After Being hit by a fast moving object a simple man gets to meet a Rob who agrees to fulfil a request or two from the simple man Let’s watch the journey of the Simple man to world Strongest Wizard. I don’t own anything other then my OCs
(Minato's Age 11)
I forgot to say what the MCs parents names are.
MC Father - Ashfore Namikaze
MC Mother Tori Namikaze
World Map —->
-3rd POV-
"Minato can you come down here for a moment please" Tori Namikaze shouts to her son who's currently in his room.
"One second" Her son Minato shouts back in return.
Minato enters the living to find both of his parents sitting on the couch waiting for him.
"Yes Mom what do you need" Minato asks.
"Well we believe it's time for you to join us on around trip to the Common and Forsaken realms" Tori says to her son.
"A round trip around the Common and Forsaken realms?" Minato asks curiously with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, you see we donate a fairly noticeable amount of money to most towns and villages. So we like to visit each place and make sure it's being used correctly" Ashfore says to Minato.
"Oh I understand. When do we leave?!" Minato question with his parents easily recognised the excitement in his voice.
"In a week, so let's go start packing" Tori says with a motherly smile.
-1 Week Later-
"Say mom what towns are we going to visit" Minato asks his mother as he puts on his backpack.
"Well are visiting 5 villages in the Forsaken realm, 2 towns in the common realm and then we'll stop by the capital for a day or so before returning home" Tori explains to her son.
"Which village are we heading to first?" Minato asks
"Saussy village, Its pretty close by" Tori says as she guides her son towards the front door
~Scene Change~
It took us only an hour or so to make it to Saussy village. Saussy village is one of the villages that my family doesn't sponsor because the previous mayor was arrogant and wanted full control of the village.
But now there's a new mayor so my dad is hoping that the new mayor will be smart enough to accept our help.
"Sweetie, why don't you go explore the village" my mom says to me.
"Erm yeah sure, I'll see you guys later" I shout as I run off, to look for something interesting.
~Scene Change~
It only took me a few minutes to explore the entire village due to its small size.
I didn't find any thing of interest, which isn't surprising due to the low amount of natural mana in the forsaken realm. They rarely have to deal with mana enhanced beast.
Which is unfortunate for me as I hoped to fight one, plus my parents said that we are staying here for a week. So I have nothing to do other then train with my magic.
~One Day Later~
I'm currently in the nearby forest practicing with my [Flying Thunder God] technique. I'm still not able to place my mark in under a few minutes. So I'm still only at stage 1 of the [Flying Thunder God] stage 2 will consist of me being able to place it immediately on anything or anyone.
"Let's do this" I say to myself as I prepare to do 10 continuous [Flying Thunder God] jumps
I hold 6 kunai in between my fingers, I take a beep breath. Then I jump twisting my body midair and toss all 6 at the same time, then swiftly pull out 4 more and throw all 4.
Before I touch the ground I use my high sensory abilities to locate the first kunai. And teleport to it.
I continue this process until I've teleported to the final kunai just behind where I originally started.
"Woah, Yes I did" I shout out in between taking gasps of breath, as this exercise is especially tiring for my body.
I collect all my kunai, because i don't want to spend another hour or two making more kunai's that have been marked.
Putting them all back in my pouch, I just lay down on the ground to take a small rest for a few minutes. While laying down I expand my mana sense to get a fell for the forest as I forgot to before I started to train.
While searching the forest with my mana sense I notice a blank spot in the forest, it's like it doesn't exist or a better explanation is that there's no mana in that area. With that discovered and my curiosity peaked I get up and head towards the blank spot in the forest.
Quickly reaching the blank spot I see a clearing with a cottage inside of it. Walking closer i quickly notice there's not a single drop of mana in the clearing, it feels like all of the natural mana has been forced out.
Walking to the cottage, I knock on the door. "Hey anybody home" I call out to see if anybody's home. Now normally this would be stupid but I'm confident in my escape abilities.
Not getting any answer, I try to place a marker on the outside wall of the cottage just in case, only for it not to work. It's like I can't cast any magic.
Taking out a kunai I throw it outside the clearing just in case.
I enter the house, to notice how dark and dingy it is. Like it hasn't been lived in for years.
Walking deeper into the cottage, I see a dining room and a kitchen fairly quickly. It isn't until I reach the living room, that I finally see someone. It's a dark haired thin looking boy, reading a book.
"You know it's offly rude to just walk into someone's house" the boy says sassily before I could speak up.
"It could also be said that it's rude not to answer the door when someone knocks" I reply quickly with the same amount of sass
"I suppose that's true" the boy says not speaking any further.
"Do you live here alone?" I ask.
"Clearly" the boy drones out.
"Interesting" I whisper. "What's your name?"
"Kashi, yours" he asks back.
"Minato Namikaze" I tell him.
"Namikaze. I read about your family" Kashi reply's holding up his book slightly.
"Oh, what does your book say"
"Just a brief history about everything your family has done for the kingdom. Also about how your ancestor was friends with goths First Wizard King" Kashi explains.
"I guess that's true" I say before my curiosity gets the best of me. "Why are you out here all alone?"
"After my parents found out I was uncureable. They dumped me out here and left" Kashi says with an under tone of sadness and anger.
"Oh, why" I push a little harder.
"Because I'm cursed" He says looking straight into my eyes.
"Really! I've never met a cursed person before" I says kinda of excited, shocking him slightly. "How are you cursed?" I ask.
"You've felt it haven't you" He says standing up. "There's no magic around here, my magic is Barrier Magic. But Due to my curse it forces all magic out of the surrounding area, which isn't bad in the short term"
"But in the long term, Will force the magic out of a person. Causing extreme amounts of pain. So you now know why my parents dump me here" Kashi finish's.
"Okay, what would you say if someone's as the ability to cure you?" I ask.
~End of Chapter~