
Big bosses, stop spoiling the reincarnated me.

After genius ye Han is reborn as the weak, pitiful and dump ye han, Who is not only ignored by his own brothers and parents. but is also trampled on by an outsider in his own home. ------------------------ having been purposely exchanged at birth. ye han had spent all his life outside and was only discovered when he was 17 year old. but still the xi family refused to accept such a useless boy as their son. ye han had to watch an outsider being doted on by his brothers and his parents. ------------------------ ye han sighs "i can't believe I got reincarnated into such a useless life. well don't worry ye han i genius ye will revenge you" ---------------------------- after ye han's brothers are reborn 6 years before the powerful xi Family goes bankrupt and having realized who the truth of the matter. all ye han's brothers want to do is to right their wrongs and make sure that what happened in their last life does not happen again but this time this new ye han isn't forgiving easily. -------------------------- president xi coldly smiles "my little brother wants a bag then buy the entire store for him" legendary twin musicians xi yichen and xi yuchen scoff in disbelief "our little brother insulted the president then line up more people for him to insult" best actor xi haoyu laughs "Tu rong do I look like an idiot to you, apologize to my little brother now" best esports player xi feiye smiles "in this life my little brother truly is the best" ye han " ಥ⌣ಥ did my brothers hit their head" ---------------------- what's more shocking a certain cold ceo who doesn't want to let ye han go. certain ceo scoffs "am I just collateral damage to you, you have to compensate me". --------------------- Please note this is a bl (boy's love) novel. this cover does not belong to me, will remove it if asked to.

writerstar0 · LGBT+
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15 Chs

call me older brother

ye han walked towards the car slowly, opening the door to let himself in only to get hit by the most beautiful scent ever.

ye han had heightened senses so he could smell, taste, see, hear and even feel touch more than other people could.

And this scent it smelt so good, it had a bit of alcohol mixed with it, the person must have been drinking.

Settling down in the seat, ye han immediately started to feel uncomfortable, was it him or was it freaking cold in here.

why was there this suppressing air here tilting his head to survey the car, ye han almost screamed but held himself in time.

how had he not noticed that someone apart from the driver and assistant bai was in the car with him.

ye han eyes met a pair of cold heterochromia eyes one blue and one gray. cold was the only way to describe it but the man's face; the man was godly!!!

did people like this actually exist??!!


assistant bai froze in his seat not daring to move. The CEO wasn't asking who the person entering the car was. the CEO not asking spelt more trouble for him. ceo si my ancestor please ask. Assistant bai almost cried out.


pursing his lips, si Lingyun eyes flashed "where do you need a ride to kiddo and don't ask me how I knew you needed a ride"

si Lingyun watched the stranger shift uncomfortably in his seat, his head drooping "sir this genius does not know"

si Lingyun smiled a devilish tiny smile "why call me sir kiddo call me older brother"