
Black Clover: Reborn As a Silva

After dying after being run over by a truck, a young man finds himself strangely reincarnated in the world of Black Clover, in the royalty of the Silva house. As a member of the Silva royal house, what fate awaited this young man who had his life completely turned upside down?

Eternum0616 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Distant Memories

Part 2: Starry Sky

The minutes dragged by, and we were both covered in sweat, our heavy breaths echoing across the training field.

The intense training was now in its final phase, with me having to do my best to stay in the fight.

It was at that moment that she launched a surprise attack, a series of quick and complex movements that caught me off guard.

Her blade met mine, and the pressure of the attack brought me to my knees.

Hilda, with a triumphant look, lowered her sword and declared, "You have resisted well, young master. But as always, victory is mine."

I looked up, very tired, and nodded. "My God, I almost died! Why does your training always end in such a spartan way, master?"

Hilda laughed softly and said. "Well, just so you can learn how it should be.

I hope you are ready to face more intense training like today.

The road to mastery is long and challenging, but with your talent, you will get there in no time."

This time, I felt a shiver run down my spine. The thought of facing more training sessions like this was scary, but I knew I couldn't back down.

My resolve was firm, and I was determined to keep up with my master, no matter how difficult it was.

As we needed to recover, we lay down on the field, recovering the rhythm of our breathing. It was a clear and peaceful night, perfect for stargazing.

Silence reigned for a moment as we looked up at the sky. My curious mind couldn't avoid a question that had always intrigued me.

"Master, in the entire royal capital, you are the only person I see so interested in the art of the sword. Where did this passion come from?"

Well, I believe that everyone was just interested in magic, the other arts almost didn't exist because they were so forgotten.

This question seemed to catch her off guard. Then she looked at me with a deep look and said, "You're not trying to steal my heart, are you?"

I didn't understand where this question came from, it was just my curiosity. But she occasionally said that kind of thing, so I responded calmly.

"Well, you're my master, but you're an amazing woman, so who knows?"

She smiled and seemed to blush slightly upon hearing those words. After a brief moment of silence, she decided to share her story with me.

"It's not exactly a passion, young master. It all started a long time ago, when I was a young girl.

I used to be a noblewoman of the Rosso house, a family known for possessing a rare magic, the magic of sword creation."

She continued, explaining that her family, from generation to generation, had mastered the art of creating magical swords, imbued with their own unique magical attributes.

It was a valuable and respected skill throughout the kingdom, a skill that gave his family significant influence.

But then, with a sigh, she continued. "I was an exception. I didn't inherit my family's magical attribute.

Instead, I inherited fire magic from my mother, who joined the Rosso family through marriage. From the beginning, my relatives treated me with disdain and discrimination."

She looked sad, being overcome with memories of a difficult time. "At one point, they kicked me out, thinking I was of no value to them.

I grew up with a deep hatred for them all. But at a certain point, I realized that hate wouldn't get me anywhere. I decided to channel my anger in a different way."

She turned her gaze back to me and said. "That's how I started training in the art of the sword, with the intention of becoming good enough to be able to face the Rosso family's magic with just pure swordsmanship, which seemed crazy at first.

Years passed, and I discovered the advantages of using a sword in a fight, and before I knew it, I had already become a powerful magician. Being versatile using sword and magic when necessary.

That's when I decided to join the magic knights who protect the Kingdom."

"Coincidentally, in the selection exam, I ended up with one of my family members in the last exam, I don't know if it was luck or bad luck.

But I finished him off in a one-sided beating, the memories and hatred hadn't completely disappeared.

He ended up eliminated and I passed, that's how I joined the Silver Eagles."

I was perplexed to hear the story about my master's life. I don't know why, but I approached her and gave her a hug.

She seemed surprised by this gesture, but slowly let herself get involved. She appeared to be slightly flushed, but showed no discomfort.

As she got caught up in the moment, she looked at me and said.

"We have a similar story, young master. You are also despised by your family, just like I was.

However, I see in you a stronger will than I had at your age. I'm sure you'll soon shut them all up. I believe in your potential, Niel-Sama."

The use of my real name, rather than the formal title of "young master", resonated in a special way.

It was as if Hilda was recognizing me as an individual, not just a member of the Silva family.

My master had a genuine smile, the kind of smile that wasn't often seen on her face.

It made me realize that despite her facade as a strict trainer, she had her own struggles and seemed to somehow care about me.

"Thank you very much, Hilda," I thanked her with a smile, finally realizing why I saw her as a source of inspiration. It turns out our stories were similar.

Returning to her typical sharp-eyed self, she said jokingly, "How long do you intend to keep hugging me?"

I released the hug and said with a nervous laugh. "Sorry, master, I just wanted to show you how grateful I am."

"Ufufu, I'm just joking. However, it's late, we'd better go back."

I nodded briefly.

As we walked back to the Silva residence, Hilda expressed her opinion about most people's obsession with magic, forgetting the importance of other arts like swordsmanship.

She highlighted the usefulness of swordsmanship in dangerous situations, especially against close-range mages.

I agreed with my master. It seemed like a waste not to explore the other arts and rely so much on magic.

I decided that I would train both my magic and my swordsmanship, becoming a versatile mage, just like my master and the captain of the squad I intended to join.

The moment arrived and we said goodbye, then I went to my room, reflecting on the day.

I felt like I had made significant progress with today's training and that my connection with my master had deepened.

Night fell over the royal capital, and I slept with renewed hopes of a bright future as a magic knight.