
Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character

Dying and meeting a being who made him his new brother and promised to reincarnate him into the body of the strongest person of that world, what could go wrong with this right?....Well let's see how our protagonist deals with this when he finds himself inside a body that is destined to be strongest, which he will achieve no matter what. P.S.: It's not a serious story just a light read like a casual fanific about a guy reincarnating into Black Clover with some wishes.

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165 Chs

Sekke and Charmy's ingredient hunt

A few days passed by since Yami and Sekke had their training spar where Sekke barely defeated Yami. And since that day he was focusing on the trick that Yami showed him.

Currently, in the common room of the black bulls HQ, Sekke and Yami were cleaning their swords.

"You don't need to clean that sword of yours, right? Why the hell are you wasting my precious powder," asked Yami as he wiped the blade of his katana.

"Oh come on don't be so stingy Yami-san. I know that I don't need to, but how can I not care for my precious partner. Besides Extase-chan is like a soul mate to me. So cleaning her is just my way of showing my gratitude."

Saying so, Sekke smiled seeing his sword. He then looked at how Yami maintained his katana and followed the same with his own Extase.

Finished with their clean up both Sekke and Yami lifted their swords and showed satisfied smiles.

"Now then, onto the next thing..." said Yami as he stood up and put his katana back into the scabbard.

Sekke looked at Yami curiously as he saw his captain walk away.

'...That is not the way to the toilet...where is he going?' thought Sekke.

"Oi dumbass, gather everyone here within 10 minutes."

Hearing Yami's command Sekke put his sword back as well and went to call the others.


Ten minutes later, all the members of the squad gathered at the same place and stood before Yami, who handed them their salaries.

'....Is it just me of my pay increased way too much compared to the last months...oh, I forgot that I got promoted.' thought Sekke as he looked at his salary.

"With this, my job is done. Ah, also tomorrow's a day off," said Yami as he started walking away only to be confronted by Luck and Vanessa who started asking him to fight and drink with them.

"Well, a day off huh. I wonder what should I do? Any suggestions Secre?" asked Sekke as he poked the anti-bird Sitting on top of his shoulders.

"La, Sekke-kun, Sekke-kun!!"

Suddenly, hearing his name being called out, Sekke looked at his short senpai.

"Do you have anything to do tomorrow?" asked Charmy.

"Nothing as of now"

"Then come with me. I heard a large number of ingredients roaming around near a village. Let's go and get them all!" exclaimed Charmy as she raised her fist in the air.

"Hm? Ingredients? You mean monster hunting. Sure I don't mind. What about you Secre? Want to go with Charmy-senpai?" asked Sekke to which the anti-bird just stared back at him.

'...*sigh*Well if it means that he will stay away from that fire bitch(Anna).' thought Secre.

"Then it's decided. Let's get going then." declared Charmy as various sheep appeared around Sekke and Charmy.

"Huh, you mean right now?" asked Sekke as the sheep held Sekke and started running on Charmy's command.

Seeing the two leave Asta and Noelle just waved them goodbye as Noelle looked at Asta and asked, "Bakasta, are you not planning to follow them. Normally you would be yelling and screaming by now about how you will defeat Sekke or something."

"Ah, I really want to go and challenge Sekke, but I have something to do tomorrow, that's why I can't go with them," replied Asta.

"Something to do?" asked Noelle.

"Yeah, I am going to meet Rebecca and her siblings tomorrow," replied Asta.


Hearing his words Noelle remembered the red-haired girl that Asta met at the mixer.

'He-He is going to meet that girl!!!!'


"...I feel like I am missing something really interesting right now," muttered Sekke as he took another one of the many snacks that Charmy prepared for their journey.

"La, try this one as well," said Charmy as she offered another one of her new dishes to Sekke and Secre.

Sekke and Secre looked at the new dish that the little senpai offered them and gulped.

Both of them were already filled to their limits but the food looked so enticing that they were unable to resist the temptation.

'...I will have to burn all these calories tomorrow.' thought Sekke as he took a plate from Charmy and offered some of the food to Secre.

"By the way Charmy-senpai why are we leaving so early. It's still night. Is there something specific you are aiming for?" asked Sekke.

"La, you are correct Sekke-kun. You see there is this tree monster that only roams during the night. I want to- Oh! There they are!!!"

Charmy who was in the middle of her explanation suddenly yelled out loud and pointed at a group of trees.

Sekke and Secre looked toward the place she was pointing at and saw various trees but were not able to tell if they were any different from just their appearance.

But Sekke and Secre were both adept at sensing mana and could indeed tell that the trees were not normal.

Suddenly the trees started shaking making Sekke and Secre a bit wary.

"La! After them my sheep!" ordered Charmy as the sheep that were carrying them and were around them started running towards the trees.

As if in response to that the trees got uprooted from the ground and some sort of legs became visible.


Faces appeared on the trunks of the trees and Sekke and Secre could clearly tell from their expressions that they were not the least bit friendly.

"Well looks like I will be burning those calories right now," said Sekke as one of his grimoires started hovering beside him.

Mana started gathering around the trees and Sekke became serious as well and started preparing a defensive spell for the incoming attack.


The trees screeched in unison as roots started emerging from the ground.

But contrary to Sekke's expectations, instead of rushing toward them in some sort of attack. the roots rose up and formed a wall in front of the trees.

"La, this is bad! The trees will run away and hide in the forest, and it will be very difficult to find them there," said Charmy in a panicked tone.

Hearing that Sekke looked staring at the wall of trees in front of him and then turned back towards Charmy.

"Charmy-senpai throw me up in the air!"


Hearing that Charmy looked at Sekke but seeing the confident expression on his face, she ordered her sheep to throw Sekke up in the air.

Sekke who was now up in the sky looked past the wall of trees as both of his grimoires started floating beside him.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon Make-Minigun + Ice Debuff Magic: Frost Touch]

Mana gathered around Sekke's hands as two miniguns appeared in front of his hands.

"They are fast for just being trees," muttered Sekke as a smirk appeared on his face and he pointed his hands towards the trees.

"Now let me show you the dark lord's shooting capabilities," said Sekke as he channeled magic to the miniguns.

The guns started rotating and bullets made up of mana launched toward the tree monsters.

One of the monsters who felt the bullets closing in on them looked toward Sekke only to be hit by a bullet.

The moment the bullet hit the tree, it stopped moving as a layer of ice appeared all over its body.

Seeing one of their buddies stopping suddenly made the other monsters look toward Sekke as well making them meet a similar fate as their frozen comrade.

Sekke who was done with his job looked towards the ground and landed in the arms of the sheep.

He then rushed toward the other sheep who were near the wall of trees and just sighed as he heard the cheerful voice of the excited Charmy from the other side of the wall.