


What if he does not end up eating the meal you poisoned and changes his mind to eat another?" Irene asked, wishing her phone was actually recording all this.

"Who said I'm going to poison his meal… no, I'm going for his favorite wine, it's always uncorked and he can't do without taking it" Marie said, sounding so confident that her plan is going to work out.

Looks like she really has everything planned out.

"Great, you really have everything planned out. I hope it works out" Irene said.

"It will" Marie said.

Irene noticed how keenly Alex was observing her.

"But why don't we use pistol..that'll be faster than poison" Irene quickly suggested. She needed them to feel she was really in.

"It's going to raise suspicion and the cops would investigate it thoroughly,the bullet might turn out to be our Achilles heel" Marie said.