
Black Clover: Element of Destruction

In an unexpected twist, Ryan finds himself transported into the world of Black Clover, where his soul fuses with a native named Ryan. He possesses a magic called "Sword Magic," which has little battle power due to his lack of mana. However, his journey takes a riveting turn when he discovers a latent, enigmatic second magic. ... I'm rewriting the story, making many changes as I rushed in the first attempt, so the updates will be slow. Think of it as an AU. That's all.

Firesight · Cómic
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17 Chs

Crafting Flight

A week had passed since the incident with the bandits, and Ryan found himself deep in training, grappling with the challenge of controlling his uncontrollable purple mana.

"Huff, huff..."

Sweating profusely, he swung his sword in practiced motions, each movement accompanied by bursts of erratic magic.

Despite his best efforts, the mana refused to obey his commands, leaving him frustrated and exhausted.

"Come on, dammit," he muttered to himself, gritting his teeth in determination.

But try as he might, Ryan couldn't seem to break through the barrier that held his mana in its unruly grip.

As he paused to catch his breath, he couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that gnawed at him.

There were still four months left until the Magic Knights examination, and he felt like he had hit a bottleneck in his progress.

Leaning against his ethereal sword, Ryan glanced around the secluded training area, his mind racing with thoughts of his ambitions.

Becoming a Magic Knight was a step towards his ultimate goal, but he knew that he needed to surpass even that to achieve true strength.

"I can't afford to stagnate," he thought, his gaze steely with determination.

"The fight with the bandits was a good experience," he acknowledged, "but it wasn't enough. I need to face tougher enemies."

But at this moment, he couldn't seem to find anything. Thinking about this, something clicked in his head.

"The magic beast..."

Magic beasts have an inherent strong affinity with mana and possess strong physical power as well.

Although they possess less intelligence, the rule of the jungle makes them strong since they are young; they are perfect opponents!

With that, Ryan decided to venture deep inside the forest. But the destination would take him many hours to reach deep into the forest.

It would take hours to reach even the first layer of the forest where he had discovered the dungeon.

And if he encountered something he couldn't fight with his strength, he would be totally vulnerable in the forest. He needed something that could help him move faster.

And to do that, he had a perfect solution!


Ryan made his way to the nearest shop in Relmaur, his mind racing with possibilities.

The shop was small, its shelves stocked with everyday items, but Ryan's attention was drawn to a stack of wooden branches in the corner.

Approaching the shopkeeper, Ryan inquired about the item he wanted. The shopkeeper, a grizzled old man with a twinkle in his eye, shook his head regretfully.

"Sorry, lad," the shopkeeper apologized, shaking his head. "The broomsticks aren't ready yet. I was planning to send the wood over to the blacksmith to be made into broomsticks."

A thought full expression appeared on his face, but a glimmer of hope sparked within him. If he could get his hands on one of those branches before they were turned into broomsticks, perhaps he could make a custom-made broomstick for himself.

"Is there any chance I could buy one of those branches off you?" he asked eagerly.

The shopkeeper hesitated, eyeing Ryan thoughtfully for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I suppose I could spare one," he said, reaching for the nearest branch. "But be warned, lad, not everyone can make broomsticks. They're not like ordinary wood."

Ryan nodded, his mind already racing with plans on how to design the broomstick.

"Thank you," he said sincerely, accepting the branch with a grateful smile.

With the branch in hand, he paid the shopkeeper the amount and made his way back to his house.

As Ryan reached his house, he wasted no time in gathering his tools.

Opening the door, he stepped into his small workshop, the scent of sawdust filling the air.

The workshop was the cherished domain of his late grandfather, who had adopted him. Before his passing, his grandfather had been a carpenter, and his tools still remained in the house.

He had also been taught carpentry by his late grandfather, and that's why he had confidence in making a broomstick by himself.

With determination shining in his eyes, he grabbed his carving knife, sandpaper, and various other tools scattered across the workbench.

Sitting down at the workbench, Ryan pulled out a piece of parchment and began sketching his design for the broomstick.

He wanted it to be sleek and aerodynamic, yet sturdy enough to withstand the rigors of flight.

As he meticulously drew each line, his mind buzzed with excitement at the prospect of crafting his own magical instrument.

Once satisfied with his design, Ryan picked up the wooden branch he had acquired from the shop and carefully examined it. It was smooth and sturdy, with just the right amount of flexibility.

"It's look good."

Nodding to himself, he placed the branch on the workbench and began to carve away the excess wood, shaping it according to his design.

The mechanism of a broomstick was quite simple; it all depended on the wood and its affinity with mana. If the wood had an affinity with mana, then the user could directly channel mana through it, and it would respond directly as the user wanted.

Of course, the design also mattered; it was responsible for its speed and maneuverability. A well-crafted design could enhance the broomstick's performance, allowing it to glide effortlessly through the air with precision and grace.

Taking everything into account and adding some of his own touches, Ryan continued his work.

Hours passed as Ryan worked tirelessly, his hands moving with practiced precision.

The Anti-Magic bird watched from the window, its dead fish eyes following his every move with mild curiosity.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ryan put down his tools and stepped back to admire his handiwork.

Glancing on the window at the Anti-Magic bird, he chuckled softly.

"What do you think, buddy? Impressed?"

The Anti-Magic bird continued to stare at him with its usual uninterested look. Shrugging, Ryan turned his attention back to the hoverboard, running a hand over its smooth surface.

The wooden branch had been transformed into a sleek, elegant hoverboard, its surface polished to a smooth finish.

"Alright, let's do this," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Time to put this baby to the test."

Picking up the hoverboard, Ryan felt a surge of pride swell within him. It may not have been a traditional broomstick, but it was his creation, infused with his own craftsmanship.

With a determined grin, Ryan stepped outside, the hoverboard hovering effortlessly by his side.

Mounting the board, he activated his mana and channeled it through the hoverboard. With a whoosh of magic, he soared into the air.

As he glided through the sky, the wind whipping through his hair, a smile tugged on his face.











