
I am Jack Latro and I am addressing all the radio listeners in the world.

And the commission was given to him, in that film projection, he knew that he had to go back despite the past and remake his present and the best future of the region that gave him everything and that he did not know how to take advantage of due to the influences the environment; that same environment was now his own; So he thought he finished remodeling the cinema and launching a campaign for the world's ecosystems.

Finally, the remodeling had its benefits: The communities of Eastern Europe, upon receiving the promotional notice of the reopening of the cinema "Alone on the White Island", chose to support such laudable work and more when they found out that in the opening ceremony or reopening the film with the same name would be screened: "Alone on the White Island", because while for young people this film represents a genre of horror, science fiction, transmigration, cultivation, fantasy, non-human worlds; the fashionable cliché ... for the generations of Eastern Europe it was not like that, it was a documentary of real events, which took place on the White Island; that it was the same protagonists who and witnesses of the events who filmed such an event that goes beyond human horror and signifies the beginning of world ecological disorder. The actors or deaths that they simulate in the film, were really the family members, dishonest of those summoned to such reopening.

—Alondra, he said: Berny—: given your journalistic preparation, I want you to prepare a conceptual, symbolic and reflective speech for the reopening of the cinema: "Alone on the White Island", I hope you give that honor to Nalexa and me.

"Of course, it will be a privilege." I will do that. Said Alondra.

-Very good. We are counting on you.

—After the reopening I will travel to return to the references of the company "BitCoin Consultores", based in Eastern Europe; I hope to see the face of my former friend Jack Latro. He does not know that I am the holder of the original 100 BitCoint bill.

One morning, Bierny, under the Lacramarca River bridge and with his only valuable asset, which he managed to take from the moment the house was seized, that is, the old radio that Xuli Latro gave him in exchange for the three to five coins that handed him on the beach for his masterful performance of a drug addict ...

He was aware of the reality of him and wanted to find out about the realities of other regions of the world; So he began to turn the dial until he tuned in to UHF, which brought a European radio, just at the time this news was given: "I am Jack Latro and I am addressing all the radio listeners in the world, and mainly the BitCoin world, to inform you that the price of a Bitcoin will increase to $ 34,000 in 2020 ".

Bierny at that moment, forgot about his pain and his anguish and all his misery, because he had an original BitCoin ticket for the sum of 100, so the fact of being able to collect said bill would make a millionaire; he only had to get to the company of Jack Latro, his former partner, and collect that fortune.

(Keep going...)

1/9 Chapter

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