

Leila grew up poor and abused. After graduation from high school, she vowed to get over her past. She decided to take whatever means to marry into a rich family and get as much money as she can. Jake, on the other hand, grew up as the heir to his father's billions. He wasn't contented with the money, he just wanted a woman he loves and share his life with. Will both of them fulfill their dreams together or is the marriage doomed from the very start?

Feluz · Ciudad
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16 Chs


The first time my mother hit me was while we were having dinner. She just announced that I was old enough to contribute in paying household expenses.

"How will I contribute? I don't have a job. I told her quietly.

"You're receiving money from the insurance every month," she pointed out.

"I'm using the money for my lunch and school expenses," I told her. She knew that. I didn't have to tell her that.

I don't know why she just went berserk and lost her temper. She suddenly shouted, "You're eating breakfast and dinner from the food that I bought. You are also using electricity. It's time you contribute to the household expenses."

"I don't have enough money." I gasped. I didn't anymore tell her that it's against the law to make children work. Child labour is a crime. I seem to have lost my appetite.

So I just watched my mother keep shouting at me. I know she got $10 million from the insurance company after my father died. I just got $150,000. I spent the money on the latest computers and IT classes.

Grandma Stephanie and I had an agreement that I can use her credit card extension to pay for tuition fee and my school expenses. So I enrolled myself into an exclusive private school. Now that I'm graduating, I was hoping to get a scholarship to lessen my educational expenses. Now she was asking for my credit card.

"Give me the credit card and money which your Grandma Stephanie has been giving you." she yelled at me, standing up and pushing her chair violently.

"That's for my college," I told her.

"Just give me the credit card, you brat!" she shouted. "You don't need to go to college. You're already a smart alec as it is."

"No! That's my money" I protested. Then she went to me and pulled me up harshly from my chair. Her strong grip hurt my arm. I was sure I will get bruises later on. I only stand 4 '11. She was 5'8. She towered over me looking so intimidating over my small frame.

Then she slapped me hard on the face. She slapped me again and again. I fell on the floor, sobbing hard. " As long as you are living in this house, when I tell you to do something, you do it! Understand?"

"Yes, Mommy." I was crying so hard my whole body was shaking.

"Now give me your credit card or else I'm going to throw you out of the house!"

I just looked at her and continued crying. Her slap still hurts.

I shook my head. She slapped me again.

From that day on, I had to miss lunch everyday. I had to walk going to school and coming home later. I took a pârț-time job tutoring and baby-sitting kids in our neighborhood just to pay for me school expenses. I had to study while I was taking care and tutoring the kids.

You know what? I still got accelerated. At the age of thirteen, I was already at twelveth grade. I will be graduating at the end of șpring. I hope I can finally leave my mother. But I might still need her consent. I was still a minor.

I already pleaded and pleaded with her to let me go to College. She refused. She told me I had to wait until I was of legal age before I can study again or be on my own.

The thought that I had to stop school was tormenting my mind and soul. How can I not go to school? There was so much I want to learn. I want to achieve so much in my life. I felt that my acceleration was all in vain. How could she stop me from doing more with my life. The fact that she was stopping me from achieving more was such a cruel act from a twisted mind. I have to find a way to get out of here.

I had been offered twelve scholarships all from prestigious schools.

Grandma Stephanie already called her up and told her she, Grandma was willing to pay for all of my college expenses.

"Your daughter is a genius," Grandma came over yesterday to talk to her. "Why are you stopping her from going to college?"

"Even if she's a genius, she's not your concern. If you want, you can file for custody." Mom snapped.

Then one friday night, while I was taking care of the children near our house, the children wanted to watch television. So I turned it on. While I was turning the channel, I came across the news for the evening.

They were featuring Jason Ziegler, the youngest billionaire in the United States. He was only eighteen years old. So young and handsome. He had gentle silver blue eyes and a very tall frame even though he was only eighteen. He seemed so nice. He was all smiles.

He was planning to study Artificial Intelligence at Carnegie Mallon University by September.

His father, Emmanuel Ziegler, had already given him sixty percent of the stocks of Emzitech. While studying, he's planning to work at Emzitech pârț-time. He mentioned on air his future plans to improve Emzitech and cater to the future needs of the country.

"Mr Ziegler…" the pretty, petite hostess began. They were seated on a cushioned sofa in the middle of the stage. She was wearing formal wear with a pencil cut black skirt that showed her perfect legs.

"Just say Jason." He smiled at the hostess, looking at her eyes.

Is he flirting with her? Why do I feel jealous? The hostess blushed. She looked young, but not as young as Jason. She smiled back at him and touched his arm.

She does have the hots for him. I just know it. Who wouldn't? A billionaire at eighteen? I was sure all women glued on this channel had the hots for him. Even me.

Then I stopped myself. Do I have the hots for him, too? I was too young for this sort of thing. Or am I? He was really cute. I never felt this way towards a guy.

I watched on.

"So Jason," she said in a low, purring voice, "you mentioned you want Emzitech to improve serving the needs of the American people. Can you elaborate on this?"

"I recently launched a new software that would assist people with limited computer skills in doing their own IT work. It's a DIY for newbies. At the same time, I'm sure computer fanatics would enjoy using the software, too."

"That's great! Is this software already in the market?" she gushed.

"Hopefully, it will be out before the next school year starts so students can use it." He smiled again looking into her eyes. She smiled back.

I frowned. Why can't she just do her da*n job? Me, acting jealous again. As if I was his girlfriend.

I studied his face intently.He looked so young, like a boy trying to fill in a pair of shoes too big for him.

Mr Emmanuel Ziegler suffered from a stroke a few months ago. He fell into a coma for six weeks. When he woke up, he decided to take the necessary steps to turn over Emzitech to his firstborn șon gradually.

Wow! A billionaire at the age of eighteen! I continued staring at him. He was starting college just like me. But he was so rich and could certainly afford the tuition fee of the private university. While she had to apply for scholarships. And she's underaged. She still had to find a way to convince her Mom to let her continue her studies.

Sally snuggled on my lap. "Nanny, are you going to marry him?" She asked in her sweet childish voice. She was looking at me, grinning.

My eyes widened."No!" I denied. Do I want to marry him? Geeze! I was only thirteen. But why not?

Sally still touched my face with her small hands, then she started swaying. "Nanny has a crush! Nanny has a crush!" She sang.

"Cartoon." Micael said.

"Yes, cartoon." I switched the channel to cartoons.

Sally and her brother, Micael, started watching the cartoons channel. Their parents were out on a date. Sally was only four years old and she can already form a few words. Micael still couldn't speak. He was two years younger. He communicated by gesturing.

I cooked some pasta for the three of us and fed them before putting them to bed. They loved a story before sleeping.

I made Sally choose between Goldilocks and Snow White. She wanted Goldilocks. I kept reading until they fell asleep