
Billionaires fall in love with me

They got married quickly with a paper contract. He showered her with love and attention, making her the envy of every woman. However, when she joyfully presented him with a positive pregnancy test, he handed her a divorce agreement. Despite his offer of compensation, she left the house without asking for anything. Five years later, while she was shopping for a wedding dress with her fiancé, he suddenly appeared, pulled her to his side, and said in a domineering tone, 'Wife, my son doesn't want a stepfather.'

JillDevon_nice · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Challenge,Limits of Manhood

Grace lay still and motionless.

The man lost interest upon realizing she appeared to be a corpse.

He got up to leave, but Grace quickly

sat up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply.

The man protested, warning her that she was pushing the limits of what a normal man could handle. The man quickly gained the upper hand and overwhelmed Grace with his forceful and passionate kisses, leaving her defenseless. She collapsed into his arms, completely powerless.


After the man finished venting, he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a long time, the sound of splashing water disappeared and the man went out.

Grace remained in the same position as before, motionless, like a wounded animal, nestled in the safety of the blanket, licking her wounds alone.

"She has a guilty conscience in her heart, but she lets you make amends!" The man murmured, adding,"I will not shortchange the man she paid for."

Lydia had also gone to great lengths to find a virgin.

The man looks at Grace with just a hint of more pity than he ever realized.

Grace doesn't make a sound and pretends to be asleep so she doesn't have to answer what he says.

There came the sound of the man dressing, and noticing him walking out the door, Grace quickly removed the necklace from around her neck.

"This is the token you gave me, and now it will be returned to you." Grace threw the necklace out, and in the darkness, the diamond emitted a flash of dazzling brilliance.

The man caught it without saying a word and turned to leave.

The moment the door closed, Grace rushed into the bathroom like a madwoman, scrubbing her body hard, but how could she not wash away the traces left by the man.

She crouched in the corner, covered her mouth and cried for a long time.

She desperately told herself that she should be happy, and that by successfully completing the mission, her family would be able to get through the hard times, and her mother's medical bills would have a source.

But the tears,like broken pearls,could not be stopped.


The next morning, Grace woke up to the dazzling sunlight shining through the cracks in the curtains.

She had not slept peacefully and her head and body ached.

She braced herself and took out her usual t-shirt and jeans from her bag. She tossed the expensive black tuxedo dress she wore last night into the trash.

Standing in front of the mirror, Grace looks at her shaggy hair and the bruises on her body, covered by her t-shirt. She sees her reflection as a pure and clean college student.

As she is about to leave, she notices a check quietly placed on the bedside table. The numbers marked on it stun her.

Even after counting twice, she confirms that the thin piece of paper in front of her eyes is clearly written for ten million dollars.

Did that man leave it behind?

Grace panicked and looked around the room. It was gorgeous and brilliant, but the ashtray on the coffee table next to the window was piled up with cigarette butts, reminding her of the man from last night and the physical pain. It was gorgeous and brilliant, but the ashtray on the coffee table next to the window was piled up with cigarette butts, reminding her of the man from last night and the physical pain.

It was gorgeous and brilliant, but the ashtray on the coffee table next to the window was piled up with cigarette butts, reminding her of the man from last night and the physical pain.

Grace placed the check on the nightstand, refusing to take the money that had been traded for her body, even though the numbers were tempting.

She turned on her cell phone and saw missed calls and texts crowding her phone. While scrolling through her missed calls, she wondered why it felt like the whole world was looking for her after just one night.

Joe Muir was the first to call before Grace could read her texts and messages. Grace greeted him with her sweet smile and said,'Hey, Joe!'

After two seconds of silence, Joe's warm and sunny voice came through,'Grace, you finally answered the phone.

Where are you? Have you had breakfast yet? I'll pick you up.'

Grace replied,'No, Joe. I've already had breakfast.'

Joe Muir said in a warm voice,'Your dad was looking for you last night and called me. I don't know what he wanted, but he seemed to be in a hurry. I went to the hospital last night, and your mom is fine. You don't have to worry.'

Grace thanked Joe and offered to take his place in school that afternoon so he could continue taking care of his mom.

Joe Muir was always considerate. This warmed Grace's heart and comforted her.

After hanging up the phone, Gordon called.

Grace clutched her cell phone tightly and felt disgusted. Her own father had forced her to trade her first night to a stranger for the sake of his business.

"Hello..." Grace answered the phone. To her surprise, Gordon's growling voice came from the other end of the line.

He asked,'Where were you last night? You promised to do something and you missed your appointment. Your mom's hospital expenses stop now!'

Gordon hung up the phone without giving Grace a chance to speak.

Grace was confused and quickly checked the text messages and voicemails Gordon had sent the previous night. It was then that she realized the person she had slept with was not the same person who had negotiated the deal with her dad.

This realization hit her like a thunderclap and left her mind blank.