
Black clover Fanfiction

x_z_c_987 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

In clover kingdom inside a poor village before the border between clover kingdom and heart kingdom a boy was walking he has no memory of who he is or where his parent are he doesnt even remember for how much have he walked for or where he is going but while walking inside the village he found something strange that there nobody living here while walking and thinking about alot of things like who he is or why no one is living here a small memory came back to him.

A woman was staring at him and saying "Rai its your 15th birthday today happy birthday" he didnt see the face of the women it he realise that his name is rai and he is 15 years old nothing more nothing less.

After a while a young boy with silver hair and red eye if you see it you will thing its ruby with smooth white skin was walking inside the village a voice of a man was saying " what this boy is doing here doesnt he know about the bandits" after saying that he was sweating of what he saw the boy was stopped by a group of bandit the man said to him self "im the sole survivor of this village i should at least save this boy before those damn bandit kill him something" the guy gather all his courage and stood up and walk directly to the bandit and the boy.

Rai was walking while thinking of alot of things at the same time before his thinking stops when a group of three people stopped him the people were wearing a red robe with mask on their faces then one of the mask people start talking by saying " hi boy what are you doing here dont you know this our territory now hahaha even the magic knights will not come here" the other guy of the mask group said " of course they will not who will come for those poor people with low amount of magic hahah" while the group were laughing a man came in with broom he took rai hand and use his broom to fly away but before the man could fly the group of three people notice him and used their grimoire to shoot him and they succeed Rai was shocked on what that man is doing he doesnt understand it actually he was thinking what is going why are this people so noisy and why this guy want to be a hero.

Rai start to remember another thing that he used to hear alot in his mind a voice came again this time was a maid was talking to another maid " young master has really high iq but low eq" he finally understand why he didnt care about the masked bandit or the man who was trying to help he was thinking cause cause on that moment his head start to hurt him really badly he almost fainted but before he did remembered everything that happend to him while regaining his memory the bandit was going near the injured man.


"Rai today your going to get your grimoire finally arent you happy son" Rai father was talking to his son " you will be escorted by your brother and some knights dont be cold to them act at least" saying that with smile on his face then he left

Rai was walking to meet his brother and the knights when he arrived his brother was talking to the knights then he said " brother im ready lets go" his brother nodded then they started their trip on magical vehicle one of the knights crated it

When they were above the volcano mountain Rai was looking at it while his brother nodded to the other knights in blind of eye Rai was wrapped up by a magic that nullify magic he was shocked at the scene why did his brother did that or why did the knights did before his brother start talking "little brother its your own fault to become the genius of our family and i cant let you live to take what is mine im the one who will become the heir of our family the house of kira" then he ordered the knights to drop him to the volcano and that what he did while Rai was on the middle of air he was thinking should i laugh or cry i really dont know i predict that but i though my brother is too coward of doing that on that moment his back hit the lava of the volcano and he drowned .

Was it a day or weeks or months i dont know the only things i know that i havent burned to ashs ot died when the lava goes away i lost my memory and i started walking for alot.

[End of flash back]

The bandit was chanting his grimoire to kill the man before a sudden loud laugh came from the boy he they though was so scared to move the boy rai was cursing while saying in loud voice "trust in this word if my own blood betrayed me how should i trust any more" he looked behind him with strong killing intent the bandit and the man on the ground were scared and couldnt move inch the boy was walking to them one of the bandit gather his courage and use his grimoire it was fire grimoire and he hits rai while the bandit were laughing and saying " it was just a boy and we though we were doomed hahahha" a sudden voice came from the smoke " is that all you got?" With that saying Rai came from the fog without any wound or scratch it was like he never got hit by any thing then a second he vanish and came infront one of the bandit who attacked him earlier then kicks him in the face the other though it was just 15 years old boy kick but the reality the bandit head was no where to be found and other two were scared to death they didnt know what to do they though about running and that what they were going to do before Rai did to them like what he did to their friend by kicking there face like a ball and they both died

Rai after killing the three bandit he looks at the man who tried to save him from the bandit before he says " thank you for trying to stand up for me I appreciate it so much" and put his hand to help the man who said " no problem" he was still in shock of what just happend Rai said after that " let me help you with your wounds may i know what your name" the man said" my name is charles sir and no need i can heal my self " the man was a healer on this village

After a while of talking the man didnt ask Rai for his name cause he was scared of him but after the talks he gather the courage and says " may i know what your name sir" Rai laughed on the sir thing he said " my name is rai do you any near place to get grimoire?" The man was astonished did this guy beat the bandit without grimoire then he calm himself then said" yea there is a tower behind the this forest and thank you very much for saving my life" Rai look at the man he was going to say i didnt they were just so noisy buy he stopped himself then he start walking to the forest.

End of chapter.

Im sorry if there is alot of grammar mistake and i hope you like the first. Chapter