
Black dragon of hate _ High School DXD Fanfic

I don't have rights to Highschool DXD. Or for a photo. Read and you will find out.

Kriuswer · Cómic
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30 Chs

A new member of the Blade family

[Author: I will start with a little information behind him.]

[1.Issei earned gloves. One of the longinuses.]

[2. Reinare died with the consent of Issei by Rias]

[3. I wrote the ending in a hurry. Excuse me. I had to go somewhere. And now I've corrected the errors in the tip. ]

[4.Black dragon awakened but only now MC is strong enough to hear him.]

[5. The black dragon is stronger than white and red. Therefore, it requires more power to talk to him.]

[6. MC appeared after Reinare's death. He entered a few moments before Rias wanted to take Asia to her family. MC didn't know that.]

[I hope I have dispelled some doubts. Sorry for my English. I will try in future chapters. Happy reading.]



Asia's eyes slowly began to open. As soon as she did, she slowly got up. When she was in a sitting position, Asie embraced Issei tightly.

(Issei) -Let's go home Asia.

It was very moving. Issei was crying in Asia's embrace, and so was she. Everyone's eyes were on them. Even I looked at them with warmth in my heart. Until my eyes saw Issei's gloves. I felt pure hatred. Not to Issei, but to his glove (Longinus). I felt there was something about her. And then I looked at my Longinus.

(Sanctus) - So you finally hear me. Interesting .

When I was about to start talking to my gauntlet, Rias came over to me and kissed my cheek. Saying "You did well, don't blame yourself for what happened." My face turned red like my eyes. So very much. I froze for a moment. Not because I was shy. None of these things. Because she did it on in everyone's eyes. In this Isseia what made me very happy. Now he knows that there is nothing to start for Rias. Although it is only a small kiss, but for us it was more important. And everyone saw it.

Then Rias teleported us back to the club. The shares lasted a long time. It was night. So everyone went home. I, Rias, Akeno, Issei and Asia stayed at the club.

We had one more thing to do. Asie had nowhere to live. Now that he is a demon, there is no sans to return to church. And I would never let her go. You must also explain to her that he is a demon.

When everyone's eyes got stuck, the conversation began.

(Rias) - Asia I know you sent a lot but there are a few things we need to discuss with you. But let's sit first.

Then everyone sat around the table. In the common room at the club.

Rias sat to my right and Akeno sat right. In front of me was Asia sitting next to her, Issei. All five of us sat down and we started to discuss important matters.

(Krius) - Rias, let me explain her. In the end it is by me.

(Rias) - Good. But I told you not to blame yourself .- Then she gently struck me with the elbow in the stomach.

It did not hurt me but it was quite a pleasure. It meant Rias was worried about me.

(Crius) - * cough * Then I'll start. First of all, as you remember from recent events.

Asia remembered everything and told everything that had happened lately. About how she was banished from the church. Then as she was recruited by Reinare and the others. Then she told about the relationship with Issei, which only improved my opinion about what kind of person Issei is. You don't like how I look at Rias anyway. Asia told her everything until Reinare took her sackred gear. Her last memory was that she opened her eyes and saw Issei. Who embraced her.

(Krius) - I understand. So now it's my turn to explain. Asiu, when Reinare took your sackred gear from you, your vital functions stopped. -I tried to tell her as gently as possible.

(Asia) -I'm dead but how? I am here. I do not understand. - to say it covered her mouth and tears appeared in her eyes.

(Krius) - Peacefully Asia. Now I will explain why you live. Now you are one of us.

(Asia) - Does that mean I'm a devil too? - Then Asia lays her hands and speaks. - Lord, forgive me.

(Krius) - Stop now you are the devil. You will feel pain. But don't worry, you are safe. You are among friends.

(Issei) - Senpai is right. Asia you can trust him. Sometimes it is scary but it has a golden heart.

(Asia) - If you mean it so well. I will trust you, Issei.

(Crius) - There is something I must explain to you. For example, Issei belongs to the Rias family. He is her pawn, the servant depends on what to call it. He is simply a family member whom every member will care for and fight for.

(Asia) - Pawn and what am I?

(Krius) - You Asia are my bishop.

(Asia) - yours?

(Crius) - Yes, you see Issei has experienced something similar to you. And he became a member of the Rias family. You have become mine. You are now part of the Blade Bloody Family.

(Asia) - Bloody? - She said in fear.

(Krius) - Do not misunderstand this nickname of the "Bloody Blade Family" we have gained the days of our blood magic.

(Asia) - It's a relief.

(Krius) - The last thing I want to tell you is that you have nowhere to live.

(Asia) - That's true - she lowered her head slightly.

(Krius) - That's why I want to offer you to live in my house. It's not good but we can do it.

(Rias and Issei) - What? - Issei was surprised but Rias became red. There was jealousy.

I did not pay attention to this and continued. Though the sight of jealous Rias was charming.

(Asia) - Thank you very much. Let god repay you for your goodness.

The next moment Asie and I got a headache. I did not comment on this and continued.

(Krius) - I hope you don't mind.

(Issei) -Nooo. No problem. I live a few houses away, I will visit you often, Asia. He grabbed his head with his right hand and smiled to Asia.

(Rias) - I don't mind. - She said all red. There was a feeling of jealousy in her voice.

Akeno just stared and laughed at the jealous Rias.

(Crius) - Well, it's late, then, though, Asia. About Issei, though, you won't have to walk alone with us.

(Issei) - Okay Senpai.- Then he stood next to me and Asia.

(Crius) - See you tomorrow, "Angelus meus rubrum." (This is Latin if you want)

Rias's face is even redder. Her heart beat even more.

When Rias was about to say something, the teleportation circle activated.

We appeared in front of my house.

(Issei) - It's good late. See you tomorrow Asia. Goodbye Senpai .- Nastepnei waved at us and entered his house.

(Krius) - Well, then Asia.

(Asia) - Good .- This time in a joyful voice. Which made me feel better.

We entered the house. My house wasn't big, I only had two rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. But for two people is enough.

I took Asia to the guest room. It was neico smaller than mine. There was a double bed in it. Dresser for clothes and a mirror. on the walls there were no neistety paintings because I did not use this room.

(Krius) - I'm sorry Asia for the mess. I promise to clean it up.

When I was to offer dinner to Asia, I heard a noise, he was running outside the door. Down the hall. I didn't know who, just in case, I activated my Longinus. When I opened the door I was relieved. Although now I felt no fear of danger but something much better.

Rias stood before the door with several walisses. Which is looking at me strangely now.

(Rias) - I live with you from today. It is not subject to discussion - the next one came before me and Asia.

(Krius) - But where you sleep, I don't have a couch.

Rias came to me and whispered in my ear.

(Rias) - With you.

I will try to insert more chapters because from Tuesday the school will start and I don't know how I will have time.

Thank you for reading.

I await comments.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts