
Billionaire sweet love

Tina was separated from her brother at the age of 9 when their car was met with an accident that caused the death of her mother. Tina was enrolled in an orphanage a few months before she was adopted by Mr Texas.Things took bad turn when mr Texas business suffered loss.Tina sign a contract to becomes a surrogate mother at the age of 18 for an esteemed CEO of the most powerful empire in the capital in exchange for 5 million dollars to save her adoptive father’s company

olasunkanmi_esther · Fantasía
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5 Chs


Tina carefully sat herself up on the bed and slowly removed the piece of red silk covering her eyes. She covered herself up with the snowy white sheets and walked to the window to pull the curtains wide apart.

However,the rays of the sun were unable to shine into her heart

From outside came hurried footsteps. The door swung wide open. Shocked, Tina spun around, only to see a dignified and glamorous lady walk in and approach her with an angry face. Obediently walking by her side was the secretary she had signed the surrogacy contract with.

The lady stepped towards her. Standing still,looking all high and mighty, she examined her from head to toe with disgust. When she lay her eye on the hickey in her body, she froze.

Tina anxiously covered her body with the blanket more tightly, but it was unable to hide the love mark on her neck.

Jealousy and anger pricked her eyes. She spoke furiously, "you're…..you're that surrogate?"

Tina gulped. "Yes….. and you are…."


The reply she received was a tight slap to her face. You shameless bitch! You,How dare you...How dare you…..The lady grabbed her hair with rage as her face drained of color. " Don't you think that by giving birth to his child, you can use that to gain status. Let me warn you; I am his legitimate fiancée and you are just a surrogate. Don't even think of coveting something that is not yours,do you understand?

Tina was astounded. She spoke perplexedly,"I signed the contract, and I am clear about the clauses,and I know my place.

It's good you understand. Her chest puffed up as she spoke. Although she knew deep down that, if she were fertile, this girl would never come along to give birth to the successor of the royale family for him. However, once she was reminded of them tangling in the sheets for an entire night, she could not help but flip out in jealousy.

You better get pregnant from just this once, Don't even think he will touch you again. She said bitterly and marched off.

Tina crumbled to the ground to the ground,her spirit leaving her body. The secretary hurriedly help her up. Get up,the floor is chilly! Your health is very important.

Two months later.

At the royale family private hospital,the secretary got a hold of the examination report.Seven weeks pregnant,Her condition was stable,it was a pair of identical twins.

She took out her phone and reported everything to Fredrick assistant. Tina came out of the examination room. The examination report where if no concern to her. She was now quite like a wooden puppet under anyone control.

In any case she just did what she was suppose to do and went along with everything they had prepared. She needed not to worry about anything else.

The secretary come over to her and gave her a faint smile, she consoled her " miss Tina your condition is now very stable. Don't get to jittery. You don't have to worry about anything else. Pls stay in the villa to take care of the babies for these few months. If you have any requests, pls feel free to let me know.

Tina looked up and muttered "I want to see my father" two months ago, she simply left a note behind without saying goodbye, he must be worried about her

The secretary tensed up. Boss has instructed they you are forbidden from going outside. I just want to see my father once, I don't have any other requests can't you even do just this much.

At Tina beseeching look, the secretary eventually relented. "Alright."

This was something very hard for her to decide. According to the contract, Tina was forbidden from going outdoors. However, looking at the poor girl, who had become a surrogate at such a young age, she thought that she must have had some difficulties back at home. Thus, without the CEO consent,She arranged a time for her to meet her father

They arrange to meet in a cafe in the city center. As soon as her father received the message, he hastily made his way there and arrived thirty minutes earlier than the stipulated time. He sat in the private room, fidgeting on his seat. After she left without saying goodbye, he was soo concerned about her that he went through many sleepless night, tussling and tossing around the bed.

His wife even frequently mocked her of being an ungrateful and heartless bitch in his face, as though she has ran away from home with a random scumbag.

Their family where crumbling apart. While the family was in dire straits, the father did not know of her whereabouts. Although when he mysteriously gained a million dollars in his bank account the following day, he instinctively linked it to her disappearance. He even thought that something bad might have happen to her.

As a matter of fact Tina was not even his biological daughter. She was unintentional adopted by him from a welfare center ten years ago. He actually had a biological daughter. The Texas family was doing well at that time,and seeing that Tina was an intelligent and sensible child, he decided to adopt her. He never thought that after he had adopted her, his wife and biological daughter would strongly be against her.

He had not minded it at first, thinking of the little girl sensibleness, he thought that she would eventually gain his wife and daughter consent.However,he had being wrong.

Usually he was too busy to care about the little things happening at home. However has a father, how would he not know of his wife and daughter bullying her during his absence?Tina was indeed and intelligent girl. Even if she suffers from his wife and daughter hands, she never complained to him even once. Thus, he truly felt guilty towards her.

In fact, his family was originally well off. He had a property on the market that generated stable profits, so they wher considered to be living in wealth. However, at the start of the year, a financial storm suddenly swept across the globe, leaving his entire family in shambles.