
I want

I want to live...

I want to love...

I want to breathe.

I want to be free.

I want to experience all of life's wonders.

I want to live as if it's my last day.

I want to not care of others opinions.

I want to be myself without shame.

I want to love life.

I want to love myself.

I want to love with all of my hearts content

and get the same love back.

I want to be selfless.

I want the universe to embrace me,

I want the world to be happy.

I want equality for all regardless of gender,race or age.

I want others to be happy.

I want others to love themselves.

I want others to be selfless.

I want others to be accepting of others.

I just want life to not be full of despair and tragedy hidden behind broken smiles and a "I'm fine".

I want everyone to truly be able to say that their happy and content with their lives.