
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

BlankPage0201 · Cómic
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88 Chs

Chapter 64

Seeing all the panicking, Hisashi calmly traverses his way to where he sensed Mai's Ki is. Later, he finds her at the town entrance where Lao and Shen met her. Seeing the civilians pack their things and move quickly, he has an idea about what is about to happen, thus, he walks to her.

"What's the situation? How many beasts are there?" He asks making Mai and the two others surprised.

"You're still here?"

"Yes. What do I have to do?" Hisashi asks. The two looks at Mai who was thinking, looking at Hisashi back and forth.

"How strong are you?" She asks. "I don't know. Am I supposed to say a number? Or what?"

"Whatever! Are you okay with fighting? We lack fighting power here and more than a thousand beasts are 30 minutes away. Xin Meng can take out the large hordes but the problem is something else. Are you okay with fighting?" Mai asks with a serious face.

"No problem with that… but you do know that you guys can also evacuate with the people right?"

"Why would we do that? Even if these houses aren't great, it's still home to many people. This town is their home. And even if we did… The horde won't stop. What about this? Let's make a deal."

Hisashi listens intently as Mai tells him what to do.

"If we can kill the beast horde before it reaches the town, I won't follow you around and limit you. You can explore the places by yourself. If you can even do more… maybe I can accompany you."

Her proposal made Hisashi think for a bit before saying, "Deal. But I don't need you to accompany me."

A minute later, several more people arrive with Zhang and a guy with messy hair in the front, which Hisashi assumed is Xin Meng. Shen informs him of the deal between the two teens and didn't say anything.

"Let's go. We have to advance. Xin Meng, Kon, you know what to do." Zhang taps the young man in the back and looks at a slightly older woman. The latter looks at him with an annoyed and sleepy expression.

They all went a kilometer away from the border of the town and the woman named Kon step out, taking her scroll too. With a couple of words, the dry lands as a battlefield changed fast.

[Water Sorcery: Chaoxi Qiang] (Tidal Wall)

A rush of water came out of nowhere and it splits into two long walls of water, with a wide opening in the middle. This time, Xin Meng steps out and with his scroll, blueish-white specks came out of his hands.

[Ice Sorcery: Tengliu de Huaibao] (Tengliu's Embrace)

Two white, palm-sized snowflakes shoot out fast from his hand and touch the two water walls. And within an instant, the same two 30-meter water walls froze in an instant. The ice wall stretched to kilometers which reached the entire town's horizontal ends.

"10 minutes." Hisashi mumbles and Zhang hears it.

"How'd you know?" The officer asks him.

"Their presence. And it's definitely on the thousands."

"Your JingChi reaches that far? It's never impossible…" Zhang looks at him with different eyes. 'But that means that you're special.'

"What's a JingChi?" Hisashi can't help but ask. With the mood of the up-and-coming battle, Zhang doesn't want to answer but someone did for him.

"It's the neutral chi, a chi that everyone has and is rooted in one's spirit. I'm not surprised that you know it given… your performance." Mai said to him which was heard by everyone. They all looked to her who was oblivious to what she in some way hinted.

But they soon dismissed it as a rushing cloud of dust can be seen at the far end of the battlefield. Lao summons a large bird and Mai gets in. Remembering her archery skills before, Hisashi wasn't surprised that she prefer to shoot from above.

"Ready to engage!" Zhang orders as he holds his spear. Finally seeing the wild beasts, the two dozen fighters ready themselves while waiting for the order.

"Will you give me the horde leaders?" Hisashi unsheathes his wooden training sword. Without looking at him, Zhang confidently asks.

"Do you swear to kill it?" Hisashi adjusts his straw hat as he feels the strongest presence in the horde, which is often times the leader. "I do."

Seeing the right distance to engage, Zhang raises his spear and points it to the enemies.

"Charge!" As so, they all take out their weapons and scroll summoning all sorts of magic. They also have different applications with others infusing to their body focusing in close quarters, summoning massive amounts in large quantities dealing large damage in larger areas, and some in between.

Seeing all of them run from above, Mai is worried. But she was stumped when she see someone still standing on the opening of the walls which was Hisashi and Xin Meng. It was the latter's usual role to be the last line of defense but she was wondering if he was accompanying him or whatever reason.

However… in a blink of an eye, he was gone. On the battlefield, Hisashi's whole right arm and left leg were covered with gloves and boots made of wind sorcery. The same can be said for his wooden sword with strong wind currents thinly covering it, adding a special attribute to it to shred instead of slash.

With the thick skin of the beasts compared to humans, Hisashi thought that this would be more fitting to use than his normal weapon-enhancing spells. With just several flashes, he outran the others and reaches the very front of the beasts.

He increases the strength of his muscle and the mana used on flash to seemingly teleport to a 10-meter-long tiger. Coming from above, Hisashi came down with the intent to finish the job as quickly as possible.


In one fell swoop, the tiger's head hangs to the side as the teen hits the side of the tiger's neck, nearly killing it. It didn't last seconds though, as at the same time that Hisashi lands on his two feet, the tiger has now perished, with no life remaining in its eyes.