
Birth of the Mind Wraith: Danmachi

Birth of the Mind Wraith. Leo was a normal collage drop-out working at a local mechanic shop to get by, a slight otaku in his personal life Leo was confused when one day on his way home from an exhausting day at work he found himself elsewhere, and in a younger body no less soon he discovered his location when his saw the dungeon tower looming in the distance. In that moment Leo decided then and there that he would live this new life of his to the fullest and enjoy all the heroines of this world. Cover image not mine, if you are the owner and would like it removed simply tell me. Recent chapters have better spacing than the first 3 Bad grammar is expected. Danmachi is not owned by me this is simply a fan piece written for pleasure.

Distant_Tree · Cómic
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9 Chs

I'm a pugilist now?

I kneeled down next to the last cobalt body and butchered it, collecting its mana stone and claws before I stood and looked back towards Bell. He was standing a fair distance away from me, his back facing me as he held his nose attempting to avoid the frankly putrid stench that filled the air.


Getting a little sick myself I decided that it was time for us to move on, standing I walked over to Bell tapping him on his shoulder. He looked back at me a questioning look on his face that was slightly marred by the hand tightly squeezing his nose shut.


I chuckled at his appearance before saying.


"Let's get going bell, you need to get a few yourself, I can't do all the work now can I?"


My words brought a slight bit of panic into his eyes, but I saw it quickly being snuffed out. Pleased with his attitude I handed him the still bloody knife, handle first. I saw him look at me questioningly and I chuckled once more.


"Bell, you don't have a weapon"


My simple but true words seemed to echo in Bell's head for a moment and I saw his inner mind slip into hysteria a bit before he seemed to realize that I had already given him the knife and calmed down.


His mental antics caused me to smirk, before I started to lead our way down the corridor, heading in the direction that the group of cobalt's had come from. It was only a few minutes later when we came across another enemy, it was a pair of goblins their short green forms and spidery limbs entangled as they rolled across the dungeon floor.


Confused at the odd and frankly ridiculous sight both me and Bell paused in our approach and just stood there staring at the tumbling goblin pair.


We stood transfixed by the odd sight for a few moments only broken from our confusion when a loud screech came from one of the goblins as it plunged its sword into the others chest, killing it instantly.


This broke Bell and I from our state of self-induced torpor and allowed us to look at each other, our faces mirroring one another's in confusion before our attention was stolen by the remaining goblin, it had stood from its position on the floor about to belt out a victory cry when it had spotted us, standing in the middle of the open, plane to see, and decided we were easy targets.


Bell and I turned as one to see the small goblin charging at us a manic grin on its face as it waved its bloody sword. Seeing the lone charging goblin, I thought this would be a perfect first enemy for Bell and said so.


"Hey Bell, ~ you know... this lone goblin is a perfect first opponent!!"


And with my words still hanging in the air I laid one hand on his back as he looked towards me, realization entering his eyes at the last moment, he was too late though as with my hand firmly planted on his back, I shoved him forward causing him to meet the goblin with a stumbling charge of his own.


The goblin swung his sword at Bell's head who, panicking, ducked bellow it and backed away dagger raised before him.


The goblin came in again but seeming to be better prepared this time bell quickly dogged the incoming horizontal strike before he struck out with an attack of his own, slashing the dagger across the goblins exposed chest, drawing blood from the small wound.


Bell and the goblin continued their back and forth for a few minutes longer the goblin slowly accumulating dozens of small wounds while bell only gained a few light scratches.


The conflict between the two "Titians" eventually ended when bell landed a lucky strike, tearing open the goblins neck with a clumsy but quick stab.


After the goblins body slumped to the ground limply, blood leaking from its torn neck, Bell fell to his knees breathing heavily the knife he had been clutching tightly in his hand falling to the ground from his now limp fingers.


Walking over to his kneeling form I patted him on the shoulder a grin on my face as I said.


"Nice one Bell" He looked up at me with tired eyes, but they did nothing to hide the ecstatic grin that stretched his face.


"Thanks Leo!!!" Bell said his tone electric as he crawled over to the goblins body and began cutting into it.


I looked at Bell for a moment watching as he inexpertly cut into the corpse, digging his blade around in a vein hope of finding the monsters mana crystal.


Shaking my head at his gung-ho approach I walked over and began to show him the location of the mana crystal along with how to harvest it and the goblins fang. The process took longer than it normally would, but we still managed to finish harvesting the goblin at a relatively quick pace.


Once finished Bell stood tucking away his prizes in a waist pouch a grin still on his face, deciding he was good to continue I began leading the way through the dungeon once more.


We continued making our way through the first floor at a quick pace killing a few more groups of goblins, Bell taking on one while I took down the rest.


Doing so was a little tricky at first even with my skills help, not having a blade to slice with made hunting a little inefficient but with the help of my (AM) control I managed, using a combination of kicks and punches my hands and feet coated in a layer of solid mana protecting them and enhancing their power.


It was a bit of a blood bath I admit and near the end of our hunt I had begun to start punching through the monster's heads which created a few comical if disgusting moments.


The first of which being the most memorable, I had just finished absorbing the mana of a dead goblin when its remaining two companions attacked me and, being as boosted as I was, I easily side stepped their attacks and sent two strait punches into their faces which instead of sending them flying back like normal, instead punched strait through both their heads sending blood and brain matter rocketing out the back as my fists exited their craniums, this left me elbow deep in two goblin heads, a truly unpleasant experience that I tried my best not to replicate from then on.


Bell and I had just come around a corner when we came across a larger than average group of goblins 5 in total, a little concerned for Bell's safety I was about to motion for us to turn around when I saw a shadow fly past me, it was Bell, I watched silently for a second as the idiot charged the group of goblins.


Then I sighed and ran forward eclipsing Bell easily and ramming into the group of goblins feet first, sending all 5 closely huddled figures to the ground, upon which I grabbed the legs of one and hurled it towards Bell.


I stood for a moment watching the graceless figure of the flying goblin spin and roll in the air before it landed at Bells feet disorientated and confused. Turning back to my group of 4 goblins I saw them climbing to their feet, all eight of their beady, red eyes focused intently on me.


Smirking I manipulated the (AM), covering my hands and feet before I took a wide stance and stretched my hand forward, waving my hand in a [come hither'] gesture.


This, for some reason, seemed to enrage them and, as a group, they ran forward snarls curling their lips as they started foaming at the mouth.


Seeing them come my smirk only grew, I stepped forward ducking low and spinning on my hands lashing out with a swift and hard leg sweep that sent 2 of the four goblins to the ground, while causing the other 2 to stumble and slow down their charge.


On my feet again in less than a second and deciding to have some fun, I grabbed the two off balance goblins by their heads and smashed them together with a fair bit of strength.


Releasing the two heads I practically saw the stars circling their heads as they stumbled around for a moment before the two of them dropped to the ground killed from having their brains mushed.


Chuckling at the comedic sight I turned finding the remaining two goblins back on their feet and slashing at me with their rusted swords, using my mana coated hands I turned aside the two strikes. Before either goblin could react, I rushed forward kneeing one hard in the gut, blood gushed from its mouth as my knee ruptured its organs.


Then, I spun striking out with a deadly roundhouse kick that tore the remaining goblins head from its shoulders, sending it arcing away followed by a spray of its blood.