
Billionaires Breakable Bond

Hayes Tates; a fashionista who was extremely wealthy yet rude and arrogant finds his life becoming a total chaos after he signed some legal marriage paper unknowingly and he was tied to Carmel Anderson; an artist with a generous heart yet she couldn't find a place in her heart to like Hayes one bit. What happens when trouble comes knocking on their door and one person's life is at risk?

Qamardeen_Aweda · Fantasía
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8 Chs


Hayes woke up to sound or rather to the feeling that someone was tapping him and when he opened his eyes his father was staring at him with a smile on his face

"Why did you wake me up? I feel tired." he said in a very thick voice.

"What's the time?"

"How am I supposed to know? Fuck evetuon apart from you I need some sleep come on dad just go."

"You have work to go to Hayes and it's already ten." As the mention of ten Hayes immediately stood up and he looked at his phone then back to his father.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier?"

"Eventually I did but wouldn't answer me." he immediately stood up and ran upstairs.

He was much of a late sleeper but how on earth did he sleep in so bad, perhaps it's the fact that his alarm clock was down here he barely wakes up if anything but alarm wakes him up that's just how he has been since he was little.

He got out of the bathroom after taking a quick bath and cleaned himself up before picking out a black button up t-shirt and some black pants to wear.

He looked at the mirror for a few minutes thinking of what to do with his hair and just then he took the curling iron and picked a large amount of hair to wrap around it.

Hayes was really a fan of curls but some things he does it if he is clueless about what to do with it and he does it the way he wants not the way it is normally done for he didn't have the patience for that.

After he was done he used his fingers to scatter everything before he put on some shoes and picked his phone from the cupboard.

He immediately walked downstairs and his father tossed him an apple knowing fully well that he wasn't gonna sit down to eat breakfast and his car keys.

"Bye dad." he walked out and took the wheels himself not really wanting a driver to waste his time right now.

As soon as he got to the office everyone was sitting in his workplace doing one thing or the other but he didn't pay attention to that he just walked upstairs then took the elevator to the third floor where his office was.

Hayes had purposely used stairs to.l get to the second floor for he felt as though everyone one some at least have exercise every morning to stay fit so anyone that wanted to see him or go to the second floor will just have to use the stairs.

"Good morning sir." Felix greeted with his hands filled with fabrics as he walked behind Hayes.

"Has the meeting started?" He asked, completely ignoring the greeting he received.

"No sir." Hayes stopped walking and looked at him.


"The board had canceled it at the last minute and that they fixed another meeting some other time."

"Is there any reason for them doing that?"

"I have no idea sir for they didn't say anything about it in the meeting room."

"Give the fabrics to Jeremy and come back immediately."

He opened the door to his office and looked at the mannequin that was standing in front of him with a half way done dress, he had to complete this in two for he was gonna go shopping with the bridesmaids and bride by noon.

He dropped his phone on the desk and began to do what was left for the dress. When he was with the mannequin he removed it and sewed the dress.

When the dress was done Hayes smiled and he swore that he has been this happy in a long time after seeing a dress.

Unlike other brides that wanted white dresses this one wanted more of ombre and anything that Hayes can work with her hourglass shade so he decided on a mermaid dress which will in fact fit her so well.

Felix knocked and walked in, he saw the dress and was totally taken aback by everything, the colours, the style everything just suits the dress so well.

"This is amazing." he commented and Hayes gave him a smile, something he hasn't seen in a long time.

Hayes barely smiled, he was always in a good mood and had a serious look on his face which scared everyone but Felix was glad to see that he was proud of the work he does just that he prayed he would someday.

A knock was heard on the door again and they both looked at the door, Felix opened the door and an unknown man stood their but Hayes knew he was so he asked him to come inm

"Sir the artist failed to get the piece to the house." He said and Hayes looked at the man standing in front of him like he was just gonna kill him and the man was trying his best not to run away in fear.

"What was her excuse?"

"Her assistant said she got into an accident." Hayes immediately frowned at the sound of the accident, he didn't know if he was to worry about stuff like that which he usually doesn't but a letter to show how sorry he is about it even if he is definitely not.

"Come back after ten minutes."

"Yes sir." Hates knew if his father heard about this, which he eventually will, he would ask him if he went to see her or sent anything to her.

Hayes knew how his father was. That's why sometimes he ignores him especially when he is angry because he has a great anger issue.

The man left and Hayes asked Felix to write a letter to her from the company and get a gift basket. Felix was confused as to what was going on his boss's mind for he knew this was nothing like the Hayes Tates that he knew.

Felix walked down to get the gift basket from across the streets while Hayes just stared at him from the window when his phone suddenly began to ring and the name of the bride popped on the scream.


"Good morning sir, do you mind if we come earlier like right now for shopping?"

"You can come."

"Thanks." he hung up and put the phone in his back pocket.


Her eyes flew open and she immediately closed them due to the reflection of light then opened them slowly while adjusting to the light, she looked around to see that she was in the hospital making her furrowed her eyebrows in confusion then she remembered that she had an accident.

She picked the glass of water from the cupboard and drank a little before setting it back down. No one was with her and the drip tube was slowly draining her blood.

Out of pain Carmel pulled the needle out of her hand and the oxygen mask from her face. Her head hurt and she took up from the bed while feeling a bit drowsy, she held on the wall as she walked slowly towards the bathroom.

The door suddenly opened and Connor walked in while pressing his phone and when he raised his head up he saw her walking.

"Carmel..." He dropped the phone and everything he was holding to help her. "... Hold on to me I got you." he walked her inside the bathroom and walked up to let her do whatever it is she wanted to before walking in again to help her up.

"My head hurts."

"Don't worry you'll be fine, come in sit" he sat her down and just then he noticed the drip tube with a bit of blood in it and looked at her hand. "... Did you remove the tube?"

"It was hurting me and draining my blood"

"Goodness! Carmel, your hand is just gonna... You know what? Wait here and I'll get the nurse quickly."

"Ok." she laid on the bed while listening to the sweet sound of birds tweeting outside which made her smile for it had given her an inspiration to paint something but she was in no condition to paint one bit

She heard a sudden knock on the dork and then she slowly opened up, she knew she had no idea who this person was and neither was he a staff of the hotel for he had a suit on and a gift basket in his hand.

"Miss Anderson?" He questioned.

"That's me, who are you?"

"I'm an employee of 'HT FASHIONISTA' and I'm sorry about what happened to you."

"Thank you, do I work with you?"

"Yes ma'am, you were meant to deliver an art piece today but we totally understand what happened to you, here you go the company sent this." he dropped the basket on the bedside cupboard.

"Thank you, please do send my regards." he let out a smile before walking out of the room.

She picked the card from the basket and to see what's written on it.

We hope you're taking it slow and easy right now. Get well soon.

She let out a smile and Connor opened the door.