

Olivia's pov

Immediately I tried to open my eyes, I was struck with a painful headache, my head felt like it was carrying something huge, it was too heavy for my neck. 

What's going on? What's happening? That's the only thing I can think of. What's happening to me? Am I drunk last night….I'm still battling with my thoughts when the memory of last night began to rush into my head at the speed of light. From Edward coming over, to a reckless prisoner breaking into my apartment, and the last but not the least, the dangerous move I did towards his gun. That's the last thing I remembered, I'm not sure whether I grabbed it or not. 

But wait, I just remembered him asking for my phone. Is it a dream? or was it before I tried to snatch his gun? I have no idea. If it was the latter, then I'm presently in heaven no doubt about that. 

I used my palm to feel the sheet I'm lying on. Why does this feel like a duvet, I'm supposed to be lying on a kind of feathers bed sheet that was made by the angels. Or is it a special treatment here?  I Suddenly remembered one of our family pastor's words back in texas. " There is some kind of punishment for those that caused their death," I whispered silently. Does that mean I'm meant to be in a special compartment in the hellfire? No, Olivia, He killed you, not the other way round. I'm only trying to save my ass, I assured myself.

I rolled to the side of whatever I'm lying on, the headache is gradually relieving me, but I'm still finding it hard to open my eyes. When I noticed I'm at the edge, I stretched one of my hands down, hoping to feel something. I touched something but the story is different because I don't know what I slammed my wrist on, it hurt a lot.

Ohchh, I groaned loudly, and I instantly drew it back.

Where the fuck is this place! Calm down Olivia, what if someone saved you, I thought. 

" Maybe Edward," That's the only person that crossed my mind, not like I have any other person that can walk into the building unannounced than him......

" Who is this Edward, your boyfriend?" A deep voice interrupted me. 

I froze in my position.

What was that? Who is that? Am I hearing a voice? Is that an angel? Gosh, why am I even thinking about Angel again, this is solid proof that I'm still alive. An Angel voice can not sound this familiar. Who is it?......

" Can't believe you are out for 10 hours, you need to get off the bed," The person muttered again.

" Who are you? Have we met before? What am I doing here?" I spat out the three questions that I could think of at that time.

I heard him smiling, without me seeing him, I can swear it's not a genuine one.

" I don't need to introduce myself, you will get an answer to your questions after seeing me. If you wish to," He replied, and went silent again. The only sound that followed was likely to be coming from a ceramic cup or plate. 

I just stay still, I want to remember who the person is. But I find it hard to think straight with my condition, so I just let it go. At least I know I'm safe right now. I'm happy I am no longer near that scary monster. I pray they catch him very soon.

I heard the sound of the door being open, Followed by the sound of footsteps. I can't say whether he left or another person entered.

" She is awake?" I heard another person's voice, but the person sounded like a lady. Or maybe the person is a lady, I can't say. 

Instead of having all these stupid assumptions, why can't I manage and open my eyes to thank those that saved me.

 I squeezed my eyes gently and started to open them slowly until I finally opened them.  My vision was blurry at first but after a few seconds, everything was clear. Very clear that I'm seeing the two people. Their backs are turned to me. The guy has a very huge body, he was putting on black sweatpants, no top. The girl has curly hair, she was putting on a jean and a blue crop top. Both are holding a teaCup, and they are saying something to each other silently.

I dragged myself up, resting my back on the two pillows. I cleared my throat to get their attention, but only the girl looked back. The guy continued to sip whatever that is in the teacup he was holding.

" You are up, how are you feeling?" The girl asked, and I nodded in response. At first sight, I instantly know that she is not an English lady, she is too beautiful to be one. From her Golding eyes that are fixating on mine, to her gleaming hair, to her round face, to her......

I'm so engrossed with her features that I didn't even notice that she was now standing at my front. unannounced, she grabbed me by my wrist. Giving it a tight squeeze.

I screamed in pain.

Why is she doing this? I tried to jerk my hand away from her, but she is still gripping it firmly. Even with my agony cry, she shows no remorse.

" Can you just stop this, I thought he warned you," I heard the voice of the guy, loud and harsh.

She released my hand.

I used my other hand to hold it up, tears were already dripping from my eyes. The pain is too much, this is the first time I'm noticing that there is a bandage around the wrist she just grabbed.

" I'm just checking to know if she is still feeling pain," She muttered, unconcerned. 

" And you think this is the right way to do it?"

" Whatever," She hissed, before walking out of my front. I didn't bother to look up or say a word. 

I can sense the guy has now bent down at my front, he grabbed my hand and started to pat it.

" Sorry for that,"

I sniffed, "It's fine," I tried fighting back the tears but it seemed like I'm only calling them out.

We stayed silent for a few seconds until we heard the sound of the door being opened. He immediately let go of my hands and stand up.

" What happened with you and Emily?" The voice demanded. I didn't pay any attention to them at first but hearing the voice sent a chill down my spine. I don't know why. Then reality hit me. Wait! Is that not his voice? Or Is it an illusion? Am  I hearing things now?

I can feel my whole body trembling at the thought of the owner of the voice. For some reason, I don't want to believe it because have succeeded in manipulating my thoughts that have been saved......

" Look at me," I stifled at my position on hearing this. God!

I staggered back to the bed, my whole system becoming weak at the sight of him. He is the one! This is not a dream, Olivia! You are not saved, you are still in his captive! If only the bed could open at that moment and swallow me it won't have been a good thing. I just want to disappear from this, from him.

He was staring at me the same way he did last night, with no emotion. Everything about him is weird.

" You can go, Michael." He told the guy that was facing him. He bowed and then proceeded to the door, and before he exited the room I caught a glimpse of his face.

I began to hyperventilate, my lungs started to struggle to get enough air. So this guy is Michael, the driver, no wonder I find his voice familiar. I can't believe he is working for this.......

I crawled to the corner of the bed, my hands holding the quilt closer to my body.

" You should have let me die!" I screamed. " Why are you doing this to me? Just let me go! Where are we," I demanded at the top of my voice.

He grinned and started to walk closer to the bed. I glared at the side of the bed, luckily, the table lamp was still there. I grabbed it and fling it at him without minding the consequence. Unfortunately, he dodged it and the bulb crashed into the wall.

" I thought you would have learned your lesson, Sweetheart." He said calmly. He continues to walk closer.

" Don't come to me!!"I wailed. He stopped about two feet away from the bed. 

I continued to whimper.

" You are still in your house, and in your room. Does that answer one of your questions?" 

" What!  My room?" I looked up when I heard this, my eyes scanning the place for the first time. Indeed, I'm still here, but why didn't I notice that immediately after I opened my eyes?

" You are not that fine, I guessed that's the reason you didn't notice," As if he could read my mind, he answered.

My jaw dropped. Will I find a way out of here?
