
Chapter 67

I stared at Bryan in shock. My face slowly turned deep red and I looked away feeling shy.

What’s gotten into him all of a sudden?! Why is he saying such things?! Is he seriously flirting with me fight now?!!

Did I hear it right?! Or am I imagining things?!!

“I would like to eat more of that cake.” Bryan said.

“Okay.” I said nervously and forwarded the lunch box towards him.

“What? You want me to get my hand dirty?” He said.

I looked at him. He was staring at me.

I looked away feeling my cheeks burn.

“I will get you a spoon!” I said and took a step.

“No need. Your hand is already dirty, just feed me and then you can wash your hand.” He said.

I looked at him surprised.

Something is definitely up with him!! Is he drunk?!

“I bet he is drunk!” I said under my breath.

“I am not drunk! Why do you think I am drunk?” He said taking me off guard.

“What?” I asked in shock.

How does he know what I was thinking?! Can he read my mind?!