


Calla Lockheart

/"Archer! Let me go! You fucking asshole!/" I tried to pull my wrist away from this jerk's grip

Archer was definitely so mad. He punched Jason so hard and pulled me out from there. My head hurts since I drank a lot of alcohol but still manage to get sober when talking to Jason

/"What do you think you're doing?/" He pulled me into an empty room and he pinned me to the wall. He looked at me angrily

/"None of your business. Let me go!/" I tried to push him away but he's damn too big

/"So you walked around opening your legs out?/" He asked and he hurt me again

/"Yes.. That's how desperate I am. Why?/" I answered calmly and looked straight into his eyes. He looked at me disbelief

/"You're mine Calla/" I laughed

/"Me? Yours? You went around to kiss another girl and you said i'm yours?/" His eyes widen