
Billionaire's Devotion Just for You

ThanhHong_YBinh · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

"Hey, Eva, we're home. Wake up already, don't think I don't know you're pretending. You think I'm going to carry you upstairs? Dream on!" He gave her a knowing look and pushed her arm away.

But Eva didn't wake up, she swatted his hand away like shooing a fly.

Max frowned, wondering if she had actually fallen asleep.

Looking at the time, it was already past midnight, and considering she had just returned to the country today, after a long flight of over ten hours, she must be jet-lagged. It would be strange if she wasn't tired.

"Tsk, I really owe you," he murmured to himself, then got out of the car, walked to the other side, and helped her up, carrying her on his back.

Eva smacked her lips, her little face pressed against his back, seemingly comfortable, and she continued sleeping.

Max locked the car with the remote control and carried her into the elevator.

He lived on the top floor of this luxurious apartment building because he liked the feeling of overlooking the world. Perhaps it was too late, but the elevator was empty, with only the two of them.

Eva leaned against his back, sleeping soundly, looking very at ease.

Max stood in the elevator, looking at their reflections in the mirror, seeing Eva's sleeping face, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Finally home, he used his palm print to unlock the door, considering where to put her. In the end, he carried her to the guest room, made sure she was settled in bed, and thoughtfully covered her with a blanket before leaving.

Max stretched lazily and went to get clothes for a shower.

A dozen minutes later, he had just finished showering and walked out wearing only a towel when a petite figure pounced on him.

It startled him, only then remembering the presence of this little girl.

"What are you doing? You know I'm taking a shower, and you come to ambush me?" Max teased, looking down at her as she bumped into his arms, her eyes not fully open, still drowsy.

It seemed she hadn't fully awakened.

Could it be sleepwalking?

Eva stammered, "So dirty... I want to shower... It's uncomfortable..."

As she spoke, she tugged at her clothes.

She was already wearing a skimpy tank top, and with her tugging, it revealed a patch of snow-white skin on her chest.

Max's eyes widened, quickly stopping her actions. If she continued like this, she might end up undressing herself.

"You're so drowsy, how can you take a shower like this?" he said, pulling her up from his arms, holding her shoulders with both hands to steady her, wondering if he should wake her up.

She was so tired, she should just sleep properly. Why insist on taking a shower? Could she have a cleanliness obsession?

Eva's hand brushed against his chest, and as he had just finished showering, his body was slightly damp, giving a cool and pleasant touch, along with the fragrance of the shower gel.

"Max... Why aren't you wearing clothes?" she mumbled, as if addicted, and continued touching.

The touch felt really good, so she touched again, and again...

Max couldn't stand it anymore. Although he was proud of his physique, he couldn't let her continue touching like this.

"Alright, can you please wake up first?" This time, Max grabbed her little hand, and with his other hand, he held her chin, gently shaking it, trying to make her a bit more awake and aware of what she was doing.