
Big bosses, stop spoiling the reincarnated me.

After genius ye Han is reborn as the weak, pitiful and dump ye han, Who is not only ignored by his own brothers and parents. but is also trampled on by an outsider in his own home. ------------------------ having been purposely exchanged at birth. ye han had spent all his life outside and was only discovered when he was 17 year old. but still the xi family refused to accept such a useless boy as their son. ye han had to watch an outsider being doted on by his brothers and his parents. ------------------------ ye han sighs "i can't believe I got reincarnated into such a useless life. well don't worry ye han i genius ye will revenge you" ---------------------------- after ye han's brothers are reborn 6 years before the powerful xi Family goes bankrupt and having realized who the truth of the matter. all ye han's brothers want to do is to right their wrongs and make sure that what happened in their last life does not happen again but this time this new ye han isn't forgiving easily. -------------------------- president xi coldly smiles "my little brother wants a bag then buy the entire store for him" legendary twin musicians xi yichen and xi yuchen scoff in disbelief "our little brother insulted the president then line up more people for him to insult" best actor xi haoyu laughs "Tu rong do I look like an idiot to you, apologize to my little brother now" best esports player xi feiye smiles "in this life my little brother truly is the best" ye han " ಥ⌣ಥ did my brothers hit their head" ---------------------- what's more shocking a certain cold ceo who doesn't want to let ye han go. certain ceo scoffs "am I just collateral damage to you, you have to compensate me". --------------------- Please note this is a bl (boy's love) novel. this cover does not belong to me, will remove it if asked to.

writerstar0 · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs


ye han smiled when he heard the man's words. lightly asking "older brother do you perhaps have a laptop or ipad to spare?".


Here you go ki....

assistant bai felt a cold gaze land on him, he almost cried out.

so CEO could call him kiddo and he couldn't, "CEO" assistant bai inwardly wept "isn't this kid too young?".

"assistant bai call the hotel, I want the top two VIP rooms arranged. call li wei tell him i need some clothes and uncle Lu please drive."

assistant bai hand carrying the ipad suspended in midair, only when the words clothes was mentioned did assistant bai finally notice that indeed ye han's clothes were bad.

his shirt was torn and shredded like someone had been struggling with him to take it off, despite all this the kid's pure and domineering aura had not let him notice the bad clothes.


instinctively ye han glanced down and looked at his clothes, they looked very bad indeed. that bastard of a man had shredded his shirt, his trousers faired only slightly better.

reaching out to take the ipad from assistant bai.

assistant bai immediately took his phone out and started making some calls, turning back to face ye han. he smiled "how old are you kid 16? I'm asking so I can know what clothes fit you". ye han scoffed "I'm 19 actually".

assistant bai went bug-eyed, even expressionless Li Lingyun lazily lifted an eyebrow "you look 15".

ye han smirked "yeah but I'm 19".


Only then did Lingyun really study ye han "the kid was insanely beautiful with a pure and domineering air around him. this same kid also looked quite sickly and malnourished plus his torn clothes. This kid looked quite familiar.

Lingyun narrowed his eyes "kiddo tell me where were you coming from"


Seeing no reason to lie to his benefactor, ye han simply told the truth "the lin family hospital"


Lingyun's eyes flashed he didn't need to ask ye han anymore questions to know what had happened to him at the hospital. He knew the lin family head, quite known and whispered about for being an abuser of pure young boys.