
Big bosses, stop spoiling the reincarnated me.

After genius ye Han is reborn as the weak, pitiful and dump ye han, Who is not only ignored by his own brothers and parents. but is also trampled on by an outsider in his own home. ------------------------ having been purposely exchanged at birth. ye han had spent all his life outside and was only discovered when he was 17 year old. but still the xi family refused to accept such a useless boy as their son. ye han had to watch an outsider being doted on by his brothers and his parents. ------------------------ ye han sighs "i can't believe I got reincarnated into such a useless life. well don't worry ye han i genius ye will revenge you" ---------------------------- after ye han's brothers are reborn 6 years before the powerful xi Family goes bankrupt and having realized who the truth of the matter. all ye han's brothers want to do is to right their wrongs and make sure that what happened in their last life does not happen again but this time this new ye han isn't forgiving easily. -------------------------- president xi coldly smiles "my little brother wants a bag then buy the entire store for him" legendary twin musicians xi yichen and xi yuchen scoff in disbelief "our little brother insulted the president then line up more people for him to insult" best actor xi haoyu laughs "Tu rong do I look like an idiot to you, apologize to my little brother now" best esports player xi feiye smiles "in this life my little brother truly is the best" ye han " ಥ⌣ಥ did my brothers hit their head" ---------------------- what's more shocking a certain cold ceo who doesn't want to let ye han go. certain ceo scoffs "am I just collateral damage to you, you have to compensate me". --------------------- Please note this is a bl (boy's love) novel. this cover does not belong to me, will remove it if asked to.

writerstar0 · LGBT+
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15 Chs

assistant bai

ye han then realised he was acting crazy, lying down near the road like this laughing, he indeed looked like a lunatic.ye han started berating himself for acting crazy.

just as he was still scolding himself, ye han heard the sound of a car approaching.

ye han cried inwardly in joy "finally"

standing up slowly ye han moved his waist around to relieve himself of the tension of sitting down for so long.

Then ye han slowly and elegantly walked to the middle of the road, he lazily raised up his hands to signal the driver. The car halted.

He noticed that the car looked really expensive, honestly speaking from his observations he was 100 percent sure the car was custom made.

Thinking of custom made cars made him nostalgic and he remembered his white Lamborghini that he named white. white was different in a way that he single handedly designed it himself. ye han moaned "oh white I miss you"


turning behind to face the devil in the back seat "CEO si the person blocking the road" assistant bai asked cautiously not wanting to worsen the ceo's already bad mood.

si Lingyun was stretched in the back seat of the car, the first two buttons of his fitted white shirt were undone exposing an exquisite snow white collar bone.

with no emotions displaying on his snow white bewitching face si lingyun coldly ordered "run them down"

assistant Bai was stupefied "don't worry ceo si let me get the person out of the road" assistant bai pleaded hurriedly coming down and running toward the person.

But what assistant bai saw dazed him, this lady was too beautiful, she looked like a goddess descended but when one looked closely.

one could see she had quite a sickly and malnourished skin but even at that this person still had the aura of someone formidable and elegant.

"hello miss are you lost" assistant bai kindly asked.


dropping his arm to stare at the person who just addressed him. ye han calmly replied "i'm no miss". ye han watched the man blink owlishly "oh sir I never knew I'm sorry"

ye han smiled confidently "it's no problem I just need a ride".


Assistant bai was stunned, his brows knitted in a frown what would he tell CEO si if he brought the boy to the car but then he couldn't leave this poor boy here.

If he did bad wolves would definitely devour someone as beautiful as this.

CEO si this is the only time I will go against your orders please forgive me assistant bai pleaded inwardly.


"hello" ye han called out seeing the man staring in silence, it wasn't like the man was staring at him it was more like the man was debating something.

the man smiled awkwardly "ah yes it's fine, just this way" he pointed to the car.

ye han cocked his head and smiled "thank you I am ye han"

"No problem you can call me assistant bai"