
Chapter 2

“You can take it from here. You know what you have to do.” Dad said and left the room.

He just left the room! He left me here with this guy!

I too reached out for the door but before I could touch the doorknob, two guys held my hands like I was some criminal.

I looked at them panicked and then at the guy my dad was previously talking to.

“I am Charles, though you don’t need to know that. But right now you have to do whatever I tell you to.” He said in an authoritative voice.

“I wanna leave.” I muttered more to myself than to him.

“You can’t. You are the soul of this event.” He said throwing his hands in the air.

“What...what event?” I asked dreading what he was going to tell me.

He sighed muttering something under his breath.

“This is an illegal auction and you are here to be auctioned along with many other valuable stuffs. Though you are the first person ever to be auctioned. It will be a great hit.” He said excited.

My eyes went wide in shock. My dad, the person who was supposed to keep me safe left me here to be auctioned. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Poor you. Even though you are the daughter of such a rich businessman who ranks like fourth in this whole country, he brought you here. He sure is greedy.” He said with pity in his eyes which vanished the next second.

“Stop crying! I can’t take a crying girl on the stage.” He said in a loud voice which made me cry more.

I can’t just keep crying like this! I have to get out of here! For me and Liam! Mia, get yourself together!

I stomped on the foot of the guy holding my left arm with my 6’inch heels. He winced in pain and let go of my arm, falling to the ground. I then pushed the guy holding my right arm with all my strength on Charles. I reached out for the door and turned the doorknob.

I opened the door and saw my dad standing there. My breath got caught in my throat. I shivered in fear.

He slapped me hard making me fall to the ground. He came inside closing the door behind him.

“I want to kill you right now for disobeying me but that won’t bring me money.” He hissed at me.

“And you guys...can’t believe you are just a bunch of useless fools who can’t even handle a girl.” He said looking at the three guys who were lying on the ground.

He rubbed his temples in irritation.

“You there! Leave the room right now! I want to talk to my daughter alone.” He said pacing the door.

They did as they were told to.

“Didn’t I teach you to obey me at all cost?” He said glaring at me.

“Da...dad...please...” I said sobbing.

“Please don’t do this to me. I will work more jobs and earn a lot more money, you can have all that. Please, just don’t do this to me.” I said crying.

He started laughing.

“You will do more jobs and earn more money?” He repeated my sentence and laughed again.

“Will you earn millions? Can you? I don’t think a high school graduate will be able to give me millions even if you work your whole life.” He said smiling.

I cried looking down.

“Ok. You are my precious daughter so will give you an option.” He said and I looked up at him.

“Just you working won’t be enough so how about I make your brother drop out of his college and earn money with you? Two people will be better than one. Even though your brother really wants to study further and complete college. But what can I do? His sister is being selfish! Anyways, if you decide to go with this auction then I promise you that Liam can study how he wants to. So, what will you do? What do you want to choose? Yourself or your brother?” He said rubbing his hands with an amused and satisfied expression on his face.

He is so cruel!

I shook my head sobbing.

“I will do whatever you say, just let Liam study.” I said sobbing.

He has always dreamt of getting a job after completing his studies so that we can run away from here. I know he will be devastated after knowing this but I can’t let him suffer with me. I need to protect him at all costs.

“Such a loving sister you are. Liam will be really happy to know this.” Dad said smiling.

“No no no...Liam...he can’t find out about this. Please don’t tell him anything!” I pleaded.

“How can I do that after your pleading? I won’t tell him anything.” He said finally satisfied.

I took a sigh of relief.

“Fix yourself up. No one will bid on you in this state.” He said and left the room.

I continued sobbing.

After a minute, Charles came back inside with his two men.

I don’t know what happened after that, it feels like I was just some living corpse they were putting make-up on. I don’t know when I went to the stage. I feel like I am dead inside. I just kept my head down not caring what was going to happen to me.

“Five million!”

“Five million, One!”

“Six million!”

“Eight million!”

“Ten million!”

“Ten million, One! Ten mil...”

“Fifteen million!”

“Fifteen million, One! Fifteen million, Two!”

“Seventy million!”

Everyone gasped.

My eyes shot up.