
Big bosses, stop spoiling the reincarnated me.

After genius ye Han is reborn as the weak, pitiful and dump ye han, Who is not only ignored by his own brothers and parents. but is also trampled on by an outsider in his own home. ------------------------ having been purposely exchanged at birth. ye han had spent all his life outside and was only discovered when he was 17 year old. but still the xi family refused to accept such a useless boy as their son. ye han had to watch an outsider being doted on by his brothers and his parents. ------------------------ ye han sighs "i can't believe I got reincarnated into such a useless life. well don't worry ye han i genius ye will revenge you" ---------------------------- after ye han's brothers are reborn 6 years before the powerful xi Family goes bankrupt and having realized who the truth of the matter. all ye han's brothers want to do is to right their wrongs and make sure that what happened in their last life does not happen again but this time this new ye han isn't forgiving easily. -------------------------- president xi coldly smiles "my little brother wants a bag then buy the entire store for him" legendary twin musicians xi yichen and xi yuchen scoff in disbelief "our little brother insulted the president then line up more people for him to insult" best actor xi haoyu laughs "Tu rong do I look like an idiot to you, apologize to my little brother now" best esports player xi feiye smiles "in this life my little brother truly is the best" ye han " ಥ⌣ಥ did my brothers hit their head" ---------------------- what's more shocking a certain cold ceo who doesn't want to let ye han go. certain ceo scoffs "am I just collateral damage to you, you have to compensate me". --------------------- Please note this is a bl (boy's love) novel. this cover does not belong to me, will remove it if asked to.

writerstar0 · LGBT+
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15 Chs

for the rainy day

Because in their eyes tu rong was the perfect one; smart, handsome and everything good.

unfortunately Tu rong wasn't like that, you know all those evil villains in those webnovel books who acted all innocent and pure.

Lol yeah Tu rong was like that acting innocent and like a pure lotus when in reality he was deadlier than the devil.

what made him land in the hospital in the first place, tu rong had pretended that ye han pushed him leading to him being beaten by the security guards.

And his older brothers weren't even home not that they would even interfere if they were, tu rong would find one good excuse to justify himself.

the only one of his brothers who had just returned and was around now was xi feiye and that was because feiye was an esports player, he could play games from home and he didn't have any upcoming competitions having just won one recently.

his other four brothers; their overall elder brother who was CEO was on a business trip.

his second and third brothers xi yichen and xi yuchen were twins and were popular kpop musicians, not just popular they were seen as legends and ye han had to admit boy they could sing.

his fourth brother was xi haoyu; king of acting and just like his title. He truly was king of acting, crazy talented at it.

his fourth brother of course was xi feiye, a very popular and good esports player, so good that he was always No 1 on the ranking list of the best players.

Thinking of his brothers Ye han understood the family's reason, his four brothers were amazing and he was just..different.

But still that did not justify the way his parents and the rest treated him.

Ye han slowly walked towards his room when he heard someone call his name softly

"Ye Han"



It was xi feiye.

whirling to face him, ye han curiously arched an eyebrow "yes?"

xi feiye smiled sheepishly, the worry in his voice evident "ah it's nothing just you're back, where were you all night?"

Ye han brows bumped together in a scowl "none of your...

Tu rong suddenly interrupted Ye han with a fake soft voice "Ye Han you're back, where were you last night?"

Ye han smiled wolfishly " i don't remember that being any of your business Tu rong"

Tu rong blushed "well I was just worried"

Ye han couldn't help but scoff and walk away "save the shitty concern".

Pretending to be wronged, Tu rong immediately turned to xi feiye "older brother, I was just being concerned".

xi feiye couldn't help but roll his eyes at tu rong pretentiousness and chase after Ye han not before retorting sarcastically "didn't he ask you to save it, do save it. you might need it for the rainy day".