
Billy Kyle, the demon slayer

a story that I just started developing recently. Billy Kyle is an ordinary kid who has been chosen to defend the universe from an evil witch.

metal0737 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 9

The next room was covered with yellow bricks.

It front of me was a dark corridor with a wooden post wedged in between the floor and ceiling.

I looked down at the ground and noticed a clear line across the floor, a trip wire?

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

I held the stick as it glowed again and grew about 2 or 3 feet long. Using the stick, I poked at the line.

Suddenly the wooden plank fell and the ceiling fell down with it.

"That was brilliant." said Hera, "You're better then I thought."


The staff shrunk down to normal size again as I stuffed it into my pocket.

I continued walk along the corridor until a came to another set of double doors.

As I approached the door a stranger woman appeared from out of nowhere. She was dressed like Scarlett O'Hara. The woman was turned away from me and facing the door.

I was puzzled for a second, another test?

"Hello ma'am?"

I had gotten the attention of the mysterious lady. She turned around to face me and I saw to my horror that her face was devoid of flesh. I living skeleton!

I was frozen in fear for a moment.

"Come to me..." The woman said as she reached her boney fingers out to me.

'No ghost...'

I reached into my pocket as I fell backwards.

The women jumped on top on me as I opened to jar of no-ghost.

The gel substance fell out of the bottle and covered the skeleton woman. A foul smell filled the air.

After a few seconds, the skeleton woman screamed as she quickly faded away.

I got back up to my feet and dusted myself off.

"Good thinking boy!" said Aphrodite.

I opened the double doors and found myself in a small room made of gray bricks. There was a wooden ladder comes up to the roof.

I examined the ladder to make sure that it was strong enough to hold my weight and then I climbed up.

The ladder led outside onto the roof.

I climbed up onto the flat roof and looked around.

The sky was very dark, no stars or moonlight.

Suddenly I great beast appeared from out of nowhere. It was a light blue dragon with wings and sharp teeth. The beast hissed at me.

'This must be the wyvern.'

I reached for the Ruyi Jingu Bang and held it up into the air as the wyvern opened his mouth as if it was ready to eat me.

A white flame arose from the staff and hit the wyvern in its face. The beast exploded into a million pieces with a loud bang that made my ears ring.

My quest was over!

"Well done boy," said Hera, "Now I can add the power from the Ruyi Jingu Bang and the wyvern to you."

"Well," I said, "How do I do now? I'm not strong enough yet, am I?"

"Absolutely not." Said Hera, "You must return to your training. Hades will allow you to train with some of the greatest fighters from the past."

"Hamato Yoshi? My father's Sensei?"

"Yes, William." Said Hermes, "He will be Trainning you too."

The world around me began to change again and I was back in the world of white tile floor and my house just a few feet away.

Just then a door opened from the outside world and a large man stepped into the room of nothing.