
Big bosses, stop spoiling the reincarnated me.

After genius ye Han is reborn as the weak, pitiful and dump ye han, Who is not only ignored by his own brothers and parents. but is also trampled on by an outsider in his own home. ------------------------ having been purposely exchanged at birth. ye han had spent all his life outside and was only discovered when he was 17 year old. but still the xi family refused to accept such a useless boy as their son. ye han had to watch an outsider being doted on by his brothers and his parents. ------------------------ ye han sighs "i can't believe I got reincarnated into such a useless life. well don't worry ye han i genius ye will revenge you" ---------------------------- after ye han's brothers are reborn 6 years before the powerful xi Family goes bankrupt and having realized who the truth of the matter. all ye han's brothers want to do is to right their wrongs and make sure that what happened in their last life does not happen again but this time this new ye han isn't forgiving easily. -------------------------- president xi coldly smiles "my little brother wants a bag then buy the entire store for him" legendary twin musicians xi yichen and xi yuchen scoff in disbelief "our little brother insulted the president then line up more people for him to insult" best actor xi haoyu laughs "Tu rong do I look like an idiot to you, apologize to my little brother now" best esports player xi feiye smiles "in this life my little brother truly is the best" ye han " ಥ⌣ಥ did my brothers hit their head" ---------------------- what's more shocking a certain cold ceo who doesn't want to let ye han go. certain ceo scoffs "am I just collateral damage to you, you have to compensate me". --------------------- Please note this is a bl (boy's love) novel. this cover does not belong to me, will remove it if asked to.

writerstar0 · LGBT+
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15 Chs

doting on a devil

Ye han laughed coldly "keep-pace you say, we'll see won't we"

Those ominous words scared tu rong and his face contorted.

Ye han on noticing his fear curled his lips with icy Contempt "Now if you'll excuse me I have some arranging to do".


XI feiye couldn't hide the frown on his face as he walked away with slumped shoulders "Ye han was treating him like air".

All these years he never noticed how much his brother suffered.

But now only looking at his room was a testament of his suffering, Ye Han's room looked ten times worse than a servant's room.

And his skin, Ye han looked so sickly and malnourished, how had he not noticed all these things these years, probably because he was busy doting on a devil.

But this ye han now looked and felt so different, he didn't cower and didn't even tremble, this one was funny, confident and something strong.

Turning in the direction of Ye han's room, he was now more determined than ever to win his brother's love back.

when he got to the door

He knocked for the sake of Ye han's privacy, Ye han slowly sprung it open.


"yes?" Ye han arched an eyebrow and questioned.

xi feiye smiled his usual smile, feiye was very handsome just like his other four brothers. "I just wanted to ask, maybe you'd like to take another room, this one is quite small. The one opposite mine is free".

Ye han simply nodded, he wasn't the type to reject good things and this room opposite feiye's own was very good, tu rong even wanted it but feiye refused. "I don't have much things, I'll move them now" he informed feiye.



moving was quite easy until one of the maids went and informed tu rong that the room he was questing after was given to Ye han.

Tu rong immediately came down to confirm on seeing that it was true.

tu rong turned to feiye "older brother i asked for this room, besides I'm sure Ye han doesn't want this room right ye han?"

Turning to question Ye han and subtly threatening him.

Ye han knew that tu rong wanted him to reject the room, but who was tu rong to order him about.

staring intensely at Tu rong Ye han smirked "i..do want the room".