
Binding To The Monkey God

How would Humans defend themselves against a sudden Alien Attack? At the same time of the Alien Attack, 300 years ago. humans at the age of 10 awaken a subspace filled with various statues, and by binding to one of the thousands of statues you gain supernatural abilities along with a system. This was placed to help humans defend themselves from the Alien Attacks. Ethan, a 21 year old guy was involved in a accident and is unfortunately killed. But that is not the end of his story, as he is awakened in the world as a newborn, now known as Alaric. Once he reaches the age of ten, on his birthday he awakens in the magical subspace. But as he inspected the statues, he realized some were based on gods and myths. After this revelation, he knew what statue he wanted to bind with... [Sun Wukong System Online!]

Hooder_Man · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter 17 To-Do List

Alaric slowly lowered to the ground, in front of a large gate which he knew was the entrance and the beginning of his life. As his eyes scanned the front gate, people walked in, wearing the same uniform as him. They talked amongst themselves, showing their excitement.

Alaric followed them in, pulling out his To-Do list of things he wanted to do. It was a Saturday, and you didn't start until the following Monday. So, this was the perfect day to get everything done now. But, he tapped his finger against his chin, he debated whether he should wait for Arthur, but ultimately decided against it. It would work better for him to do this himself. Which also stirred his mind away from meeting up with Aluxio and the rest.

He read the first thing, 'Establish Schedule.' He folded the note up and stuffed it into his pocket. He continued forward, sky flying close to him. As he moved, his eyes scanned the people around him, they were demonstrating their powers. And of course, some were more powerful than others. His eyes lit up slightly, no matter how many times he sees them, he will never not be mesmerized. But, he needed to stay on task. He needed to go get his schedule.

His eyes glanced around, he needed a sort of clue as to where to go. He laughed quietly to himself, 'Guess having a friend around wouldn't be so bad...' he joked to himself. His ear slightly twitched, and he caught wind of a conversation.

"Look, we have the same classes! But man was Auditorium packed." He heard someone say, and honestly, his luck was amazing. Was there a luck stat?

He smiled and pulled out a small map he had in his bag. It was a map of the campus, and he found his destination. He ventured off in that direction, ready to cross this step on his list off.

He soon arrived at the Auditorium, and those guys were right, it was extremely packed. There were hundreds of voices that overwhelmed his senses, causing his ears to slightly ring. But, he pushed past his discomfort and was determined to get this done now. Though waiting might've been better, he was already here so why not just get it over with?

So he waited patiently in line, and it slowly pushed forward, causing Alaric to sigh. As the line continued to inch forward, he tapped his finger against his arm and his foot against the marble ground beneath him. The line moved ever so slightly and after what felt like forever, he finally reached the front. Over all the voices the lady said, "Name?"

"Alaric Vandale." He sort of had to shout due to the overwhelming number of voices clouding around him. The lady punched his name into her computer and rolled over to an opposite desk. This one was filled with stacks of papers, which he assumes are the schedules. She began to look through them and rolled over, while also grabbing a silver key from the rack behind the papers.

Once she was faced with Alaric she handed him the key and paper, "Here you go Alaric, these are your schedule and dorm key." He grabbed the materials and nodded, "Thank you," he gave a small bow and exited the area. He pulled out the folded note and was able to cross off two things off the note. Get his schedule and his dorm key. It made his job a lot easier.

'A dorm...' He thought to himself, he was staying on campus. Being reminded of his mother's words, his hands shook as he held the key in his hand. He didn't want to dwell on it, not now.

So, he shook his head and continued forward, as his eyes scanned the number on the tag. '196' so that's his dorm number? He looked down at his schedule, and looked at his small map of the campus. 'I better get situated in my dorm before anything.' He thought to himself, as he began his journey to the dormitory area.

As he walked, his eyes scanned along his schedule. His morning classes consist of Physical Training from 8 am to 10 am, Magical and Skill-Based Training from 11 am to 1 pm, Lunch is 1 pm to 2 pm, and from 3 pm to 4 pm is Free Studying and Mentor-Ship Training.

Honestly, it didn't look bad at all. It was something he could work with and wouldn't get drained from it. He liked that. At the sides displayed the room numbers and locations, which he could easily find on his map. He looked up, seemingly arriving at his destination. He swung the door open, and there were a bunch of students harboring around the rooms, either looking for their own or chatting outside of it. Considering how big this building was, he probably wasn't going to have a roommate, which was good.

He continued forward, he began to recall his number. 'It should be on the first floor...' He ventured down the halls, since his number was in the 90s, it would be way further down. But, good there there was a backdoor so he doesn't always have to go up and down these halls. He reached his room and inserted the key into the lock. With a twist, the door clicked and he swung it open. As he stepped inside, he glanced around at the interior.

It was basic looking, the walls were a plain white, and the floor was made of marble, which was unusual but made sense for such a prestigious academy. But, despite its basic look, it actually was large. It was like living in a house.

There was a small living room area, with two white couches and a flat-screen TV hanging above a lively fireplace. To the left was a large kitchen area, with a fridge, a sink, loads of cabinets, a stove, and a microwave. Was this really a dorm room? Alaric stepped further inside, and looked up and down.

There was a closed door. He opened it and it revealed a bedroom. The walls were the same color, and so was the floor. There was a bed in the corner with black bedsheets and a window displayed next to it. There was a desk along the wall opposite of the bed, facing the wall in front of it. There was a desk lamp with a few accessories that Alaric was probably gonna get rid of later. There was a closet on the left side, and as Alaric checked it out, it was pretty small, but it was better than nothing.

He walked out, and was met with another door on the opposite side. He opened it, and it was the last area of his new dorm, a bathroom. He switched the light up and the dark restroom was brightened with a white light. There was a large mirror in front of a sink which was next to a toilet. A bathtub was at the end of the bathroom, and it had three bottles along a stand inside, shampoo, body wash, and soap.

Overall, this dorm was pretty sweet.

Alaric exited the bathroom and made his way back to his new living room. He sat down and yawned. Sky flew around, seemingly checking out the place itself "This is pretty big for just one person. But, I'm not complaining..." Alaric laughed and laid back against the couch. As much as he would love to relax, he still had things to do.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his To-Do list. It was only one more thing to do, his list was pretty minor. The last thing, 'Tour of the Academy.'

Next Chapter we get a tour of the academy. I know this is a pretty slow start, but trust me, the third arc is gonna be upon us very soon! I count the first dungeon and the entrance exam as two arcs so this next one will be the third! And next chapter, we'll get some more major characters for the cast. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

Hooder_Mancreators' thoughts