
Big Heist

Timothy and his childhood friend Frederick embarked on a series of museum robberies around the country stealing three supreme treasures that were highly protected by the Government risking their life and along the way problems occurred. There is betrayal, cheating, and revenge which gets Timothy in prison. Will he give up on life and rot in jail or will he stand up and give life a second chance read this interesting book to discover***** "When I was young I once came across a history book that recorded about three supreme treasures found in three main regions of Nigeria" "The Oba of Edo ancient kingdom's staff of honor made of pure bronze worth millions of dollars kept at a national museum in Lagos here" "Next is the gold dagger used by the famous Usman Dan Fodio kept at a museum in Kano and the Ofo of the Igbo people which is kept at a museum in Enugu these three treasures are highly protected as a national treasure so stealing them is not easy but nothing is impossible if we try together" Timothy brief the two.

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How it all started

After paying the hospital bills the scheduling for treatment was made, Timothy's burden was eased.

But other things began to tire his mind, especially with Frederick's return. While he was driving Keke here, he couldn't believe that his childhood friend was now such a rich and influential person.

If Frederick could succeed in this country in these difficult economic times, he would either earn this money or die trying.

As promised, Frederick called him the next day and invited him to a nightclub.

Timothy arrived well-prepared and on time, wearing his best clothes and shoes.

When he got there, Frederick was already sitting at the table, drinking wine alone and waiting. Timothy joined him and Frederick, after exchanging greetings, began.

"Timmy, I called you here because I was about to embark on that plan of ours. This is an important decision that one need to think careful about because it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will change a person's life forever.

Meeting you again. I believe is destiny and I want you to join hands with me let's make our dream a reality."

"What we are about to do is a dangerous mission that will bring us millions of dollars and change our lives, so I would like to ask if you are still willing to join me as before," Frederick asked Timothy.

"I stopped making plans about that at one point, but now we're back together and you bring it up again, in fact I already had a thought about what you are saying to me right now but the problem is..." Timothy was interrupted by Frederick.

"Do you remember when we were kids and you always talked about robbing museums to get ancient treasures?" Frederick said.

"Yes, I remember. Are you saying you have the means to begin such a plan now?" Timothy answered

"Yes, and I found someone else who would be of great help to us. Please let know if you would like to join." Frederick asked.

Timothy was sllent for a while before making up his mind then answered Frederick.

"Of course, I have dreamed of this great adventure all my life. I still have the results of that study. I hid it somewhere to forget about it, but it still lingers in my memory, am not running away anymore I'm ready, you can count me in."

"We brothers understand each other well. I know you are still the brother I knew. Get ready and meet me in my lounge tomorrow. The other person will be there too." Frederick concluded.

They had a few drinks and left for their respective homes.

When Timothy got home, he went to his room, opened a secret drawer in his closet, and took out everything about the plan he had drafted while he was in Onitsha.

He had been through everything and was convinced that it was time to make this decision and achieve his lifelong goal or perish while doing it.

The next day, Timothy met Frederick and another person, a woman, and a very beautiful person.

Timothy could have sworn he had never seen anyone so beautiful in his life.

Frederick, seeing the awkward situation in which the two people greeted each other, decided to break the moment.

"Cough cough, Timmy, this is Shola," Frederick said to Timothy.

"And Shola this is Timothy Okoye. But you can call him Timmy for short." Frederick said to Shola:

"Nice to Meet You," They both said to each other

"Now let's get down to business." Frederick began. "Timmy, Shola is a computer expert, a model, and a very talented woman. She has been in this business for a year and is just like us. She is planning to retire in a year from this job."

"I already told her about you, so you can tell us the plan you drew up," Frederick concluded.

Timothy took his bag, took out a map, placed it on the table showing the different states of the country, and began to explain his plan.

"When I was young, I saw a history book that recorded three treasures discovered in three major regions of the country."

"Oba, an honorary staff from the ancient Edo Kingdom made of pure copper worth millions of dollars housed here in the National Museum in Lagos."

"Next is the golden dagger used by the famous Usman Dan Fodio, which is kept in the Kano Museum, and the Igbo's Ofo, kept in the Enugu Museum. These three treasures are carefully protected as national treasures and cannot be stolen easily, but nothing is impossible if we work together," Timothy briefly explained to the two.

"So what's the plan?" Shola asked Timothy.

"First we will start with the museum here in Lagos, then move on to the museum in Kano, and finish with the museum in Enugu. I have seen the museum in Lagos once, but I need to visit the museum again. Me and Fredrick will visit there later. "Once we're done with this, we'll make a plan," Timothy said.

"In the meantime, Shola, I want you to hack into the museum database and get information on everyone who works at the museum. Can you do that?" Timothy asked Shola.

"Yes, it's easy. You can get it by tomorrow." Shola assured Timothy.

"Okay that's it" Timothy concluded the meeting.

Later, Timothy and Frederick went to tour the museum and were surprised by the level of security where security cameras were installed. They walked around the museum and made sure to get all the information they needed.

"I counted about 12 cameras in that museum." "This is going to make the job a lot more difficult than it should be, not to mention the large number of security guards," Fredrick said.

"I already have a plan. All I am waiting for is information from Shola. I will let you know about my next steps," said Timothy.

"Okay, then I'll take you home," Frederick said.

They left the museum in Frederick's car and headed to Timothy's house.

"I'm sorry, don't be angry. Please take me to the teaching hospital, I need to check on my grandmother, and if possible, find a restaurant so we can stop by and get her some food," Timothy pleaded.

"No problem. I'll just make a U-turn and take you from here to the hospital." Frederick answered him.

"Thank you," Timothy said.

Frederick stopped him at the hospital and drove away. Timothy entered the hospital and went to his grandmother's ward, where he met the nurse who was taking care of his grandmother.

"How is she doing?" he asked the nurse.

"She's doing well. Your grandmother's friend went out an hour ago to prepare something and came back later." said the nurse.

"If my Grandma's friend is back but I'm not here, please help me say thank you to her," Timothy said to the nurse.

"Sure," The nurse spoke to him and left.

Timothy sat down on the hospital bed then started to gently massage his grandmother's head, she woke up and saw him.

"Timmy, you're back." his grandmother said.

"Yes, Mama, how are you feeling now?" Timothy asked her.

"I'm feeling better. The doctor said I'm having surgery tomorrow. Did you pay for the surgery, which I heard from the nurse was expensive?" The old woman looked at him deeply and said. "Tell me, Timmy, where did you get the money to pay it off so quickly?"

"Mom, you can't think like that. You need to focus on getting better quickly." Timothy answered the question politely and persistently.

"I know I shouldn't doubt you, but I can't help but worry that you might do something wrong in your haste to pay for my treatment." His grandmother sounded worried.

"Mama, don't worry. Clara borrowed money from her friend. We will pay it back when the time comes." Timothy lied to her.

"Then I will stop to worry you i just need to concentrate on recovering then will we all pay the debt back together." She said.

"Can you put your head on the pillow a little bit and I brought you your favorite food," Timothy told her.

After feeding his grandmother, Timothy returned home from the hospital and called his aunt Clara.

"Aunt Clara, how are you?" Timothy asked his aunt on the phone.

"I'm fine Timmy, how's Mama doing?" She replied

"Mama is feeling better, the surgery is tomorrow. Are you still coming?" Timothy asked her.

"Yes, I'm ready. I'll take the late-night bus," Clara replied.

"Okay, I think it would be a good idea to stick to my plan if Mama asks you how the bill went. Just remember to tell her what I said on the phone yesterday."

"All right," Clara said. "But are you sure you will be able to repay that huge sum within a year?" Clara asked him.

"No need to worry. See you tomorrow, Auntie," Timothy said, ending the call.