
Untitled Chapte


Melissa's pov

" I'm very sorry, I don't mean to hurt you with my words, just that.....

" Melissa!" The familiar voice called before I could complete my statement.

I grimaced, The anxiousness I was feeling before deteriorated almost immediately, I glanced at Draven's face, the look was stoic, his eyes flickered like he just made sense out of this.  

" Bobby?" He muttered softly, not actually directing the question to me before he turned towards them.  I trudged a little to Draven side, and then  glanced at the White car parked in front of us. Bobby was standing by the White car, holding the door closely to his body with one of his hands, his eyes following my every move. Melanie was already out of the car, she snarled loudly as her eyes landed on Draven, gently pushed the door closed before walking to us, Bobby didn't move a step from the car, still his eyes was on me. 

" Draven, good evening," Melanie muttered, she stopped when she reached our front and glanced back at Bobby," Won't you say hello to your dear cousin?" She whined, Draven grinned loudly.

" You must be kidding me" 

." Sorry about that, I thought you guys settled your beef already" she added, without looking at him. And then face me.

" Melissa, I guess we can leave now right?" My eyes widened in surprise at her statement, leaving? What did she mean by that? I don't think we ever discussed leaving the mansion, so what are they planning? Moreover, I knew Melanie somehow liked Bobby more than Draven but why is she behaving weird tonight? Like she was getting on his nerves intentionally.

" Melissa" Draven's voice jolted me out of my trance, I tilted my head to his side only to be met with a confused face. 

"Don't tell me it is because of him you behaved weird, earlier?" He questioned, a hint of anger  in his voice. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing to defend myself. Melanie just stood still without saying a word, I scanned my head with the hope of getting something to make him not to get the wrong idea that an choosing someone over him, unfortunately all my thinking to come up with something is unsuccessful. 

"Dude, don't take this personal, I won't take her time, just wanted to pass down some information to her" Bobby's voice made me raise my head, he was now standing in front of us, hands in his pocket and a smile forming on his lips. 

"The last I remembered, I don't think my question was directed to you" Dracen hissed, Melanie gestured to me to move to her side with her hand, without saying anything I moved closer to her, while leaving the two to face each other. 


"Ohhh! That's his name, he was waiting in his car in front of the quarter's gate, I thought he was waiting for you and Melanie" she explained. For some reason my facial expression changed immediately, " What is he doing here at this time?"

" Since I am bored, we just want to clear our heads, I won't stay out long" I lied, and she nodded. I slipped out of the sitting as fast as I could before she would ask me another question. 

 Why is he here all of a sudden? Why can't he call anyone? Series of questions I have no answer for are gushing through my mind.

" Good evening," I muttered as I passed by two maids...

Nothing to hide, everywhere is being illuminated by the bright light that surrounds the mansion, there is nothing like night in this place.

I walked briskly towards the gate, and to my amazement the yellow Benz was opposite the gate as my mom said, I looked down and continued walking.

He must have seen me from the windshield because the front door creaked open immediately I walked  pass the gate. 

" Melissa," he called. 

" Daven, what are you doing here?" I tried not to sound curious, but my voice failed me. He was wearing a White hoodie like mine and a black Underpant. I glared directly into his eyes, without blinking.

" Meli... He opened his mouth to say something, closed it back after a few seconds. I don't know if my expression is poorly disguised, still it is very easy for anybody to detect that am acting suspiciously.

" What do you mean, I am waiting for you of course" he mouthed, breaking the long stare. I feel so bad for how I behaved. 

I inhaled deeply.

" I'm very sorry, I don't mean to hurt you with my words, just that.....

" Melissa!" Someone called me.


