
Bird (The Novel)

He wasn't dreamy. No. Dreamy was what you called magazine models and pop icons. The leader of the Valdezian Mafia certainly wasn't dreamy. He was dark. Dangerous. Evil. Whatever he was, he had Karla's full attention, because she couldn't look away. •~♥~• "I'd do anything for my family.". That was Karla's anthem as she joined the C Cartel, and became its assassin, many years ago. She is now known as Bird, a ruthless killer who's favorite method is seduction. Her final assignment is to take out her most dangerous target yet, the Valdezian Mafia's leader, Lord Raul. If she does this right, both her and her father can walk away from the cartel, free. Karla gets herself into an auction, and is bought as Lord Raul's mistress. However, she soon finds out, Lord Raul isn't just any mafia king, but an old high school love interest. And what if she is more than slightly attracted to him? 18+ WARNING: EROTIC AND VIOLENT SCENES PRESENT

that_candy_girl · Ciudad
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30 Chs


Karla was dragged away that night, amidst a struggling Luke. He tried getting his daughter back with a fist fight, but he was no match for Big Ben's goons. They beat him to a pulp, enough to leave him unconscious, but not dead. Karla wailed, watching her blacked out and bleeding father lay still on the floor of their house's porch, but not being able to run to him, because Big Ben was shoving her into his red Camry car.

"Please call him an ambulance!" She begged.

"Hell no! The nigger got what was coming to him." Big Ben said, as he got behind the wheel, and his two henchmen sat at both sides of Karla.

"Please. My father isn't strong. He'll die if you leave him there. If you call an ambulance I promise not to make any trouble for you. Please! Please!"

Big Ben briefly thought about it. He couldn't have the girl acting up on the gig he was taking her for. Besides, getting medical help for the old buffoon wouldn't take anything out of him. He pulled out his phone from his pants' pocket.

"Yes 911. There's been a problem at No. 18 J. K. Littleton Street. Oh, and bring a stretcher."

Karla calmed down, as Big Ben dropped his phone. Her father's injuries would be well treated. Now all she could do was hope that he would fare well without her.

The next day, after spending the night in an empty and rat infested warehouse, Karla was taken to a high end brothel. The head of the brothel, an old woman who dressed younger than her age, had too much makeup on, and had a lit cigarette permanently placed between her lips, eyed her sternly.

"She'll do." The woman said to Big Ben, and dragged Karla deeper into the brothel.

The rest of the day was spent prepping Karla. She was given a thorough beauty makeover. Her unruly curls were straightened up and styled. Her private parts were neatly waxed. Lotions and masks were applied to her skin to make it glow. By the time the whores of the brothel were true with her, Karla looked like one of their own.

What Karla needed to do was clearly specified. At night she would be given to a man. She was to lock the door to their room and leave the window open. Who the man was, and why she had to lock the door and open the window was not specified. She was threatened -if she messed up, both her and her father would be killed, and not necessarily by Big Ben.

Everything went according to plan. Karla was pushed into a small but luxurious boudoir with a princess bed, wearing a skimpy lace lingerie and a see through dressing robe. She was terrified, and shook from the fright. Armed guards stood at the door, and an even more dangerous looking man sat on the bed inside. He was a bit lanky, and didn't have any prominent muscle, but the look in his eyes told one he was a seasoned criminal.

Immediately he saw Karla, he smiled devilishly and said, "Madam knows how I like my women."

The man pounced on Karla, and began dragging her to the bed. Instinctively, Karla resisted. She had never been in a situation like this before, so her mind flew into a frenzy, and she stopped thinking straight. Just before the man succeeded in throwing her on the bed, she remembered she had to lock the door, and did so.

He easily tore away her robe and panties, leaving her exposed to him. Karla struggled with all her might to reach the window, which was just beside the bed, but he was too strong for her. The man got irritated by her resistance, and mercilessly punched the back of her head. The punch came as a shock to Karla, and it left her still. Her head was pounding, and she could feel blood oozing out of the place she'd just been hit.

A sharp pain shot through Karla, as her core was penetrated. The pain died down almost immediately, but her vagina still ached from the forceful penetration. Karla gazed lifelessly at the window. It was so close, all she had to do was open it, and both her and her father would be saved. The man was still heavily pounding into her, but even though she was extremely weak, Karla summoned the last of her strength and leaped. Because she caught the man off guard, she was able to reach the window, and unlock it.

This got the man furious. He didn't bother with wondering why Karla had just unlocked the window, but dragged her back to bed, before giving her two blows in her face. The punches smashed her nose, and her mouth. Now Karla was bleeding, not only from the back of her head, but through her nose and mouth as well, and the man wasn't done yet. She closed her eyes, readying herself for the third blow, but it never came.

That was because the man was getting strangled with a rope, by another man dressed in all black. The man in black must have gotten in through the open window, Karla figured. She couldn't tell who he was, because he wore a mask, but judging from his average height, he wasn't Big Ben. He didn't seem interested in her, because he completely ignored her, while he fastened the rope around the other man's neck.

Karla watched as the man who had just been inside her choked to death. Once he died, his eyes rolled back, and the man in black let him go. His lifeless head fell on her lap. Karla couldn't look at the dead man, or the man in black, so she looked at the bed instead. Right in the middle of the bedspread was a small bloodstain, and it hadn't come from any of her wounds.

"He popped it." Karla muttered. The dead man had taken her virginity.

Something snapped in Karla. Maybe it was the loss of her innocence, or maybe it was the realization that her life would never be the same. Karla placed her face on her knees, and silently wept. That was last time she ever cried.

The operation had gone successfully, thanks to Karla, and her father's debt was considered paid, but she'd just witnessed a murder. The C Cartel, the powerful criminal organization Big Ben worked for, didn't like to leave witnesses to their crimes, so Karla had two options: join the C Cartel, or be killed. That was as good as having no choice.

The wound behind Karla's head was properly stitched, so it left no scar. She was placed under Jimmy, the cartel official who's division dealt with assassinations and spy works. Jimmy sponsored her boob job and butt enlargement, and put her under rigorous martial art training. She began working as a hit woman for the cartel six months later, and would soon be known as Bird, the assassin of seduction.