

Meet Angelou, a smart and independent businesswoman who built a name for herself after years of hard work and determination. She tirelessly cares for her foster parents as a simple gratitude for providing everything for her since adoption. But when her foster father mismanages the family business, he seeks help and arranges a partnership with multi-billionaire Ferdinand Levine. A partnership that includes Angelou marrying his only heir, Gabriel. Angelou and Gabriel got tangled with the arranged marriage, both having their own respective objections and goals. Angelou being at the top of her career and loving her singlehood, while Gabriel wanting to get his revenge on her and at the same time take full control of his father’s conglomerate. As their world collides, blossoming love and danger intertwine in this gripping billionaire romance. “I hate to burst your bubble, Miss, but this marriage is nothing more than just a deal. You can dream all you want, I will not stop you from doing so, but these are all temporary. So enjoy the moment while it lasts.” “As long as this will keep my family’s name from destruction, then I am more than willing to spend temporary hell with you until our fake marriage is over. I am doing all of this for my parent’s sake. So come hell or high waters, even if I need to be in the abyss just to save them, then so be it.” “Don’t ever fall in love with me, Miss. Don’t you dare or you’ll be sorry.”

MissBlackRose · Ciudad
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47 Chs


It doesn't need an expert to foretell what's going on with Angelou, what she feels and what's eating her inside. Just by simply looking in her eyes, all her feelings and even all her thoughts can be read. Those beautiful sets that used to be shining, now filled with pain and hopelessness. Between the two of us, she's the one who is suffering the most.

I knew how extreme she is feeling now and I perfectly knew this affected her from the very start. Who wouldn't? When you were forced to marry someone whom you didn't love, betrayed by the person you considered to be your best friend, and now this late revelation about the money involved that made you feel like you were being sold as a slave to a master. 

Honestly speaking, I still admire her toughness of bearing things. I never thought she was this strong enough to hold on with her sanity where other women might have surrendered already. This really impressed me. Because if I were in her shoes, if I were her, I might have taken my life to end my sufferings in one blow. 

If the old me was still living, I might have consoled her now and would have taken the burdens she was carrying to somehow alleviate her sufferings. But that old me was long gone and forgotten. He no longer exists and that was all because of her doings. She can't blame me for being this ruthless and heartless to her. She made me who I am now. She was the master creator of the Frankenstein monster I am today. There's not an inch of compassion or sympathy in me anymore for her. I am focused on one single goal now, and that is to ruin her inside and out. 

"What took you so long? I have been waiting here for almost half an hour, woman! No one dared to make me wait except you!" 

"Do I really need to come with you? Can't I just stay here and not go with you at that charity event? I really don't feel like going out tonight" She stated monotonously without a hint of enthusiasm. 

"Have you read the invitation? It says Mr. and Mrs. Levine, so they expect both of us to be there tonight! Besides, most of the company's competitors will be attending and dad will be there as well, so this will be the perfect timing for me to finally introduce you in the business circle! That's why I need you to be at your best tonight!" 

But before we could even get out, I secretly made a final look at her for my approval. From the way her hair was perfectly tied into a sophisticated bun to her makeup that was light and almost non-existence which brought out her natural angelic look, down to the classy black evening gown she was wearing. My eyes were glued at her body and how the piece of clothing shaped her perfectly curvaceous figure. 

"Am I dressed properly for the occasion? Or should I change to pass your meticulous standards?" She pointed out sarcastically, which caught me off guard. 

"That will do, let's go!" I finished heedlessly before marching out ahead of her. 

While in the car, I mentally scolded myself for the stupidity of my actions, cursing inside my head for being caught checking her out.

'Dammit Gabriel! You and those stupid eyes of yours! What the hell were you doing? You already saw her coming out, that should have been enough! Why do you have to scrutinize her the way you did? Damn! Now she has an idea on how to play with you! Wrong move, Gabriel, one wrong stupid move!'


The charity event was boring, just as I envisioned it to be. Although there's not an inch of blandness everywhere as everything was glamorously and meticulously in its place, yet boredom continued to strike me every now and then.

As ordered, I put up the best version of me while being introduced to almost everyone. My legs started to get wobbly from tiredness and from not having to take a single minute to sit from the time we arrived. Though I strived hard not to look uninterested with everything around me while Gabriel, who was standing next to me endlessly talked about business, I decided to take a time out on my own. 

"Excuse me. I need to go to the washroom." 

Without waiting for his response, I quickly moved away and headed to the door. There's a feeling of relief the minute I was out of everyone's sight. But instead of heading to where I said I would be going, my feet brought me outside to a beautifully crafted veranda. 

The sight here was far more elegant than inside. I could feel myself blending with the outdoor serenity while feeling the freshness of the air as I peacefully sat at one of the cozy chairs. This space was perfectly made for relaxation, especially to someone like me who never seems to be out of stress lately. I took all the time I needed to recuperate myself and release all the tensions I have been carrying.

"What makes a gorgeous lady like you stay here all by yourself? Your boyfriend must be stupid to let you roam around here on your own, not mindful that someone might snatch you away from him." A deep manly voice appeared out of nowhere that made me look his way. Standing there a few meters away was a tall figure wearing a three piece suit and holding a champagne glass. He slowly walked towards me, studying my reaction to him and his presence. "What's your name, beautiful siren?" 

This man was obviously flirting with me. I am not new to this kind of approach nor to his kind of not-so-friendly lines. But I am told not to humiliate the man I am with tonight, so I castigated my snobby side and pleasantly smiled back at him out of courtesy. 


"Angelou. What an angelic name that suits your perfectly angelic face. Do you mind if I sit next to you? I hope your boyfriend won't mind at all. I'm simply being friendly here." 

But before I could even answer back to this stranger's request, a dark and vicious voice stormed in that swept both our attention to where it came from. 

"Yes, I do mind. And I am not her boyfriend, I am her husband. Now back off, Jenkins." 

"Mr. Levine. I… I never… I never thought Angelou was with you nor was she your wife. I… I deeply apologize, Sir, I truly am. Forgive me." 

The man whom Gabriel called Jenkins scurried to his feet and distanced himself in a speed of light. It was as if Gabriel was the master and Jenkins was his slave, judging on how he reacted at Gabriel's words and presence.

"Well now you know, Jenkins. Now go find someone else to fool and leave my wife alone." 

The man immediately scrammed, almost bumping a vase as he unmindfully went back inside. The look on Gabriel's face was unreadable, but judging on what he just said and the darkness of his eyes, he is seriously not in a lighter mood now. I swiftly stood up, not wanting to argue with him again and shame us both. But even before I could walk past him, he suddenly grabbed my arm and grip it tightly before pinning my back against the wall. Our faces were inches away and I could smell the scent of his masculine aftershave.


"I thought you'd be going to the washroom. I looked like a fool looking for you elsewhere, only to see you here with some random man who happens to be one of my subordinates. I told you not to humiliate me tonight, didn't I?" 

"I did what you told me to." 

Unwelcoming tears start to fill my eyes as he continues to grip my arm, preventing me from escaping his raging and accusing eyes. I could feel his nails digging on my skin that sent fear all over me. I never experienced getting physically battered so this was all new to me, sending chills all over my body. 

"If you did, then why were you flirting with that man?"

"I wasn't flirting with him, Gabriel. Let go of my arm, you're hurting me." 

Trying not to attract attention that might broaden the scene even further, I tried to answer back as low as possible even if I wanted to scream at him as loud as I could. 

"Then how did he know your name if you weren't flirting? I just lost sight of you for a couple of minutes, yet here you are proving to me of how a slut you are! Have you forgotten who you are now? Huh? Have you? You're Angelou Levine now! A Levine! You are unavailable to any man because you are officially my wife! You're supposed to act as a prestigious wife, Angelou, not some cheap seductress whore to any man who would be lured by your beauty!" He murmured angrily in my ear. 

His words were poison to my ears. It slapped me right in the face with rock hard intensity. I have never been called out like that in my entire life. Those accusations were below the belt. What he said was too much, he went off my patience's boundary that I always set to myself every time I am out in the open. I couldn't restrain myself any longer, as much as I wanted to since I am in public, but this man was too much. With one swift and accurate move, my hand landed firmly on his cheek. The intensity of it was so hard that I felt my hand stinging and swollen in pain. 

"I am not a slut! And not a cheap seductress whore either! You should be ashamed of yourself having that filthy mind of yours! I'm not an animal like you! Don't you dare describe me with descriptions that only fit you!" 

What he did next made me hate him even more. He kissed me savagely, mercilessly, crushing his lips like a mad man deprived of being with a woman for years. He inserted his tongue unwelcomingly inside my mouth, wildly exploring in it. I tried to push him as hard as I could, but his powerful build overruled my resistance as he continues his bestial assault. I was about to claw his face for defense, but he firmly straddled both my hands in one grip and locked it over my head. I was so helpless that I could only cry as I unwillingly let him do his way on me. The moment his other hand started touching my mound, I cursed him as loud as I could inside my head. 

'Fuck you, Gabriel! Fuck you to death! You're a pig! I hate you so much! I hope you die now, you filthy animal! Damn you! Go the hell, beast!' 

Minutes after his disgusting and malicious act, he moved away and touched the skin where my hand landed earlier. His eyes still bores at me, menacing and evilly dark. I wanted to slap him again, harder this time for touching me. 


"No one ever slapped me before, woman. I dare you to do it again, do it again! Do it and I swear, I'll fuck you so hard, right here right now, that you won't be able to stand up in days. I'll punish you so hard and so deep that you will still feel me inside of you even after a week."

I am not afraid of his words, but I must admit, it shook my senses. We are in a secluded area, so whatever he plans on doing to me can be done without difficulty. And besides, almost everyone knew that we were a newly married couple, so any public or private displays of intimacy would be understandable to many. 

'There's a time for everything, Gabriel. I will have my revenge on you when the right time arrives. I'll let you win for the moment, so feel lucky all you want. But mark my word, when the right time comes, you'd wish you never hurt me this much.' 

"You're an animal! I hate you to death!" 

"Feisty. I never like feisty women, but with you, I'd like to see that feistiness of yours in bed. Now, be an obedient wife and move your ass to the car. Patiently wait for me there. Don't you dare disobey me, Angelou, believe me you'll regret it."

With that, he left abruptly. I was left alone shaking and crying in silence, not because of anything else, but because of extreme loathe and hatred towards him.