
Bitter Unforgiving Pain

That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet. - Jhumpa Lahiri This is the unique story of Billie Bleeker A tale of courage, friendship, what family really means and a lot more This book will make you want to keep on reading and reading and wanting more and more This is Bitter Unforgiving Pain and Billie herself is telling her story .......................................................................... My mother was on the floor lying as still as a stick. I quickly rushed towards her. There was a gash in the middle of her forehead where blood was gushing out like water gushing from a waterfall. At that moment my mind went blank. I didn't know what to do. So I sat down on the floor beside my mother. I put her head in my lap and started running my hands through her hair. Her dark hair so similar to mines felt like silk as I was running my hand through it. I held my hand to the gash, but no matter the pressure I applied the blood still gushed between my fingers and oozed under my hands. Excited to read yet?? If you are jump in and join Billie on her adventure

EZENWA23 · Adolescente
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12 Chs

Chapter 11:Oh we were in deep doo-doo now

" Come on slow poke walk faster "



Tamika lied to me we weren't there yet

It had been four hours since she said that we were almost at Cannington

That Cunning lying fox

Excuse my language

At first, I was keen on looking at the beautiful sights of nature

The people that said that too much of something is bad for you.

For example, you love eating pizza.

Whenever you smell a saucy, cheesy, spicy pizza baking in the oven, you can hardly wait to get your hands under a soft, warm slice.

You can't wait to sink your teeth into the gooey, doughy thick crust pizza

When it's out of this world hits our tongues, it tells our brains to get excited – and to crave more of it. And out mouths to water in anticipation of the next bite.

Now I'm getting hungry

After eating pizza for about two weeks straight

You would want something else right??

Anything else

Popeyes anyone?

That's what I am feeling now

I love nature and all but I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life wandering in it

However I think Tamika would

I think she is one of the people that wouldn't get tired eating pizza for two weeks straight

Weird right?


I bumped into Tamika. Why did she stop walking?

" Why did y—"

I suddenly looked up at what Tamika was staring at

" We are here? Is this is Cannington?"

" No, it's Washington, What do you think? "

This girl's sarcasm is getting too much

Like just tell me If it's Cannington or not so that we can go stop wasting my time it's precious you know!

She must be on her period

So I decided to not comment and ignore her

Tamika walks towards the gates

The iron gate had been cleary had been made many years ago. It was clearly six feet tall and made of twisted black rods.

I could see some guards at the front of the gate


Tamika and I stopped walking toward the gate

" Who are you and where are your passports"

Tamika produced one passport out of her pocket. Only one...

Hey, where is my passport?

" Here it is sirs," said Tamika

" You may come closer "

We walked closer to the gate and Tamika handed one of the guards her passport

The guards scanned the passport and handed it back to Tamika

" Where is her passport? "

" I have brought her as a new slave for master Cannington "

S-s what


Did I hear what I thought I heard?

I hope this girl is not joking with me

The guard eyed Tamika suspiciously. Then turned to the guard beside him and whispered something to him.

But I am sure I heard them say the word spy in some part of their sentences.

They must think we were spies

Then the guard finally looked back at Tamika and said, " I will take you to master Cannington myself"

Oh my God

I looked at Tamika

Tamika looked at me

Oh we were in deep doo-doo now

Well, what do you guys think happens next?

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