After Being hit by a fast moving object a simple man gets to meet a Rob who agrees to fulfil a request or two from the simple man Let’s watch the journey of the Simple man to world Strongest Wizard. I don’t own anything other then my OCs
"Okay, what would you say if someone's as the ability to cure you?" Minato asks the cursed boy.
"I'd say, that's not possible. No one has ever cured a Curse before" Kashi states.
"Well, I know that. But I wasn't around before" Minato says kinda cockily.
"You believe you can cure me?" Kashi says unimpressed.
"Well, not cure. More like seal the curse" Minato rephrased. "It's something I've been thinking about a lot. The only other way I know to possibly cure a curse is to kill the person who cursed you"
"You think yourself who doesn't even have a grimoire can do what no one else in the history of the entire kingdom can," Kashi says in a dull tone.
"No... I know for a fact I can" Minato states confidently.
"Okay, let's say you can. What do you want in return?" Kashi asks with a rises eyebrow.
"Well you possess barrier magic right," Minato asks getting a nod from Kashi. "I plan on joining the magic knights in a few years. I want you to join with me"
"You want me to fight for those arrogant, self-absorbed nobles?" Kashi asks
"No, I want you to protect the people of this kingdom. Then join my future Magic Knight Squad" Minato explains.
"Offly confident in your magic abilities aren't you," Kashi says
"Of course I am. So want do you say. We got a deal?" Minato asks holding out his hand.
"If you can help me with my curse. I'll protect the Kingdom with my magic" Kashi says shaking Minato's hand.
"Excellent. Pack up everything you wish to bring with you. You'll be joining me and my family until we join the magic Knights" Minato says as he goes to leave.
"Wait what?" Kashi says confused.
"What. I'm not leaving you in this place. You'll come to stay with my family. That way we can train together" Minato explains.
"I'll be back tomorrow with the Seal for your curse"
~Scene Change~
~Minato POV~
"Mom, Dad I'm back" I shout as I enter our temporary home, for our stay in this village.
"We're in the kitchen son" I hear my dad answer back.
"Mom, Dad I've something to tell you" I state as I enter the Kitchen.
"Oh do tell us," my dad says looking up from peeling potatoes with my mother.
"Well as of tomorrow we will be joined by a boy named Kashi. Who I have recruited" I tell them.
"You have recruited?" My mom says confused.
"Yes recruited. As you know I've decided to join the Magic Knights. So I'm not going to settle for anything less the Captain" I explain.
"Okay then. What about his parents? Did they agree to this? You didn't trick him did you?" My mother gracefully rushes out multiple questions.
"He doesn't have any parents, they dumped him in a cottage and no I didn't trick him we made a deal," I tell her.
"What deal?" My dad speaks up.
"Well, he's cursed. I agreed to seal his curse in exchange he'll join the Knights with me"
"He's Cursed," My mom says with pity lacing her tone.
"Seal his curse?" My Dad asks intrigued.
"Yes, I'm 100% certain I can seal his curse allowing him to live a completely normal life," I tell him.
"Hmm, very well if you can seal his curse he can join us and eventually come to live with us," my Dad says with my Mother nodding in agreement.
"Thanks, Dad. I'll see you later, gotta go whip up a seal for him I'll see you at dinner"
I enter my room, pull out my Rune materials and get to work. I take advantage of the knowledge I got from Minato's fūinjutsu to create a seal similar to that of the [4 Prong Seal]. This will allow me to seal the curse within Kashi. Granted Kashi will lose about 2 to 5% of his mana to keep the seal working but that's basically nothing to him.
The only problem is that I'll have to apply it directly to his body. So I can't really practise that much, as the human body is different from the scroll paper I use.
~The Next Day~
Releasing a light groan as I stretch out my tired body, "I'm never doing an all nighter again"
"Minnie come get your breakfast" i her my delightful mother call out.
"Minnie? Where did that come from" I say to myself.
Entering the kitchen I was greeted by the wonderful scent beacon and eggs.
"Something smells great" I say as I take a seat at the dining table.
"Are you okay son?" my dad asks me.
"Hmm yeah, why?" I reply.
"Well you look kinda..."
"Horrible" My mom interrupts him, while placing a plate of food in front of me.
"Oh yeah I didn't get any sleep last night. I was working on the seal for Kashi" I tell them. "I'm going to head over after breakfast" I say in between bites of beacon.
"Are you sure honey, you should really get some rest" my mom tells me.
"No I'm good for another few hours at least" I say.
I quickly eat the rest of my breakfast. I thank my mother for the food and rush out towards Kashi's cottage.
~Scene Change~
"Yo Kashi, I'm here" I shout banging on the front door. The door is opened and I'm greeted by Kashi looking awfully tired.
"What?" He groans out.
"I'm here to seal your curse pal" I tell him giving him a bright smiles
"Really?" He question with a hint of hopefulness in his voice.
"Yep. Let's get this down, as I only have about 4 hours before I crash" I tell him walking past him and into his cottage.
"So how will this work?" Kashi asks watch me get prepared to seal his curse.
"I'm gonna seal your curse in a seal, obviously, it's gonna cost you about 2 or 3 percent of your total amount of mana.
But that's basically nothing" I explain.
"Oookayyy" he says not all that convinced.
"Alright. Take off your shirt and lay down here" I order. Kashi just shrugs and follows my orders.
I waste no time in drawing the sealing formation on his stomach, it only takes me about 20 mins to draw out the sealing formation.
"Alright, I'm down drawing the seal out. So you ready to be free of your curse?" I ask.
"As I'll ever be"
"[Cursed Sealing Method: Earthly Heavenly Seal of Protection]" I shout completely the seal.
I hear Kashi making a Ooof sound as the wind gets knocked out of him.
"How you feeling?" I ask.
"Good, no great. Like a weight has been lifted from my chest" Kashi says getting all excited.
"Delightful, let's go then your staying with me and my parents from now on" I tell him.
It took Kashi only 10 minutes to pack all his belongings into a spare storage scroll I made.
"Wait a second?" Kashi says stopping me from leave the cottage.
"Hmm yeah?"
"Did you really say *puts on a deep voice* Earthly Heavenly Seal of Protection" Kashi says trying to hold in a laugh.
I blush a little. "It's a great name, no one can change that" I tell him as I march out of his cottage.
~End of Chapter~