that it is in fact, dark outside.

"Umm, Brann. How long were you explaining this?" Akuma nervously lands another question. Brann looks at Akuma with tired eyes as he responds. "For a long time, that's for sure."

A while passes by and Akuma chats together with Brann while eating dinner. After a while, Brann places a question in front of Akuma, for a change. "By the way, Akuma. What type are you?"

Akuma looks up from his food before answering nervously. "I... don't know."

Brann however doesn't take it the wrong way. "Cause if you don't know, you can get it checked here at the Guild. Color and everything. They'll even make you a status plate and you can choose your specialization later. Like, you know, a head hunter or a ruin explorer and that sort of stuff."

"That sounds good." Akuma responds.

"We can do that after dinner today, what do you think." Akuma nods in agreement to Brann's question.

During the rest of the meal Akuma can't help but wonder what type and color will he be.