

In a world of wealth and privilege, a self-centered billionaire's life is upended when he learns that a woman from his past is pregnant with his child and seeking justice. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, they confront their own demons and the harsh realities of their world. Caught between arrogance and the stirring of unfamiliar emotions, the billionaire grapples with the consequences of his actions while the woman seeks redemption and closure. Together, they embark on a journey of reconciliation and growth, facing challenges and finding unexpected allies along the way. Through love, loss, and redemption, their journey unfolds, offering glimpses of hope and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. But whether they can overcome their differences and find happiness together remains uncertain, as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

jhoe_hikay · Ciudad
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16 Chs

You must be joking

<p>*yawns* "Wow, it's morning already?" "No, sir, this is night, sir," the maid replies. "Wow, so I slept for just a little time and still feel well-rested. What are you doing in my room?" <br/><br/>While sobbing, she replies, "No, sir, you came back drunk yesterday," *still sobbing* "did some stuff, and have been sleeping until now. And sir, this is my room."<br/><br/>"What! You mean I have been asleep for a whole day, and you didn't care to wake me up? Don't you know I have businesses to run?" *still sobbing* "How dare you, and what the heck are you whimpering over? In fact, get out, I SAID GET OUT!!"<br/><br/>"Sir, sorry, I am going."<br/><br/>"What I mean is, YOU ARE FIRED."<br/><br/>"No, you can't do this to me."<br/><br/>"Well, I have the money to. Do you have to stay?" *laughs* "You can't rape me and just throw me out of your house."<br/><br/>"Shut up, I didn't rape anyone. Now I'm very pissed, get out!"<br/><br/>"MAXIMO, STOP THIS!!!" she screams.<br/><br/>*kpaaa!!* He slapped her very hard. "Young woman, mind yourself, so rude." He grabbed her by the hand as he dragged her out of his compound, out the gate, and pushed her to the ground. "I won't forget this, Maximo, I promise you this."<br/><br/>"Get lost, whore. You drugged me and tried to take advantage of me. I'm not a fool."<br/><br/>*2 days later* Maximo: "Get me my bag, Laura." His gateman looks at him strangely. "LAURA, LAURA, where is this girl?" *Sir, you sacked her two days ago.* "Oh right, then why the heck are you standing there? Get me my bag." Vincent: "Sorry, sir. Yes, sir."<br/><br/>*4 months later* *Princeton Oils Limited* Lady: "Okay, do you have an appointment with him?" "Yes, I do." Lady: "By what time, ma'am?" "Don't worry, I will wait here; he should be on his way down." Lady: "Okay, ma'am."<br/><br/>After a few minutes, Maximo gets to the last floor and is about to leave. "Are you forgetting your unborn child, Maximo?" Maximo is shocked as he gazes at Laura. "You must be joking. Who let her in here?" Lady: "Sir, she said she had an appointment with you."<br/><br/>Laura: "You haven't changed one bit, Maximo, still bossy and arrogant as always." "Where are the security men? Why can't they be useful when you need them? Forget this; I'm out. Make sure she gets out of here." Lady: "Yes, sir." "I will go for now, but I will be back," Laura stated, and she left.<br/><br/>2 weeks later, Laura returns early in the morning, but this time it's at his main residence because she knew Maximo would take a day off, as he always does every year. "Maximo, come out; I'm carrying your child. You can't deny me and your child." She kept chanting those same words at the front gate until one of Maximo's security men, Vincent, came to report the issue to him in his room.<br/><br/>*Knock, knock.* Maximo: "Who dares to knock on my door at this time of the day?" Vincent: "Pardon me, sir; it's me, Vincent." *Silence.* Maximo: "Well, do you need a card to start talking? Speak up." Vincent: "Sorry, sir. I came to inform you that Laura has been in front of the gate, shouting that you are the father of her unborn child." Maximo: "Is that why you came to disturb my morning sleep? Ignore that woman, and don't come back unless you have something reasonable to say." Vincent: "Yes, sir. Okay, sir."<br/><br/>Vincent is about to go back to his position when he notices the gate is open and his fellow security men, who were at the front gate with him, are lying on the ground. Vincent: "What happened? Why is the gate open, and why are you guys on the ground?" Security man 1: "She kicked my balls hard, aww." Security man 2: "She did the same to me, aww." Vincent: "What do you mean by 'she'? Wait, where is Laura?"<br/><br/>Security man 1 replied with a tone of pain: "That is what we are saying. She fell to the ground, and I thought she fainted. I opened the gate to help her up, as soon as I did that, she kicked me in the balls." Security man 2: "Then she tried coming in, and I tried stopping her, then she kicked me in the balls too." Vincent: "Are you saying she is inside?" Both security men in harmony: "Yes."<br/><br/>Vincent: "You are both useless. If a pregnant woman can do this to you, what will happen when a robber attacks? What are you still doing on the floor? Get up and find her. I didn't see her on my way out, so she must have tried passing one of the other ways into the building. Get her before she gets to Mr. Maximo." Both security men in harmony: "Yes, sir." They both stood up quickly and left to search for Laura.<br/><br/>Maximo is done with the shower he was taking and steps out of his room, only to find Laura sitting on his bed waiting for him. He was shocked and didn't even notice his towel fell on the floor.<br/><br/>"Wow, it hasn't changed one bit," she commented. Maximo: "Oh, no," he said as he picked up his towel and tied it around his waist in a hurry.<br/><br/>Maximo: "How did you get here?" Laura: "Through the gate, of course. Where else?" Maximo: "Security can't let you in." Laura: "*laughs out* You call those dimwits security? You must really know how to crack jokes."<br/><br/>Maximo: "Are you insane? Do I look like I'm joking?" Laura: "If you were wearing your suit, I would have said yes, but with your stuff dangling over there, then no." Maximo, already getting really mad, goes and grabs her by the arm. "If you ever try playing tricks with me, you will regret it or..." Laura: "Or what? Will you get drunk and rape me again? *laughs* You're full of empty threats; you can't do anything to me."<br/><br/>He grabs her harder and gives her a slap. "Empty threats, suck on that. Now leave," he said. "Slaps like a baby," she replied as she was about to leave when he called her back.<br/><br/>He stopped her because he just remembered he has cameras in each room. Maximo: "Now, all this rubbish will stop, and you will have nothing against me."</p>

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