

I woke up at my usual time and freshened up and followed Michelle traning session l got a good hour of traning then l took a bath and at that time jasmin woke up

"Good morning " l greeted jasmin who seemed to have just woken up but still looked good...

"Good morning, you woke up really early uh"

said jasmin with a sigh,

"Not particularly just woke up at my usual time , did you freshen up yet you seem tired did you sleep late ?"

"ya kinda , l was really motivated yesterday for some reason and forgot about the time" said jasmin with an embarrassed smile

"Well you better get ready fast because Curtis will be starting our training " Curtis was already annoyed by the fact that he had to take care of us and being late could.....be disastrous

"Yaya and it's not like l even woke up late every one just got up for Christ sake" jasmin continued to move

and after jasmin freshened up we ate lunch together, jasmin was right as people's seem to get up around this time

after our lunch we were picked up by Curtis and he started to show us the ropes, our work currently seemed to be desk work followed with patrol and to accompany Curtis as he escorted VIP to their destination

1 Week Later~

jasmin and l seem to have goten used our job we were mostly capturing theifs around the capital and sometimes our assistance would be asked by villagers for bandit raids we were able to defeat most of them easily time went without much complications l and Jasmin trained together and spared together from time to time we were

Suddenly we were called in by Captain Nozel to his office

"We are given a job by the wizard king, there seems to a a new dungeon discovered in our borders with the dimond kingdom, we are meant to raid and collect the treasure before the dimond kingdom gets their hands on them" said Captain Nozel with a serious face

"Understood sir " the three of saluted in unison , l was pretty excited about our first major mission

" Follow Curtis's instructions and don't let your guard down dungeon are know for their trap's add to that the forces that the dimond kingdom will send so let your guard down and you will be dead"

"when will we be living sir"asked Curtis with a impassive face " "leave as soon as possible l forgot to mention you will not be alone "

we left Captain Nozel office and started preparing for leaving for the expedition, we reached the inside of the dungeon and we saw three members of the golden down and two members of the black bulls

from the golden dawn they had a man with azure blue hair and glasses , The other members was a women with yellow eyes and wavy vermillion hair and a pair of earrings in her ear followed by yuno

while from the Black bulls side there was a girl with amethes eyes and platinum silver hair she reminded me of Nebra...

"So you guys were the one who are meant to give us back up" l said with sarcasm in my tone

"Well seems like the entire gang is here " said asta with a smile

"Tsk...we any was the one who finds the treasure gets the credit and we are going to get it Mimosa " said the person with the glasses to the girl with the vermillion hair

"yes klause sir " said Mimosa as she conjured a spell that displayed the layout of the map and then yuno used his wind magic to make them float

"What are you waiting for " said Curtis as he started to move we followed him , l sensed the mana around to check for any dangers while Jasmin used support magic to make movement easier and sir Curtis's got his stone magic ready in case we set of any traps

we were suddenly attacked by an explosion we were able to make it out without much injury because of jasmin enchantment

after the explosion cleared we saw a huge lron golem standing befor us , it then suddenly charged it's mana again l and sir Curtis's were able to create a double layered defence that was able to block the attack but were send flying from the shock wave

we got up back to our feet , l casted a huge lce glacier to fall from the sky and then summoned a huge Ice warrior l spend a good amount of mana for these two attacks

And it was worth it as the golem tried to block the glacier with its arm and then my Ice warrior upper cutted the Golem and then the glacier Fell on the Golem

but it was not done yet as it seemed to send multiple fast pased fire magic at my golem and to us , it took down the golem with one to two attacks and we tried to douge as much as possible and Even with jasmin enchantment we we still hit and took some serious damage

the golem then went to attack jasmin but l enterd the Zone and used my full body enchantment and slashed his arm of but he used his other arm to fire a concentrated explosion

l used everything I had an constructed and ice Barrier, l was starting to lose consciousness when suddenly yuno and asta came with their Concentrasted zone mode

asta attacked the golem and yuno got us out of there , yuno dropped us to a safe place and Jasmin started healing me

l rested as much as l could and recovered as much as mana as l could before going to fight

once more, it seemed that Sir Curtis broke both of his arm while taking a direct hit and couldn't move so jasmin was healing him before she was attacked so Mimosa was healing him

asta and yuno seemed to be able to put up a good fight but they were reaching their limit

l knew l had to do something

"Michelle Use your divine energy to give me a boost" it was our only way but it would be a glass canon as i would be useless for half a day if l used Michelle's mana for more than 10min



Mine and Michelle's energy seemd to merge together and my poetry seemed to be rising exponentially l them send a fast pased divine blast at the golem which seems to send it flying and pin it to the ground

it seemed that l couldn't hold this form for even 10mins...."Guys l don't have much left in me soo let's make this our last attack

jasmin had been gathering mana and condensing it to a extremely dense form while luck and asta prevented the golem front escaping the pin

klause and Critus seemd to support them bu capturing the golem with their respective magic

l , yuno and Jasmin combined our magic and and gave everything we had and shot it at the golem