
Bitter Unforgiving Pain

That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet. - Jhumpa Lahiri This is the unique story of Billie Bleeker A tale of courage, friendship, what family really means and a lot more This book will make you want to keep on reading and reading and wanting more and more This is Bitter Unforgiving Pain and Billie herself is telling her story .......................................................................... My mother was on the floor lying as still as a stick. I quickly rushed towards her. There was a gash in the middle of her forehead where blood was gushing out like water gushing from a waterfall. At that moment my mind went blank. I didn't know what to do. So I sat down on the floor beside my mother. I put her head in my lap and started running my hands through her hair. Her dark hair so similar to mines felt like silk as I was running my hand through it. I held my hand to the gash, but no matter the pressure I applied the blood still gushed between my fingers and oozed under my hands. Excited to read yet?? If you are jump in and join Billie on her adventure

EZENWA23 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Author's note

Hi readers

Do you love the story so far?

Who is your favourite so far?

What do you think I should add to the story?

Do you guys have any ideas on what I should write about in the next chapter?

It may seem like the story is staying in one place but don't give up on it yet. This is my first story and I am still trying to get used to my characters and make them more realistic

Please take a moment to follow me on Instagram at: f_forever123

Bye👋👋👋 for now

See you guys at the next chapter of Bitter unforgiving pain

( P.s I still can't figure out what to change the title to🤷‍♀️ )

You guys can talk to me on my discord server at:
